Saturday, March 24, 2012


Why can’t States and Counties run their own affairs any longer? They have to hire out of state and foreign countries to do the work and Tax the people for it.

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own hospitals that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own jails that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t take care of their own roads that the citizens paid for?

Why can’t Counties can’t run their own schools that the citizens paid for?

Why are athletics more important in schools than academics?

Why does the State and County officials allow large money making private entities like oil and gas companies to run roughshod over its citizens?

Why does the State allow large corporations to take inmates in state prisons and use them as money making private entities?

Why aren’t the citizens allowed to vote on any and all new rules and laws put forth by County officials and State legislature before they go into effect?

Does anyone have an answer?


They really are for the poor people of this country. And not to many

people of this country really care about them. There are not many

menial jobs for the poor and uneducated people. I hear all the talk about people need to get out and get a job. Where? Doing what? All our manufacturing jobs that people could do by using their hands, backs and muscles are gone. Sent to another country, so that the owners of the companies could make more money. Or someone figured out a way to get the jobs done by technology, so they could get rid of the people. Companies do not have service people to answer their telephones. No more telephone operators. Service stations no longer have service. No attendants, no one to fix a tire, no one to check and put oil in your vehicle if needed. No shops to repair appliances. No shoe repair shops. Can’t get anything fixed. You can do without or go buy new ones, maybe, but mostly you go to Goodwill, Salvation Army or more well off will give you their old castaways.

Once in many parts of this country and still in some parts, you could at least be able to be a sharecropper some place or have a small piece of land that you could have a garden to grow your own food, with space to have a cow or two, for your milk and butter, a few chickens for your eggs and chickens to eat, or even a pig or two for meat. You worked for the owner for this. You didn’t get paid, but you could feed your family and put a roof over them. Outhouses, bathe in washtubs, with water drawn from a well or carried from a spring or go to the nearby creek in the summer time to bathe. Cut your own stove and fire wood. Kerosene lamps. Wash your clothes on a rub board and boil them in a wash pot then hang them on a fence line to dry. Sprinkle them with a little water and iron them with a smoothing iron heated on the cook stove. Make your own clothes from printed feed sacks and undergarments and baby clothes from flour sacks. You always unraveled the threads from the sacks, wrapped them into a ball and crocheted with it. You sewed your clothes by hand or if you were lucky a sewing machine. You made your own quilts from scraps, such as old clothes, no fancy blankets to cover you in the wintertime.

No electricity, no air conditioners, no telephone, no television, maybe a battery operated radio to be used on Saturday night, as there was no place and no way to go anyplace unless it was absolutely necessary. You cooked your food fresh every day. You kept your milk and butter, by putting it down in the well or building a small box in the spring.

As your vegetables were gathered, you cooked to eat and canned the rest for winter. You gathered berries, wild grapes, plums and made jelly and jams to eat and can. If you were lucky and the owner grew his own cane, when syrup was made with your labor and hard work, he divided with you. The same when hog killing time came along. Everyone helped during these times and everyone shared a little for, their help.

Your gun or guns stood in the corner of a room, they were there for a purpose everyone had guns and fishing poles. No one ever got hurt. Children were taught to use guns and could go hunting for squirrels, rabbits, ducks, quail and all manner of edible animals for food. Other than chicken and pork, this was your meat. We had fish all year around you caught them with a pole or on trotlines or seine. You could have frog legs by gigging frogs on the creek. But at least you never went hungry if you were willing to work.

Healthcare: You used natural remedies your Grandparents handed down from their Indian ancestors. There was lots of uses for vinegar, it stopped bleeding, so did smut from the fireplace, kerosene, turpentine, all these things healed insect bites and were put on different types of wounds. Cough medicine: teaspoon of sugar with a couple of drops of kerosene or turpentine. Babies were born at home, with the help of relatives or a midwife.

Doctors actually came to your home, either on horseback or buggy. They accepted food as payment, eggs, bacon, sausage, vegetables, syrup, honey, cornmeal, canned goods, potatoes, anything they could use, as they didn’t have time or a place to grow their own.

Nowadays we would have a problem with that. There is no place to farm and no one would know how. Plus the government has taken most of the small farms and they wound up being put in the hands of large conglomerates. Leaving no place for a small farmer and sharecroppers to live and make a living. Practically all, timberland was bought up by large conglomerates - leaving no place for the wildlife to live.

