Saturday, March 24, 2012


The Constitution, 1st and 14th amendments not only guarantee the

freedom of the individual to practice the religion of their choosing, it also guarantees the freedom FROM religion. It also created the separation of church and state. What these particular republican and church ‘leaders’ who are trying to force the rest of us to follow their doctrines are doing is downright un-American - in fact it is the definition of Fascism. It is practicing the mortal sin of Hubris - yep it’s right up there with murder.

I have studied the Bible for as long as I can remember only 4 of the 20 ‘accepted’ English versions, read the Koran 4 ties and studied the Torah for 3 years. What did I learn? That most people have no idea what their religious doctrines say let alone what it means. I have also learned that these Zealots count on their followers to be ignorant of the words and the facts.

The Catholic Church has gone back and forth on abortion as an acceptable form of birth control (original sin and the fetus has no soul until willingly confirmed in the church) 28 times over the last 1970 years. It is believed that the last time the church decided abortion was murder was in 1896, shortly after the publication of the USA 1880 census that showed a large decline in the number of Catholics.

So should churches have to pay for birth control for their paid staff? This is my feeling; because churches are tax exempt they do not pay taxes, this includes unemployment tax so if you work for a church and are laid off or unjustly fired you will receive NO unemployment. Churches should be staffed by volunteers from their congregation, if the church cannot get enough volunteers then perhaps they should assess if they are meeting the needs of its congregants or perhaps question if there is even a need for that specific church location.

Though the best way to resolve this is to have national public health care and that would eliminate any input from the churches, though I am sure they would find some way to insert their selves - into the issue.

Imagine if the USA stopped trying to spread democracy to other countries and put as much time into our own country to move it from a democratic republic to an actual democracy perhaps America could regain global credibility and some humanity for her citizens. It really is time for a change.

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