Saturday, September 13, 2008


June 26, 2008


Thank God I am a LIBERAL and that I do focus on things that have meaning to the American people. I have noticed in many of our newspapers and on TV, that we have a certain type of people that the only thing they seem to focus on is other peoples personal private lives. Mostly Republicans, they seem to set themselves up as judge and seem to forget we are citizens, not subjects of this free country. They should look at their own lives and households before opening their big mouths. It is my understanding by the good book, that is the Lord’s job. People seem to forget that HE has his own judicial system and each of us have to walk that path alone. Each of us have the supreme human dignity of being master of their own fate, and sometimes trying to handle that job is very hard.

People have children, some by choice and some accident. Either way you take what God through his wonders of life gives you, and you love them no matter what. Be they perfect or imperfect. You do not get to make that choice. I considered mine, God’s gift to me. I accepted them heart and soul and wouldn’t trade them for all the riches in the world. Many children that came to us handicapped are not accepted by their parents and are shipped away to institutions and never go back to see them. Some have been used as guinea pigs by the American Medical Association.

I have known many gay couples from every walk of life, doctors, lawyers, teachers and numerous other professions, and found them all to be productive citizens, loving, kind, considerate and all believe in the “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” None would have chosen to be different, to be persecuted and reviled, but that’s the way they were born into our world of trial and tribulation. Many who are born different live a long lonely life alone, afraid to share the fact that they are different. Many decided to end their existence, because their differences are to hard to live in a hate filled world of supposedly Christians who do not accept anyone different than they are. They are the ones who could not master their fate. Always remember to say, when you see someone who is different than you would wish to be, “But by the grace of God their go I.”

I always think of one thing I would wish to ask my Maker to do, when the end comes. All of the people who had a choice and lived their lives, leave them in their graves, and take all of our handicapped, institutionalized, abused children and adults and all genocide victims and people who did not have a choice, make them whole and let them inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.

Shotgun Granny

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