Sunday, September 21, 2008

JPS Hospital

May 19, 2008

Letter sent to Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

Congratulations to all the reporters on the article about JPS. It really was great. County Hospitals are really supposed to help the poor and they do to some extent, but on the other hand they take advantage when they have a chance. One thing I would like to know since it states you checked into their tax documents. I know that in various businesses, when you cannot collect what is considered a bad debt, they can be counted off on your income tax. This happens in insurance agencies when premiums cannot be collected, or did when I was in the insurance business. The premiums in the insurance business are set by the state and are in the rate manuals, and can’t be increased to any amount just to suit the agent.

But doctors, labs and hospitals seem to overcharge on everything, even aspirin. When they send their bills to the insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid they really up the amount. Bills are paid and then they bill the difference to the patient. Some pay and some cannot. Are these amounts charged off on their income tax?

Just before I was 65 I had surgery. I had 3 types of insurance, my husband’s company policy, My personal policy and they had already sent my medicare cards with being requested. I checked in gave my 2 policies information. It was 3 days before I was 65, they asked me and I told them I did not want to use medicare. My husband’s company policy was to pay first, then my personal policy the balance. I was in the hospital 8 days. I had requested my bill be sent to my room, before I was to check out. The didn’t want to, but finally did. When I got the bill to check over, it had already been paid. By medicare….The whole bill…I called the office and told them to return medicare’s check NOW. The other 2 policies were to pay the bill. They didn’t want to, but I told them I would sue
them for not doing as I instructed. They did. It seems easier to cheat the government. Seems Medicare just pays whatever they are billed, evidently Medicaid does also. But private insurance companies do not.

In checking my bill I noted the cost of a box of sanitary napkins, I had used 6 of them (and they were the type we used back in the 40’) and they had charged me $26.00 for them. I called the office and asked if I could get the franchise to furnish sanitary napkins for the hospital. I could go buy them at the drug store for $3.95 for 24 and make quite a profit. They said no. I didn’t really intend to, just wanted them to know I knew they were crooked. This was at Presbyterian hospital in Dallas.

When my husband was going to Law School at SMU, I worked at Parkland Hospital emergency admitting 11PM to 7AM. The very sad thing I took note of; a lot of poor elderly people would not come to the hospital until they were at deaths door and neighbors would bring them in. They wouldn’t come as they had no money or insurance. The saddest was an elderly woman brought in DOA. She had left a note that she had no money and this was the best way to go. She cut her throat with a dull old butcher knife. I put her in the morgue.

I thought surely God’s poor could be treated better than they were being treated. Another sad thing I ran into. I left my office to go into the hall for a drink of water. I saw this lady sitting out in the hall, she was crying. I went back out later and she was still there. I went and asked if I could help her and what was wrong? She had had a baby 3 days before and they told her she had to check out. They told her she couldn’t take the baby until the bill was paid. It was late at night and the business office was already closed. I called the nursery and asked why they did that. Seems that was orders from the business office. I went back to my office and called Judge Richburg and asked if he could come out to Parkland, we had a problem of the hospital holding a ladies baby for ransom.
It took him about 30 minutes to get there from Oak Cliff. He took the lady to the nursery to get her baby. He got the baby and took her and her Mother home. He told me he would be back and take care of the hospital in the morning. He did and as long as I was there and as long as he lived they didn’t hold anymore babies for ransom. There were always a lot of problems, but all in all it was a good place to go in case of an emergency. The doctors and nurses in emergency were great and the people got good care. Parkland was always clean at that time.

It seems to be the people handling the bottom line in the financial portion that have a different mindset than the doctors and nurses. Everyone had to pay hospital district taxes if you owned property. We had patients brought in from other counties, and those counties were billed for their care. The poor people were classified as charity patients and their cards I stamped with a C if they were admitted. I could go on with many things, but I know you have more things to do, to try to keep these things in check. I will close with a verse from Deuteronomy, Chapter 25, vs. 11, “For the poor shall never cease out of the land. Therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto they brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.” There is retribution for those who oppress or neglect the poor.

Shotgun Granny

I love my country

I love my country, but am not patriotic. I read the quote by
Guy de Maupassant, “Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched. I do not believe in wars. If two countries disagree, let the leaders of each country go out behind the barn and fight it out. Neither one was right, they just wanted their own way about whatever the disagreement was in regard too. More territory or wealth, greed is a sad thing.

