Saturday, March 24, 2012


First you need to know the rules. You can’t govern Christianity, it is a special connection between each individual that believes in God and Jesus Christ. In the world it is possible to deceive men and have them believe that you are a fine upstanding, Church going person, and have them believe that you love others, and are saved and going to heaven. But what man believes about you does not matter at all, it is what God KNOWS about you, for God knows your heart and your thoughts. You cannot deceive God. He KNOWS if you LOVE others in your heart, or not. All the majority of citizens see is prejudice against anyone who is a different race, religion or political belief. And in regard to the poor and disenfranchised that they constantly rage against – all of them need to read: Deuteronomy, Chapter 15. Verse 11 tells us that the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto they brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. Being an Evangelist and just following the Four Gospels does not take away rules from the Old Testament, as Jesus Christ was poor and homeless and believed in helping the poor.

God is not mocked – what you sow, you shall also reap. If you have deceived men and appeared loving to the world, yet inside full of anger and hate, God knows it. We are commanded to LOVE even those who harm us, hate us and persecute us we are commanded to forgive them- pray for them - do good too them - and bless them. Something I have found missing in this political campaign.

People who are truly Christian’s know what the GOOD BOOK tells us about SATAN and how he lost his exalted position due to his challenge to God and wound up with a whole slew of names – “the devil” meaning “slander or false accuser”, “the tempter”, “Beelzebub”, “the wicked one”, “the god of this age”, “Belial”, “the prince of the power of the air”, “THE

RULER OF THIS WORLD” and “the accuser of our brethren”, he is the great opposer or adversary of God and man.

His influence in worldly affairs is clearly evident under the sway of politics, religion, avariciousness (corrupt, greedy for power using any means possible to attain) and money and power has become the God of most politicians. Many do nothing and the ones that try to do good for the human race get no help from the rest, as they have a different goal in mind, to rule the world!

Money is a tool and the world seems to have plenty of it, for the wrong reasons, to buy politicians with no moral ethics to be used as tools for power. I thought the days of buying human beings were against the law, but I guess not, since the Supreme Justice department has also been bought.

This is my country and I am still free to vote for a person who cares about all of the citizens, not just a few.

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