Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gas Prices and the KeystoneXL Pipeline

Time and time over the years during elections or when the oil companies and corporations want a certain bill to pass, the gas prices start going up! Like the sky is falling fear factor! The truth – gas prices go up due to Wall Street SPECULATORS – non-regulated and they do not take delivery by trade on basis of point spreads – over and over. The KeystoneXL pipeline tar sands issues will not depress gas prices because the barrels go into the WORLD MARKET - that is why they are going to the Port of Houston and bypassing the refineries in the MIDWEST!

Note how our North Texas Congressman who are EMPLOYEES of yours, Barton, Burgess, Flores, Granger and Marchant voted a big NO, when an amendment to HR3408 to require that products made from oil shipped in the KeystoneXL pipeline be sold in the United States. Seems they had other plans. By the way, the jobs from the pipeline are greatly exaggerated, as they will be short term not permanent.

The propaganda keeps flying through ‘FAUX’ news channel with the only thing they know how to do – lie and distort the truth for our willfully ignorant! Wake up citizen’s that’s how they make their money, shoveling s--t!

Let’s all cut down on our driving – try carpooling, biking, busing and walking if you can. Drive only for necessities, work, shopping and emergencies. You can watch sports and other entertainment on TV and keep what you save. If you are downtown Austin, ride your horse and tie him up in front of the Governor’s office, he’s in on the lie – and by the way he is an EMPLOYEE of yours in case you have forgotten.

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