Saturday, March 24, 2012

Impartial Justice?

Impartial Justice?

Challengers to the Healthcare Law have wined and dined our Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas after a meeting to decide if they would hear the case and when they said they would hear the case before the Supreme Court. They were feted to a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the court.

Paul Clement of the Bancroft PLLC firm – a former US Solicitor General during the Bush Administration will likely argue the case. His firm with almost two-dozen other firms sponsored the dinner – along with Associations - The National Federation of Independent Business and Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc. Mitch McConnell the great Obama hater and others were in attendance. The court justices might be exempt from the Code of Conduct that governs the action of lower federal judges.

Impartial? Like hell! Those two will do anything for money and the limelight and Thomas’s wife pulls him around by his maleness he is so proud of – he does whatever she wants him to do. He had no damn business being on the Supreme Court anyway – George HW Bush and the republicans in office needed to put in their token black to show they weren’t racist even though Anita Hill was right about him. I watched men like Orrin Hatch, Charles Grassley and Arlen Specter and others literally crucify her but we the people knew the truth. What a despicable bunch of men and some of them are still in the congress and still supposed to represent we the citizens. Anita Hill left with her dignity intact and the belief of the American people and turned out with more respect than any that tried to bring her down. But they put him on the law of the land because they knew he would vote however his handler’s wanted him to and be thankful to them for the honor. I no longer consider any republican on the Supreme Court honorable. In fact our whole justice system has been shot to hell. I have a bumper sticker “WE NEED MORE JUDGES IN HIGH HEELS” and that is a fact we do!

Now we have a great black/white president, but he is a democrat and he has tried to work with both parties – but no way will they accept him even though he has tried to do what is good for the majority of the working citizens of this country – no matter their race, religion or political affiliations. Now the thing that both parties have tried to pass over these many years – Healthcare Coverage – Barack Obama our great

Democratic President got it passed. It wasn’t everything we wanted and he stated it needed work – but it passed even though many corporations paid “campaign funds” actually bribes in the millions for the Senators and Representatives to vote against the bill – all the republicans took the money to vote for and against, but they all voted against. Some of them in the senate were greedy bastards. I have a list of how much they took – makes you want to puke at their hypocrisy.

So now they want to take it to the Supreme Court where they feel sure their friends whom they have also bribed will vote to say it is unconstitutional. If Scalia and Thomas do not have the integrity – what am I thinking - decency – no not that either – guts works – to recuse themselves as a judge in this matter because of prejudice and conflict of interest. I certainly expect Kagan too remain as a judge. To bad Thurgood Marshall couldn’t have lived another 75 years. I remember saying to him once, “someday our country will have a black president” his answer, “that day will never come.” But it did and I wonder what he would have thought about the treatment given to him by our wonderful nation – built on Christian principles – but he already knew that statement was untrue.

What will the outcome be? According to how much money they are paid!

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