As a Mother I have said, “over my dead body will they take my child to fight a damn unjust war.” Of course some of our young men and women do get “the religion” after listening to the leaders of all our different countries tell them it is the honorable thing to do. Have any of you noticed that once they get home all broken, busted beyond repair and so many gone to meet their maker, that they no longer have much interest in you? In fact we have to beg for help for all them. Being honorable doesn’t seem to work, once you have done their dirty work that none of their children seem to participate in. The ones that God took back, you get a nice folded three corned flag to put up. I have mine, but his body lies in the bottom of the South China Sea.

I believe in having a military, but to help with disasters that occur in our country and in others when they need help. This we should do on a friendly basis.

Shotgun Granny

Empire building

May 28, 2008

Empire building: Bush, Cheney and Cohorts, actually the oil conglomerates.

This has been planned for a long time. All of the military bases around the world in other countries. In Iraq we have built military bases, a large embassy with all the bells and whistles. Bush doesn’t plan on leaving, he plans to stay, this is his empire beginning. But we the people of the United States have paid for this with our blood, sweat, tears and our taxpayers money.

Hey people are we going to let them loose? Let’s not. Let’s strip the whole bunch of them of all their rights, like he has tried to do we the people. Impeach him and Cheney. Freeze their bank accounts, take their pensions and health benefits away. That’s what he has done to people, here and in other countries. He and his friends have been traitors to this country. It is my understanding that this crime deserves a like sentence or the firing squad.

Shotgun Granny

Divide and Conquer

June 19, 2008

Divide and conquer the people. Oil prices have gone up due to a collusion of our Executive branch of government, with bed partners, the oil industry and friends in OPEC. Sort of a conspiracy to overthrow our country, so they can control everything and make everyone subservient to their demands.

You have noticed that the heat has been on to drill in Alaska, all our coastlines, all public lands (which they already have leases on) and harassing private landowners. So the prices will keep going up until they force us to give into their demands. Then they will have us locked in and control all the oil and gas in the United States, just like all the OPEC countries. They will control all the deregulated energy industries.

Now is the time to put a stop to the rape and ruin of out country by unethical, corrupt, greedy politicians and corporations.

Shotgun Granny

Military Law

Military Law

How can a man be convicted by military prosecutors, with a jury of military officers, when he is not even in the military? How can his defense counsel defend him, when there is no way for them to get the proof of his innocence? The military already had the deck stacked against him. He only had a job as bin Laden’s driver. He had to make a living doing something. I understand jobs aren’t too plentiful in that area.

Bush’s civilian people working in Iraq, the Blackwater bunch, killed some Iraq civilians. If we can convict Hamden, and he didn’t kill anyone, why aren’t that bunch of thugs in one of Iraq’s prisons? Different strokes for different folks! This uneducated person could drive a car and did his job for money to support his family. Wrong place at the wrong time.

Some of our military and other people also, have a mindset of looks like one, must be one, grab the sucker, he’s a terrorist. It has been pounded into their heads that everyone is an enemy. Some of them are, but some are looking for a safe place to hide and no one knows the difference. It’s like out hunting, all snakes you see aren’t poisonous and wont bit you, they will scare you, but people kill them anyway, then gripe because we have so many mice around.

My husband once said, “the worst enemy that any country has is its government and its leaders.” Think about it, way back to year God one.

Shotgun Granny


December 13, 2006


My husband and I had multiple-party accounts at Weatherford National Bank, Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship. CD’s set up the same way. All of our other accounts with other organizations were set up the same way. He set them up in this manner so as to avoid probate.

His son and his attorney went to the bank and the bank allowed them to go into our personal accounts, which had nothing to do with the estate or them, and the bank did not call or notify me. When I found this out I moved my account to the First National Bank of Weatherford. I explained this to the person at the bank.

Everything went along fine, then all of a sudden, I did not get my checks returned with my statement. I called the bank and asked where my checks were. They told me they were not sending the checks back anymore. I told them I paid for the checks and I wanted them returned to me. They told me I could pay $20.00 a month and they would return my checks. I said alright I would pay $20.00 a month. As time went on I got more irritated. I moved my account to another bank, who said they would return my checks. I moved money from that account and left enough in the bank to take care of the two checks I had written, plus $5.00 to pay for the return of the 2 checks I had written.

