Thursday, September 18, 2008

Justice Department Investigation of 2001 Anthrax Mailings

Justice Department Investigation of 2001 Anthrax Mailings:

First run out of the gate it was “the terrorist”. Everyone was afraid to open an envelope, everyone scared to death. I didn’t believe it. But you would have thought our country was full of terrorist trying to poison all the citizens of the US. Then after they checked out the source of the anthrax they realized it came from the US government supply.

Things were quite for awhile and then they decided they had found the culprit and started in hounding the employee by the name of Hatfill. For years they did this and really tried to ruin his reputation (frankly I thought it was the bunch of warmongers working for our government trying to keep everyone afraid of their shadow). But since he fought back and got them off his back and sued the pants off the government they had to find someone else. Our course they stated they have been looking at Mr. Ivins all this time. Seems odd because they were still after Hatfill.

The FBI and CIA started hounding Ivins, his family and anyone else involved with him. Which they do and always have. When he has worked at the job so many years and they had never found anything wrong, then this bunch of goons start in for the kill to close this case. No wonder he might have committed suicide, I said might. People are put in jail for crimes they have never committed for years before the truth comes out. If people are dumb enough to believe that no one could have got their hands on a sample of things in the lab where this man worked, just remember drugs disappearing from locked up hospital labs, nuclear labs and any other place people want to get into.

Remember who gave Saddam the poisons to use on the Kurds and the Iranians. Did anyone do a DNA to see where they came from? I find it hard to trust anyone.

Shotgun Granny

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