Saturday, March 24, 2012


We have approximately 63 million registered Democrats, 47 million registered Republicans and 32 million registered Independents. But many citizens have never voted, what a shame! It really is the only true right and voice you have in this country – one-person one vote. Don’t let anyone take that right away from you, as most republican governors are trying to do. Ask for help and go register to vote. Don’t let politicians chose whom they want to vote for them, you choose whom you want to vote for, but be sure and check them out and don’t believe all their talk. As most really don’t have anything to run on, so most of their time is spent running the competitor down, instead of really trying to help our country and its citizens.

As I listened to Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann, make their little speech about leaving the campaign it was appalling to hear them continue on with their usual, blaming everything that is wrong with our country on Barack Obama. Surely even they couldn’t believe their own lies and I know that all the citizens of this country don’t. Many of us really do know what has been going on all these years and we aren’t dumb as most politicians think we are. Many of us do remember what has been going on in our country, but all the politicians that have been campaigning for the office of president the only thing they talk about is repealing all the good things that have been passed by part of congress and signed by the president without the help of the Republican Party and some of the Democrats. I remember when our problems started in the 80’s and kept growing until we wound up in the sewer in 2008 before Obama became President and he accepted the job, but said, “I can’t do this job alone and I need all your help”. Didn’t get it did he? The Republican Party put us in the hole and the Republican Party along with some democrats made damn sure we stayed in the hole. Their mantra from day one of his presidency was “MAKE OBAMA A ONE TERM PRESIDENT.” None of them worked one day for the good of this country and for the citizens that elected them, oops’ I take that back, they did work for the 1% but not the other 99%.

All we have heard the last few months is that they are going to repeal all the good things Obama has done for the majority of us. They have fought against every bill he wanted passed because it upsets there “under the table cash flow from the 1%”. How about all the SOCIALIST talk? Golly Gee! All politicians or people that works for a city, county, state, federal government, our justice system all parts including our Supreme Court and congress are socialist! They live off the taxpayer’s of this country. Most really work for their pay, but the ones that have been elected to various offices do not, they work the system to their advantage. They mismanage designated funds, especially Governors and their crew of perennial politicians/prostitutes. Most have never had a job in the private sector. They are all socialist government employees. Many gripe about the government constantly. Where in the hell would they be if we didn’t have this great government? They keep their jobs but they cheat their employers as they do not work for us, only themselves! I couldn’t afford to buy enough paper to print the list of fraudulent things that Rick Perry has done to the State of Texas and its citizens. The lobbyist keep all the politicians well funded with extra cash and favors for the work they do for them. When will we wake up and get rid of them and change our Constitution? Do your civil duty and vote it might be the best thing you do in 2012!

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