Tuesday, September 16, 2008


September 15, 2008

John McCain:

I just saw the old baldheaded, bald face liar speaking in Jacksonville, Florida. Yep! We really need another Bush
Republican in Washington. Four more years of republicans and China can buy the whole US for a dollar for each citizen. I’m glad I have lived long enough to know when a person is lying. I hope the majority of our citizens aren’t gullible enough to believe all the lies. He states that the reason our country is in such bad shape is because of the Democrats have been in charge of congress for the last two years. The Republicans were in charge of congress from January 1994 to January 2007. Now we know better than that. This country was already in this mess when the Democrats came back in charge of the committees, but have not been able to do too much, due to republicans and the President.

Some people might not like Bill Clinton, but under great adversity he overcame part of the mess the last 2 republican presidents left. I hope we have another president like him, and I wish most of the politicians in congress were just like him. I’m not interested in their personal private lives, just what good they can do for the good of the citizens of this country, and let us handle our own personal private lives. All the republicans have done is rape this country. Not one single solitary republican worked for the good of all the people, only for themselves, friends, and corporations that gave them the most money.

Sarah Palin:

Hey, come on folks, Obama didn’t refer to Sarah Palin as a pig, he was making reference to McCain and the republican regime. Changing from Bush to McCain, was just like putting lipstick on a pig, it would still be the same.

After all Palin referred to herself as a pit bull, “the difference in a hockey mom and a pit bull was lipstick”. Well even with lipstick, most people do not like a pit bull dog, as they are meaner than a junk yard dog. They are trained to be used in dog fighting. It’s they way and reason they are raised. Maybe that’s why John McCain chose her as his VP.

Shotgun Granny

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