Sunday, September 21, 2008


December 13, 2006


My husband and I had multiple-party accounts at Weatherford National Bank, Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship. CD’s set up the same way. All of our other accounts with other organizations were set up the same way. He set them up in this manner so as to avoid probate.

His son and his attorney went to the bank and the bank allowed them to go into our personal accounts, which had nothing to do with the estate or them, and the bank did not call or notify me. When I found this out I moved my account to the First National Bank of Weatherford. I explained this to the person at the bank.

Everything went along fine, then all of a sudden, I did not get my checks returned with my statement. I called the bank and asked where my checks were. They told me they were not sending the checks back anymore. I told them I paid for the checks and I wanted them returned to me. They told me I could pay $20.00 a month and they would return my checks. I said alright I would pay $20.00 a month. As time went on I got more irritated. I moved my account to another bank, who said they would return my checks. I moved money from that account and left enough in the bank to take care of the two checks I had written, plus $5.00 to pay for the return of the 2 checks I had written.

When my statement came I was shown to be overdrawn $15.00. They still wanted that $20.00 for the 2 checks being returned. I called and told them I felt that $2.50 for each check was enough. Next month I received a bank statement and it showed that the $15.00 had been taken care of and it showed how. I am on an account of my brother’s, so that if he needed me to buy something for him and send it to him, as he lives out of the country, I could write a check and ship it to him. It is not my money. Lin Bearden actually took money from this account and transferred it to my account to make up the difference of the $20.00 he wanted from me to get my checks back. I went to the bank and told him he better put that $15.00 back into my brothers account, as I didn’t steal from my brother and I didn’t expect him to. And that $2.50 each for the 2 checks to be returned to me was enough. I had already paid for the damn checks when I bought them from the bank. He put the money back into the account he had taken it from. It wasn’t much, but it was the principle of the matter. Integrity is a rare quality and he AIN’T GOT NONE ….

An account, which I have the Power of Attorney over to handle things for the owner should he ask me to, was opened with Bank of America. It was a regular savings account, for two minor children and he was custodian of the account. Two separate accounts. Money was deposited into the accounts each month. Nothing was to be drawn out. The statements came each month to my address. Then they didn’t come. I tried to call the Bank of America in
Mineral Wells, Texas. Hey, have you ever tried to get hold of anyone at the
BofA.??? They have a little canned speech, with a bunch of numbers for you to push and if those numbers do not apply to what you want, they put you on hold, then just hang up. Try to get hold of a real live people person!!!!! Forget it. If you do after days and you do get hold of someone, they ask “is your name of the account?” And you say no, they say, “we can’t help you”, then I tell them I have the Power of Attorney and they tell you “we don’t accept a Power of Attorney and hang up. No more statements came, the owner had not moved the accounts. But he felt that the accounts were safe, as it was a savings account and that the Bank of America was a reputable bank, and maybe since banks were changing ways of doing things and deposits were being made and no withdrawals, it was okay. Well it wasn’t. When I finally went out of town to the bank, with my papers and Power of Attorney, the bank wouldn’t accept. I asked why, as all banks accepted them. He then told me it hadn’t been filed. I had checked with the County Clerks office when it had been given to me and they said it did not have to be filed. I had it filed and started over. All I got then was the accounts has been closed.

They would not tell me by whom or when, or anything else. The owner did not close the accounts, I, as the only other person who could have, at the owner’s request did not. It took me more than a year, with help from several outside sources to find this out. Each account should have had $28,990.00 in it. A total of $57,980.00 for both accounts, which was for their college.

After letters, many more calls and trips to the bank, still no information, other than the accounts has been closed. I went to the Federal Reserve, they couldn’t help and sent me to the Office of the Comptroller of Currency. I called and asked if I sent them all the information with a letter of explanation, along with the Power of Attorney and identification would they look into the matter. They said they would. I did, nothing yet!! It seems the bank has allowed a third party (no name) to remove all funds to an account that had been set up in the owners name and their name and the children’s name by way of online or telephone. I received a letter on October 3, 2006, telling me this had been done, still no name. This is the first time the bank admitted what had occurred and that it was not their fault. Funds were moved to another state and a different bank. Can’t find the person who set up a fraudulent account with Bank One and Chase Bank in another state. Did you ever try to get information from a bank in your own state, well try out of state, same old run around. I finally found a friend at a bank and with my Power of Attorney and they found an account with owners name on it. Wound up finding $1,935.41 in one account and $1,924.23 in the other. Took that out and put in a 529 college account, so no more crooks or bank employees not paying attention will let it happen again.

I have already spent too much on a lawyer and it has been no help. All the B of A does is deny any wrong doing. It will cost more than the amount stolen to continue. At this time I do not know what the outcome will be. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer trust banks or bankers.

Shotgun Granny

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