When my statement came I was shown to be overdrawn $15.00. They still wanted that $20.00 for the 2 checks being returned. I called and told them I felt that $2.50 for each check was enough. Next month I received a bank statement and it showed that the $15.00 had been taken care of and it showed how. I am on an account of my brother’s, so that if he needed me to buy something for him and send it to him, as he lives out of the country, I could write a check and ship it to him. It is not my money. Lin Bearden actually took money from this account and transferred it to my account to make up the difference of the $20.00 he wanted from me to get my checks back. I went to the bank and told him he better put that $15.00 back into my brothers account, as I didn’t steal from my brother and I didn’t expect him to. And that $2.50 each for the 2 checks to be returned to me was enough. I had already paid for the damn checks when I bought them from the bank. He put the money back into the account he had taken it from. It wasn’t much, but it was the principle of the matter. Integrity is a rare quality and he AIN’T GOT NONE ….

An account, which I have the Power of Attorney over to handle things for the owner should he ask me to, was opened with Bank of America. It was a regular savings account, for two minor children and he was custodian of the account. Two separate accounts. Money was deposited into the accounts each month. Nothing was to be drawn out. The statements came each month to my address. Then they didn’t come. I tried to call the Bank of America in
Mineral Wells, Texas. Hey, have you ever tried to get hold of anyone at the
BofA.??? They have a little canned speech, with a bunch of numbers for you to push and if those numbers do not apply to what you want, they put you on hold, then just hang up. Try to get hold of a real live people person!!!!! Forget it. If you do after days and you do get hold of someone, they ask “is your name of the account?” And you say no, they say, “we can’t help you”, then I tell them I have the Power of Attorney and they tell you “we don’t accept a Power of Attorney and hang up. No more statements came, the owner had not moved the accounts. But he felt that the accounts were safe, as it was a savings account and that the Bank of America was a reputable bank, and maybe since banks were changing ways of doing things and deposits were being made and no withdrawals, it was okay. Well it wasn’t. When I finally went out of town to the bank, with my papers and Power of Attorney, the bank wouldn’t accept. I asked why, as all banks accepted them. He then told me it hadn’t been filed. I had checked with the County Clerks office when it had been given to me and they said it did not have to be filed. I had it filed and started over. All I got then was the accounts has been closed.

They would not tell me by whom or when, or anything else. The owner did not close the accounts, I, as the only other person who could have, at the owner’s request did not. It took me more than a year, with help from several outside sources to find this out. Each account should have had $28,990.00 in it. A total of $57,980.00 for both accounts, which was for their college.

After letters, many more calls and trips to the bank, still no information, other than the accounts has been closed. I went to the Federal Reserve, they couldn’t help and sent me to the Office of the Comptroller of Currency. I called and asked if I sent them all the information with a letter of explanation, along with the Power of Attorney and identification would they look into the matter. They said they would. I did, nothing yet!! It seems the bank has allowed a third party (no name) to remove all funds to an account that had been set up in the owners name and their name and the children’s name by way of online or telephone. I received a letter on October 3, 2006, telling me this had been done, still no name. This is the first time the bank admitted what had occurred and that it was not their fault. Funds were moved to another state and a different bank. Can’t find the person who set up a fraudulent account with Bank One and Chase Bank in another state. Did you ever try to get information from a bank in your own state, well try out of state, same old run around. I finally found a friend at a bank and with my Power of Attorney and they found an account with owners name on it. Wound up finding $1,935.41 in one account and $1,924.23 in the other. Took that out and put in a 529 college account, so no more crooks or bank employees not paying attention will let it happen again.

I have already spent too much on a lawyer and it has been no help. All the B of A does is deny any wrong doing. It will cost more than the amount stolen to continue. At this time I do not know what the outcome will be. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer trust banks or bankers.

