Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fraud, Greed and Corruption

May 27, 2008
Fraud, Greed & Corruption:

I wonder how much longer the citizens of this country are going to allow all the many frauds to be perpetuated on us by the government of our country. We can start with the ordinary carburetor, since we seem to have a gasoline problem. I think someone should be allowed to go through all the files in the patent office. It is my understanding that there have been many inventions for carburetors that got great gas mileage, but they have been bought up by the big companies, thereby more demanded for there product. If they were patented and bought from the inventors, will the record still show in the patent office? If not I can’t understand why, since we have so many brilliant minds in this country that someone can’t invent one. We can invent things to go into space, we can invent all type of terrible war machines. We can invent things to spy on countries and people all over the universe. We can listen in on everyone’s conversations, under the ruse of protecting our country. Surely there is one decent, honest and ethical inventor who can do this, one that will do it for mankind instead of greed.

I have not seen one thing that going to space has helped anyone except greedy corrupt companies. It has killed a lot of people. Starting the war in Iraq has done nothing but kill people and made a lot of companies and politicians rich, plus caused our country to be hated by other countries.

The corruption is so ingrained in all facets of government and large companies that we need to impeach and fire all politicians. Shut down the government and revamp our system. Out of all the people in the United States there is bound to be a few honest ones who could run this country for we the people. I can find no need for us going into other countries and messing in their affairs. I can see being able to travel to another country to see the wonders of their world, visit relatives and help if they have had a terrible disaster. To help only. Actually all people over this universe are not bad. Only their leaders like our leaders who have become greedy, corrupt and unethical. What is the saying about power corrupts. There was a time, when we couldn’t see all of it, but things have changed and we can see nearly all the bad things that happen, except the things that the governments want hidden, then it’s classified. And then there are the things that they don’t want known at all. Maybe we should try waterboarding on some of our leaders to find out.
It will eventually become known, if we ever get an honest and ethical leader.

We the people of this country need to take a good look at ourselves and all the people who request to be elected. We do not really vet these people. We just listen to all their promises and nine out of 10 lie through their teeth. Why? Wouldn’t it be easier to tell the truth, then they would have nothing to worry about. But most of them have no consciences and are not worth shooting. All they are interested in is lining their pockets and helping their friends screw the people of this country. This type of corruption has corroded every town, county and state of this nation.

Shotgun Granny

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