Tuesday, September 16, 2008


September 28, 2006

Terrorist—We hear this word terrorist all the time. We have them everywhere and they come in all kinds and sizes. We have always had terrorist, caused by believe it or not, religion, class differences and greed.

Children have often been terrorized by people in power. In their own homes, in schools, both public and private. Especially orphans in religious, private and State run orphanages.

Unfortunate poor people are terrorized by government establishments, where they go looking for help. Employees working for the government treat them with contempt (not all of them, but the majority) and act like any help they give comes out of their pocket. They have a very malevolent attitude not a benevolent one, as they should, as they are there to help people not mistreat them. It should give them a good feeling to be able to help someone less fortunate than themselves. Instead some people are treated like a beggar with leprosy like in the old days.

Most are looking for a place to stay, food to eat as they have children to feed and take care of. Most can only find part-time work, some have no way to get to work, other than walk miles or find some kind soul to take them. Some do not have telephones, much less computers. Getting help was bad, but soon it will be worse, as the State has decided, they will now have to call in or go online in order to get food stamps and other help. Seems they want to close many of the offices of the Texas Department of Human services. Frankly I had rather our tax money be spent to keep the offices open and help poor people, than pay for all the pomp and circumstances of a bunch of dishonest lousy politicians.

What little money they can earn is used for rent and utilities, which is often not enough. They get behind and worry about being evicted and having their utilities shut off, and they often are. We have paid in our utilities for years, money to help these people, and the governor cut them off, but still takes money from our utilities. I guess he and the other politicians get to use the money for all of their POMP. When these people are evicted and utilities are cut off and they can’t pay, they move from one run down place to another. They live on food stamps, which is never really enough to feed a family.

The majority of these people are uneducated, with no money and no way to better themselves. What clothes they have are purchased at garage sales, Goodwill, Salvation Army or they are given to them. There is no one in their corner to help them. Most of their families are in the same boat. Some will live with other relatives and share food, rent and utilities. Some get into Housing, but if their credit report is bad, they are turned away. Living like this is a kind of terror most people do not know anything about. I know these things are true because I have helped people in this condition and circumstance. We have a lot of homeless people and they would prefer to live on the street and under overpasses after going for help and being treated so bad and questioned by the states Gestapo. People with children can’t do this, as they have to keep the children in school. State employees act like the people prefer to live like this.

I see people put their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the law of the land. But they don’t swear to uphold the laws in the Bible in regard to the poor and downtrodden. Deuteronomy, Chapter 15 vs. 11, “For the poor shall never cease out of the land. Therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

There is retribution for those who oppress or neglect the poor.

Shotgun Granny

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