Shotgun Granny

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fraud, Greed and Corruption

May 27, 2008
Fraud, Greed & Corruption:

I wonder how much longer the citizens of this country are going to allow all the many frauds to be perpetuated on us by the government of our country. We can start with the ordinary carburetor, since we seem to have a gasoline problem. I think someone should be allowed to go through all the files in the patent office. It is my understanding that there have been many inventions for carburetors that got great gas mileage, but they have been bought up by the big companies, thereby more demanded for there product. If they were patented and bought from the inventors, will the record still show in the patent office? If not I can’t understand why, since we have so many brilliant minds in this country that someone can’t invent one. We can invent things to go into space, we can invent all type of terrible war machines. We can invent things to spy on countries and people all over the universe. We can listen in on everyone’s conversations, under the ruse of protecting our country. Surely there is one decent, honest and ethical inventor who can do this, one that will do it for mankind instead of greed.

I have not seen one thing that going to space has helped anyone except greedy corrupt companies. It has killed a lot of people. Starting the war in Iraq has done nothing but kill people and made a lot of companies and politicians rich, plus caused our country to be hated by other countries.

The corruption is so ingrained in all facets of government and large companies that we need to impeach and fire all politicians. Shut down the government and revamp our system. Out of all the people in the United States there is bound to be a few honest ones who could run this country for we the people. I can find no need for us going into other countries and messing in their affairs. I can see being able to travel to another country to see the wonders of their world, visit relatives and help if they have had a terrible disaster. To help only. Actually all people over this universe are not bad. Only their leaders like our leaders who have become greedy, corrupt and unethical. What is the saying about power corrupts. There was a time, when we couldn’t see all of it, but things have changed and we can see nearly all the bad things that happen, except the things that the governments want hidden, then it’s classified. And then there are the things that they don’t want known at all. Maybe we should try waterboarding on some of our leaders to find out.
It will eventually become known, if we ever get an honest and ethical leader.

We the people of this country need to take a good look at ourselves and all the people who request to be elected. We do not really vet these people. We just listen to all their promises and nine out of 10 lie through their teeth. Why? Wouldn’t it be easier to tell the truth, then they would have nothing to worry about. But most of them have no consciences and are not worth shooting. All they are interested in is lining their pockets and helping their friends screw the people of this country. This type of corruption has corroded every town, county and state of this nation.

Shotgun Granny


Does anyone over sixty, remember their Mothers sitting up at night patching overalls, jeans and various other children’s clothes, so that their children wouldn’t have to go to school with holes in their clothes? My Mother put double patches on my marble playing brothers britches. You were looked down on if you allowed your children to go to school with holes in their clothes. If they could have saved all those clothes and realized what styles would be now, they could have been rich….

I look at the cost of these jeans with holes all over them and think to myself that amount of money would feed a poor family for a month. Evidently they don’t make suspenders anymore, as all the kids wear their jeans hanging on the posterior part of their anatomy, with their naked body showing when they bend over. Boys and girls……

Half of the clothes that are being worn have never seen an ironing board. Remember back in the fifties, when young men wore their jeans starched and ironed with a crease, with belts and long sleeved white shirts, with the shirttail tucked inside the jeans or pants. They always looked nice, neat and clean. Most of the clothes worn by children these days look like they came from a rummage sale. I know times have changed, but not for the better.

The opinion of a grandmother.

Shotgun Granny

Justice Department Investigation of 2001 Anthrax Mailings

Justice Department Investigation of 2001 Anthrax Mailings:

First run out of the gate it was “the terrorist”. Everyone was afraid to open an envelope, everyone scared to death. I didn’t believe it. But you would have thought our country was full of terrorist trying to poison all the citizens of the US. Then after they checked out the source of the anthrax they realized it came from the US government supply.

Things were quite for awhile and then they decided they had found the culprit and started in hounding the employee by the name of Hatfill. For years they did this and really tried to ruin his reputation (frankly I thought it was the bunch of warmongers working for our government trying to keep everyone afraid of their shadow). But since he fought back and got them off his back and sued the pants off the government they had to find someone else. Our course they stated they have been looking at Mr. Ivins all this time. Seems odd because they were still after Hatfill.

The FBI and CIA started hounding Ivins, his family and anyone else involved with him. Which they do and always have. When he has worked at the job so many years and they had never found anything wrong, then this bunch of goons start in for the kill to close this case. No wonder he might have committed suicide, I said might. People are put in jail for crimes they have never committed for years before the truth comes out. If people are dumb enough to believe that no one could have got their hands on a sample of things in the lab where this man worked, just remember drugs disappearing from locked up hospital labs, nuclear labs and any other place people want to get into.

