Saturday, March 24, 2012

An Auction, Not An Election:

It is not like a game of sports, where both teams are good, but the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the player’s are paid it will not change the outcome of the game. As I have watched daily the game of our political campaigns. It is a matter of whom the most convincing liars with the most money and an insatiable hunger and greed for power that might win this auction of our government.

The amount of money and time spent in this campaign is enough to make a decent person sick to their stomach. This campaign started when Barack Obama was elected President. Instead of working for the citizens of this country, the Republicans and some Democrats sat on their hands and their royal rear ends and did nothing but fight against everything he has tried to do. They weren’t interested in our country and the damnable mess it was in, they were interested only in satisfying the whims of their wealthy friends and the large corporations and holding onto their status quo in the congress.

They enlisted all the old rabble-rousers, the people that stir up the passions and prejudices of the public for his or her own interests, a demagogue (person or political leader, who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices). Many of these were old men that were not reelected in the past years, but had become so addicted to the power of politics that they couldn’t give it up and go home and just really do some good for their communities, no such luck, they had to have that spotlight back on them again. Most of the one’s I watched didn’t do anything worth a damn all the years they were in congress. We had a bunch and still do in congress that, aren’t worth the powder it would take to blow them to hell. Want their names?

A bunch of lily-livered pasty faced old men, (except one who plays golf a lot or uses the tanning bed) that have done nothing but get into politics and live off the land, not farming or anything worthwhile, but live off the taxpayer’s, sort of federal welfare, but they sure hate it when people who have been disenfranchised really need welfare. We also have a new breed of women that have become a disgusting sight to behold. They just like the limelight, also, not to help our country, just to do a bunch of mouthing and half the time don’t know what they are talking about, maybe to hear the sound of their voice or their heads roar or see themselves on television and in papers or just to hear their names mentioned. They along with all the men have decided that it is their place and the governments, if they are elected to tell we women how to live our private sexual and religious lives! How many of you need help with this part of your life? God gave me my rights in this field of endeavor when he gave me my FREEWILL. As a woman I have never been subservient to any man.

Well the Auction for 2010 is over and the GOP won part of the House, but not all the Senate, as they wanted. Got some new GOP Governors. Nothing got done since then, as they started the day after the election with the promise, we will pass no bills by the Democratic Party (even if they are good for the citizens) so nothing got done, a stalemate by the Republican Party to make Obama a one-term President. Then they started campaigning for the 2012 election, the only time they will spend working is trying to undo everything that has been done since Obama was elected. The GOP Governors will be spending taxpayer money trying to repeal healthcare and the finance reform bills. So the AUCTION began again, money, from all over the world coming into the SUPER PAC’s, from corporations to help take over our COUNTRY, from the majority of us who do not have money and do not believe in buying politicians. Our right to vote is free we don’t have to pay for it. Remember the saying, “THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE”. I’M NOT FOR SALE, ARE YOU?

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