Thursday, September 18, 2008

Power and Greed

September 19, 2007

Power and Greed:

Not a few created with supreme power, as the leaders of the different countries think. The United States passion for supreme power is going to get all of us blow to that place that none of us want to go, unless we all try to put a stop to it. The leaders of the world are the reason for the terrible unrest in every country.

We have laws made by God, which should be the prime law to follow. Then we have the man made laws by governments. These have been changed and added to when they don’t suit the leaders, to the point where it is a crime.

Surely there are still some honest decent people in the world. Not the kind that goes along to get along, or what’s in it for me kind, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. You vote my way on my bill and I’ll vote your way on yours. None of our politicians feel like they have to be responsible to the people that voted them in, only to the ones that greased their palm, the large corporations and very wealthy individuals.

I won’t be around to see it, but one day the meek and mild mannered people of this country will get fed up with the state of affairs and we will have a revolution. If I catch anymore oil and gas people trespassing on my property I will help start it before I go. The majority of our politicians have no conscience or they couldn’t look at themselves in the mirror to shave, but again, since electric razors they don’t have to.

Shotgun Granny

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