Remember who gave Saddam the poisons to use on the Kurds and the Iranians. Did anyone do a DNA to see where they came from? I find it hard to trust anyone.

Shotgun Granny

Power and Greed

September 19, 2007

Power and Greed:

Not a few created with supreme power, as the leaders of the different countries think. The United States passion for supreme power is going to get all of us blow to that place that none of us want to go, unless we all try to put a stop to it. The leaders of the world are the reason for the terrible unrest in every country.

We have laws made by God, which should be the prime law to follow. Then we have the man made laws by governments. These have been changed and added to when they don’t suit the leaders, to the point where it is a crime.

Surely there are still some honest decent people in the world. Not the kind that goes along to get along, or what’s in it for me kind, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. You vote my way on my bill and I’ll vote your way on yours. None of our politicians feel like they have to be responsible to the people that voted them in, only to the ones that greased their palm, the large corporations and very wealthy individuals.

I won’t be around to see it, but one day the meek and mild mannered people of this country will get fed up with the state of affairs and we will have a revolution. If I catch anymore oil and gas people trespassing on my property I will help start it before I go. The majority of our politicians have no conscience or they couldn’t look at themselves in the mirror to shave, but again, since electric razors they don’t have to.

Shotgun Granny

Power and Greed

September 19, 2007

Power and Greed:

Not a few created with supreme power, as the leaders of the different countries think. The United States passion for supreme power is going to get all of us blow to that place that none of us want to go, unless we all try to put a stop to it. The leaders of the world are the reason for the terrible unrest in every country.

We have laws made by God, which should be the prime law to follow. Then we have the man made laws by governments. These have been changed and added to when they don’t suit the leaders, to the point where it is a crime.

Surely there are still some honest decent people in the world. Not the kind that goes along to get along, or what’s in it for me kind, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. You vote my way on my bill and I’ll vote your way on yours. None of our politicians feel like they have to be responsible to the people that voted them in, only to the ones that greased their palm, the large corporations and very wealthy individuals.

I won’t be around to see it, but one day the meek and mild mannered people of this country will get fed up with the state of affairs and we will have a revolution. If I catch anymore oil and gas people trespassing on my property I will help start it before I go. The majority of our politicians have no conscience or they couldn’t look at themselves in the mirror to shave, but again, since electric razors they don’t have to.

Shotgun Granny

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


September 28, 2006

Terrorist—We hear this word terrorist all the time. We have them everywhere and they come in all kinds and sizes. We have always had terrorist, caused by believe it or not, religion, class differences and greed.

Children have often been terrorized by people in power. In their own homes, in schools, both public and private. Especially orphans in religious, private and State run orphanages.

Unfortunate poor people are terrorized by government establishments, where they go looking for help. Employees working for the government treat them with contempt (not all of them, but the majority) and act like any help they give comes out of their pocket. They have a very malevolent attitude not a benevolent one, as they should, as they are there to help people not mistreat them. It should give them a good feeling to be able to help someone less fortunate than themselves. Instead some people are treated like a beggar with leprosy like in the old days.

Most are looking for a place to stay, food to eat as they have children to feed and take care of. Most can only find part-time work, some have no way to get to work, other than walk miles or find some kind soul to take them. Some do not have telephones, much less computers. Getting help was bad, but soon it will be worse, as the State has decided, they will now have to call in or go online in order to get food stamps and other help. Seems they want to close many of the offices of the Texas Department of Human services. Frankly I had rather our tax money be spent to keep the offices open and help poor people, than pay for all the pomp and circumstances of a bunch of dishonest lousy politicians.

What little money they can earn is used for rent and utilities, which is often not enough. They get behind and worry about being evicted and having their utilities shut off, and they often are. We have paid in our utilities for years, money to help these people, and the governor cut them off, but still takes money from our utilities. I guess he and the other politicians get to use the money for all of their POMP. When these people are evicted and utilities are cut off and they can’t pay, they move from one run down place to another. They live on food stamps, which is never really enough to feed a family.

