Sunday, September 21, 2008

I love my country

I love my country, but am not patriotic. I read the quote by
Guy de Maupassant, “Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched. I do not believe in wars. If two countries disagree, let the leaders of each country go out behind the barn and fight it out. Neither one was right, they just wanted their own way about whatever the disagreement was in regard too. More territory or wealth, greed is a sad thing.

As a Mother I have said, “over my dead body will they take my child to fight a damn unjust war.” Of course some of our young men and women do get “the religion” after listening to the leaders of all our different countries tell them it is the honorable thing to do. Have any of you noticed that once they get home all broken, busted beyond repair and so many gone to meet their maker, that they no longer have much interest in you? In fact we have to beg for help for all them. Being honorable doesn’t seem to work, once you have done their dirty work that none of their children seem to participate in. The ones that God took back, you get a nice folded three corned flag to put up. I have mine, but his body lies in the bottom of the South China Sea.

I believe in having a military, but to help with disasters that occur in our country and in others when they need help. This we should do on a friendly basis.

Shotgun Granny

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