Saturday, March 24, 2012

Religion and Politics

Both are like a cancer to the human race, and continue to spread like a

virus by fear. All are manmade rules and lies to keep control of their follower’s by religious leader’s telling them they have to follow and abide by the laws made by the various church that they belong to or they will burn in hell and not make it to heaven without their strong hand to lead them. For this leadership they must tithe to pay them for their services, build churches and pay for the upkeep. It is a racket that has gone on for centuries and in case no has noticed – churches, at least most of them are very rich – how you wonder? They are bloodsuckers!

Lies are easier to believe than truth - because they are designed - to be believed. In case some of you have forgotten there is some truth in the Bible and it does tell people how to live and what rules to follow and you don’t have to have a religious organization to tell you. But we must remember this started centuries ago when the majority of people were illiterate and couldn’t read the written word and the ones that could took advantage of the fact and told them what to believe and many still do.

A government controls the majority of citizens along the same lines by convincing them that they need someone to take care of them, make laws for them to live by and they will protect us – from the terrorist and anything else they can think of. For this we citizens must work and support ourselves and pay taxes to the government for the privilege of being able to have leaders that helps us do this. Of course we have to pay them and for their upkeep and wellbeing while they are taking care of us! What a joke – it’s a racket just like religion. Most of the politicians were very rich (and wanted more power) before they got in the racket of politics. And in case no one noticed they have become richer – how you wonder? They are power hungry bloodsuckers! Politicians lie because they believe that the truth will set them free – as in unemployed! We need to pass a law that no politician is allowed to speak without being hooked up to a lie detector.

Politicians use religion as a tool to con believers, religion uses our government tax rules for the tax exempt status, just like the rich and corporations do – by the way they are people now – first thing we know the churches will be “people” also. The root of ALL EVIL in this world is religion and politics. We will never get rid of it as long as the government and churches protect their organizations from the evil they do to people for the sake of power and money.

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