The majority of these people are uneducated, with no money and no way to better themselves. What clothes they have are purchased at garage sales, Goodwill, Salvation Army or they are given to them. There is no one in their corner to help them. Most of their families are in the same boat. Some will live with other relatives and share food, rent and utilities. Some get into Housing, but if their credit report is bad, they are turned away. Living like this is a kind of terror most people do not know anything about. I know these things are true because I have helped people in this condition and circumstance. We have a lot of homeless people and they would prefer to live on the street and under overpasses after going for help and being treated so bad and questioned by the states Gestapo. People with children can’t do this, as they have to keep the children in school. State employees act like the people prefer to live like this.

I see people put their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the law of the land. But they don’t swear to uphold the laws in the Bible in regard to the poor and downtrodden. Deuteronomy, Chapter 15 vs. 11, “For the poor shall never cease out of the land. Therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

There is retribution for those who oppress or neglect the poor.

Shotgun Granny


September 15, 2008

John McCain:

I just saw the old baldheaded, bald face liar speaking in Jacksonville, Florida. Yep! We really need another Bush
Republican in Washington. Four more years of republicans and China can buy the whole US for a dollar for each citizen. I’m glad I have lived long enough to know when a person is lying. I hope the majority of our citizens aren’t gullible enough to believe all the lies. He states that the reason our country is in such bad shape is because of the Democrats have been in charge of congress for the last two years. The Republicans were in charge of congress from January 1994 to January 2007. Now we know better than that. This country was already in this mess when the Democrats came back in charge of the committees, but have not been able to do too much, due to republicans and the President.

Some people might not like Bill Clinton, but under great adversity he overcame part of the mess the last 2 republican presidents left. I hope we have another president like him, and I wish most of the politicians in congress were just like him. I’m not interested in their personal private lives, just what good they can do for the good of the citizens of this country, and let us handle our own personal private lives. All the republicans have done is rape this country. Not one single solitary republican worked for the good of all the people, only for themselves, friends, and corporations that gave them the most money.

Sarah Palin:

Hey, come on folks, Obama didn’t refer to Sarah Palin as a pig, he was making reference to McCain and the republican regime. Changing from Bush to McCain, was just like putting lipstick on a pig, it would still be the same.

After all Palin referred to herself as a pit bull, “the difference in a hockey mom and a pit bull was lipstick”. Well even with lipstick, most people do not like a pit bull dog, as they are meaner than a junk yard dog. They are trained to be used in dog fighting. It’s they way and reason they are raised. Maybe that’s why John McCain chose her as his VP.

Shotgun Granny

Saturday, September 13, 2008


June 26, 2008


Thank God I am a LIBERAL and that I do focus on things that have meaning to the American people. I have noticed in many of our newspapers and on TV, that we have a certain type of people that the only thing they seem to focus on is other peoples personal private lives. Mostly Republicans, they seem to set themselves up as judge and seem to forget we are citizens, not subjects of this free country. They should look at their own lives and households before opening their big mouths. It is my understanding by the good book, that is the Lord’s job. People seem to forget that HE has his own judicial system and each of us have to walk that path alone. Each of us have the supreme human dignity of being master of their own fate, and sometimes trying to handle that job is very hard.

People have children, some by choice and some accident. Either way you take what God through his wonders of life gives you, and you love them no matter what. Be they perfect or imperfect. You do not get to make that choice. I considered mine, God’s gift to me. I accepted them heart and soul and wouldn’t trade them for all the riches in the world. Many children that came to us handicapped are not accepted by their parents and are shipped away to institutions and never go back to see them. Some have been used as guinea pigs by the American Medical Association.

I have known many gay couples from every walk of life, doctors, lawyers, teachers and numerous other professions, and found them all to be productive citizens, loving, kind, considerate and all believe in the “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” None would have chosen to be different, to be persecuted and reviled, but that’s the way they were born into our world of trial and tribulation. Many who are born different live a long lonely life alone, afraid to share the fact that they are different. Many decided to end their existence, because their differences are to hard to live in a hate filled world of supposedly Christians who do not accept anyone different than they are. They are the ones who could not master their fate. Always remember to say, when you see someone who is different than you would wish to be, “But by the grace of God their go I.”

I always think of one thing I would wish to ask my Maker to do, when the end comes. All of the people who had a choice and lived their lives, leave them in their graves, and take all of our handicapped, institutionalized, abused children and adults and all genocide victims and people who did not have a choice, make them whole and let them inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.

