Saturday, March 24, 2012


A federal attack on religious conscience, so says Bishop Kevin Vann and Bishop Kevin Farrell! From the Inquisition on down to the present I have not seen very many of the officials of the Catholic Church to have a conscience, I personally have known one. They still use “Mental Reservation”, a 700 year- old doctrine, where clerics can avoid telling the truth, to protect the Catholic Church. Not sanctioned under canon law, experts say and infrequently invoked. It has been misused to justify lying.

Now before Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, Cardinal Roger Mahoney, Bishops Vann and Farrell take on telling the United States Government how, they and the Church wants them to run various parts of our government and bringing up The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, first thing we know they will decide the Church is a person. Before they go any farther they need to clean up their own house and church laws. By the number of them that have broken all the laws that they swore to defend in the name of God and Jesus Christ, then tried to hide from all the world, how dare you condemn President Obama and Secretary Sebelius for the new ruling, something they seem to forget – not all people are Catholic and have a need for the new law. Besides it is a private personal thing and no business of the church, their laws are for their members, not the rest of the world.

As shepherds for their parishioners, they have one job, teach them to follow their rules of the Church. I know and so do they that each person will follow the rule that is best for them. Both men and women no matter what religion they follow use birth control of some kind if it is for their best interest and I guarantee you it isn’t the old church rule of abstinence. It is no one’s business how I found out, but many catholic men when they talk to their priest about the problem of not wanting more children, he tells them to abstain and they whine, “but Father I can’t”. Another thing about the honor of men, when a wife does get pregnant and he or she didn’t want more children, it’s her fault!

As for shepherds of their flock of sheep, they have no wool, but the Church takes their bounty. Bishop Kevin Vann knows about that. The old Country Club property at Weatherford had 70 acres for sale. It was offered to the Catholic Church and they didn’t buy it. The Baptist Church bought it and decided they didn’t need the whole 70 acres and put up 24.9 acres for sale.

For $1,635,464.00, the same price I understand the Baptist Church paid for 70 acres. The Catholic Church bought it. The Diocese financed it at 7% interest.

The interest on this note is more than the Church collects each month. Then in the middle of all this The Bishop sends a crew over asking the flock to shell out an additional $700,000.00 for his expenses! I understand they were paid well to suck every nickel they could get from the flock. (He probably needed it to pay for his share of lawsuits against the Church for the misdeeds of the priests, in fact one parishioner stood up and said so) They were all asked to sign pledges to help pay this amount, and if they didn’t they would send someone to their homes to talk about it! I don’t know who worked that deal but it is a worthless piece of property, just backs up to the church property, it works out to about $65,000 an acre. There is not an acre in Weatherford worth that much. I own 12 acres myself.

We need to keep religion where it belongs in the Church and between each person and God and out of government. Keep politics out of churches, the military and our justice system. Maybe I’m strange but I don’t forget our history, any of it, but it seems so easy for some to ignore and act like their past was as pure as the driven snow.

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