Saturday, March 24, 2012

What a sad state of affairs:

On any given night in America anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million people are homeless, according to estimates of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. Actually there are probably more than that. Not only homeless but hungry, sick and mentally ill. Our big state of Texas has more than most other states. Yet we have a Governor running around all over the country bragging about what a great job he does for Texas. We tax payers are paying his security detail approximately $400,000 a month plus! That amount of money would help pay for a lot of homeless people and I had rather the money go to help them, than to pay for a lousy, corrupt, racist, homophobic egomaniac that tries to tell people how to live their lives and claims to be a Christian. He has screwed up our Health and Human Services Department so bad that poor people don’t know which way to turn. Texas is in such bad shape we will never get it straightened out and he is trying to be the President of the United States. God help us.

Yes we have lots of companies moving to Texas, you want to know why? He gives them all big tax abatements, which doesn’t help Texas tax system - it helps the companies and helps fill his pockets. Wonder how many he has stock in?

I read an article where he claims God told him to run for President, his wife claims she talks to God too. Well, the last time I talked to the Big Guy I asked him about that. He told me he hadn’t talked to any of that worthless bunch of men and one silly woman running for president and he wasn’t the least bit interested in their political aspirations as he thought the man in that position was doing a good job with what he had to work with since he had not had any help from the republicans, and that frankly the republicans had never been good for our country, they have the bad disease –avarice – and just about ruined the nation. I thanked him and told him I agreed with him wholeheartedly. I always ask for just one thing when I talk to him so this time I asked what I should do – he told me to keep on doing what I always did.

Well I don’t know if he meant just take care of Ricky or vent my spleen and raise hell as usual. There is one thing I know if we don’t start thinking for ourselves and for the good of our fellow man instead of listening to a bunch of good for nothing politicians who really have no interest in the majority of the citizens. Their only interest is stealing every dime they can get their greedy hands on. They haven’t learned you can’t take it with you. The only real use for money is the good that you can do with it. That’s what God and the Good Book tells you – evidently they haven’t learned that yet.

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