Shotgun Granny

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Republican Propaganda

September 10, 2008

More Republican Propaganda:

What is all the hell raising about Obama saying putting lipstick on a pig, its still a pig. That’s true, I’ve heard that all my life, plus, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

You can’t make a president out of someone just because he gets a lot of mileage out of saying he was a POW. There were lots of them and I don’t think they would say that qualifies them to be president. I listened to McCain say they offered to release him, because his father was an admiral in the navy, but he wouldn’t accept it unless they let all of his crew go, so he chose to stay. Now that’s another thing that is hard to swallow. They wanted to capture officers and keep them. Wonder how many other officers got that offer.

Some of us old democrats couldn’t believe that Texas would elect the village idiot George Bush as governor, but they did and then the Supreme Court assigned him the job of president. But they still were not able to make a president out of the village idiot. He was a lousy governor and a lousier president.

Sarah Palin reminds me of a 44 year old Brittany Spears, they both bounce up onto the stage alike, hair all over the place and always, the thumbs up after they perform.

Republican Propaganda

September 5, 2008

Republican Propaganda:

If John McCain accomplished all the things he said he did in his speech, everything would be peachy keen in Washington, DC by now. He been there 26 years, he said he knows who he works for, not a party and not himself, he works for us, all of us, BALONEY!

If this were true maybe we would have a few bucks of what he has in his pocket. Most of the politicians fill their pockets first and none of it seems to trickle down to the people they are supposed to work for.

They play this big game of one-upmanship and nothing gets done, except for themselves and their friends. If they all worked together to get the job done, that they promised to do, if we elected them, we wouldn’t be in this damnable mess the country is in.

Medicare Fraud

September 7, 2008

Medicare Fraud:

I needed a Suction Machine for my handicapped son, as he can’t cough and spit out things when he gets choked up. I called a medical supply place in my home town. When I got hold of them, I told them I needed a suction machine, before I could really say anything, they asked if I had Medicare coverage (I guess they could tell by my voice that I was elderly) I said yes. I asked how much the machine would cost. The immediately told me that Medicare would pay would pay $200.00 a month for 13 months, I told them I didn’t want to rent one, I wanted to buy one. They told me that after 13 months it would be mine. They told me I would have to have a doctors prescription, which I knew. $2600.00????

I them called a medical supply company in Fort Worth, Texas, just told them I wanted to buy a suction machine (with the 2 tubes and the mouth piece) and asked how much it would cost. They told me $395.00 plus separate pieces. I asked where it was made, as I didn’t want one made in China. She told me. Didn’t ask if I had insurance, but did say I had to have a doctors prescription. I told her I would get the prescription and come get it.

I called another medical supply in Fort Worth, went through the same thing. Their price was $511.00, I asked where it was made as I didn’t want one made in China. It was made in the US, also I had to have a doctors prescription. Told her I would get the doctors prescription and get back with her.

I then called Medicare and sat down for my wait. A young man finally came on. I told him I had called a medical supply to ask about a suction machine. And they told me that Medicare would pay $200.00 a month for 13 months and then it would be mine. He said that’s not exactly right, we pay $200.00 a month for 3 months, then $150.00 for 10 months. $2100.00? That $500.00 difference I would probably have to pay up front to the medical supply. I told him that in deference to my age I wanted him to listen to me. I asked him why Medicare allowed these companies to screw Medicare and we citizens? He said that’s the way the system is set up. I told him I could go buy one for as little as $395.00, plus $5.10, a total of $400.10. I would have to go pick it up. It would not be delivered as the one for $2600.00 or $2100.00. As far as I am concerned the difference in $400.10 and $2600.00 or $2100.00 is a hellva delivery charge. That would be a profit for the medical supply of $2199.00 or $1699.90. Someone in authority needs to put a stop to this fraud. Do you know anyone who could do it?

The Beginning

I am starting this series of letters or articles or just thoughts to tell my opinions. This will allow me to vent my frustrations, concerns, and tell some stories. My Great Grandson gave me the name Shotgun Granny after I had a little fight with a pipeline company.

Please feel free to forward this to your friends if you like or agree with the topic. On the other hand, delete it if you don’t agree or like the topic. You will not have bad luck if you delete it and I don’t promise good luck, if you forward it on to your friends.