Friday, August 05, 2011


Government theft of the American working people’s pension, Social Security!  The government did not request permission to take or borrow our money from the Social Security Trust Fund.  Therefore as silent as a thief in the night they stole from us and have not repaid a single penny.  We the American working people are CREDITORS of the United States Government, but in lieu of paying your debt to us, the Republican Party now wants to cut us out entirely, along with Medicare.

We have always had corrupt politicians, but since 2000 they have been the worst I have ever seen, Predominately Republicans.  We the American people are tired of being constantly manipulated by politicians for their advantage and our disadvantage.  None of you have done a damn thing for the citizens of this country, just yourselves.  It is time for all of you to go home and get a job if you can find one, you have failed at the job you promised to do.  All politicians, federal and state, you are all a bunch of leaches and you talk about poor people who draw food stamps and are on Medicaid.  None of you are worthy of drawing food stamps and Medicaid.  There is not a criminal in prison as low and sorry as all politicians who live off of the taxpayers and steal everything they get their hands on while pretending they are doing the right thing for the American people.  Every day you take food from people’s mouths in order give to the rich of this country that do not need anything.  Hey all of you who claim to be Christians, God will not forget the bad things you have done to his children.

One of a group of millions that are, creditors of the United States Government.

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