Friday, September 12, 2008

More Republican Propaganda

September 10, 2008

More Republican Propaganda:

What is all the hell raising about Obama saying putting lipstick on a pig, its still a pig. That’s true, I’ve heard that all my life, plus, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

You can’t make a president out of someone just because he gets a lot of mileage out of saying he was a POW. There were lots of them and I don’t think they would say that qualifies them to be president. I listened to McCain say they offered to release him, because his father was an admiral in the navy, but he wouldn’t accept it unless they let all of his crew go, so he chose to stay. Now that’s another thing that is hard to swallow. They wanted to capture officers and keep them. Wonder how many other officers got that offer.

Some of us old democrats couldn’t believe that Texas would elect the village idiot George Bush as governor, but they did and then the Supreme Court assigned him the job of president. But they still were not able to make a president out of the village idiot. He was a lousy governor and a lousier president.

Sarah Palin reminds me of a 44 year old Brittany Spears, they both bounce up onto the stage alike, hair all over the place and always, the thumbs up after they perform.

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