Sunday, September 21, 2008

Empire building

May 28, 2008

Empire building: Bush, Cheney and Cohorts, actually the oil conglomerates.

This has been planned for a long time. All of the military bases around the world in other countries. In Iraq we have built military bases, a large embassy with all the bells and whistles. Bush doesn’t plan on leaving, he plans to stay, this is his empire beginning. But we the people of the United States have paid for this with our blood, sweat, tears and our taxpayers money.

Hey people are we going to let them loose? Let’s not. Let’s strip the whole bunch of them of all their rights, like he has tried to do we the people. Impeach him and Cheney. Freeze their bank accounts, take their pensions and health benefits away. That’s what he has done to people, here and in other countries. He and his friends have been traitors to this country. It is my understanding that this crime deserves a like sentence or the firing squad.

Shotgun Granny

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