The younger generation thinks everything comes from the grocery store, and have no idea how it got to the grocery store. They couldn’t live a week without everything to entertain them or going to the fast food places to eat. They ask their parents for money and if they are told, “I don’t have any”, their reply is “write a check”…Or use your credit card. A lot of poor people do not have checks nor credit cards, and with no jobs or any in sight, with no money at all. What will they do? Beg-- steal? I always try to put myself in someone else’s shoes when I think of being in a situation like.

One thing I decided, I would beg, (but of course the laws do not allow you to beg on the street) they call it panhandling, they have a damn law for everything now. But if I had children who were hungry and I couldn’t get food any other way I would steal it. So it doesn’t sound nice!! Have any of you ever had any hungry little ones? I wonder what any of you would do. I see the poor hungry children in Africa and other places and it makes me ill. We have them in the US also. One thing I will tell you, it makes me want to kill every leader of every country that allows the citizens to be treated so badly. I have been told that in his own time, God will take care of the bad guys, I don’t mean to tell him how to take care of his business, but he has taken too long on many of them.

We all have our thoughts and I have wondered why God would let someone like Satan challenge him to such a duel over his people and let such needless suffering happen. It’s like what has happened in places all over the world the governments leaders must have been spawned by Satan. And we sit and let it happen. Can we ever change it or do we have to wait for God to take care of us. He gave us the knowledge to know right from wrong. Let’s all start doing the right thing and straighten up our country and take care of the citizens and live as God would have wanted us to do. Love each other and do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.


The Constitution, 1st and 14th amendments not only guarantee the

freedom of the individual to practice the religion of their choosing, it also guarantees the freedom FROM religion. It also created the separation of church and state. What these particular republican and church ‘leaders’ who are trying to force the rest of us to follow their doctrines are doing is downright un-American - in fact it is the definition of Fascism. It is practicing the mortal sin of Hubris - yep it’s right up there with murder.

I have studied the Bible for as long as I can remember only 4 of the 20 ‘accepted’ English versions, read the Koran 4 ties and studied the Torah for 3 years. What did I learn? That most people have no idea what their religious doctrines say let alone what it means. I have also learned that these Zealots count on their followers to be ignorant of the words and the facts.

The Catholic Church has gone back and forth on abortion as an acceptable form of birth control (original sin and the fetus has no soul until willingly confirmed in the church) 28 times over the last 1970 years. It is believed that the last time the church decided abortion was murder was in 1896, shortly after the publication of the USA 1880 census that showed a large decline in the number of Catholics.

So should churches have to pay for birth control for their paid staff? This is my feeling; because churches are tax exempt they do not pay taxes, this includes unemployment tax so if you work for a church and are laid off or unjustly fired you will receive NO unemployment. Churches should be staffed by volunteers from their congregation, if the church cannot get enough volunteers then perhaps they should assess if they are meeting the needs of its congregants or perhaps question if there is even a need for that specific church location.

Though the best way to resolve this is to have national public health care and that would eliminate any input from the churches, though I am sure they would find some way to insert their selves - into the issue.

Imagine if the USA stopped trying to spread democracy to other countries and put as much time into our own country to move it from a democratic republic to an actual democracy perhaps America could regain global credibility and some humanity for her citizens. It really is time for a change.

Gas Prices and the KeystoneXL Pipeline

Time and time over the years during elections or when the oil companies and corporations want a certain bill to pass, the gas prices start going up! Like the sky is falling fear factor! The truth – gas prices go up due to Wall Street SPECULATORS – non-regulated and they do not take delivery by trade on basis of point spreads – over and over. The KeystoneXL pipeline tar sands issues will not depress gas prices because the barrels go into the WORLD MARKET - that is why they are going to the Port of Houston and bypassing the refineries in the MIDWEST!

Note how our North Texas Congressman who are EMPLOYEES of yours, Barton, Burgess, Flores, Granger and Marchant voted a big NO, when an amendment to HR3408 to require that products made from oil shipped in the KeystoneXL pipeline be sold in the United States. Seems they had other plans. By the way, the jobs from the pipeline are greatly exaggerated, as they will be short term not permanent.

The propaganda keeps flying through ‘FAUX’ news channel with the only thing they know how to do – lie and distort the truth for our willfully ignorant! Wake up citizen’s that’s how they make their money, shoveling s--t!

Let’s all cut down on our driving – try carpooling, biking, busing and walking if you can. Drive only for necessities, work, shopping and emergencies. You can watch sports and other entertainment on TV and keep what you save. If you are downtown Austin, ride your horse and tie him up in front of the Governor’s office, he’s in on the lie – and by the way he is an EMPLOYEE of yours in case you have forgotten.


First you need to know the rules. You can’t govern Christianity, it is a special connection between each individual that believes in God and Jesus Christ. In the world it is possible to deceive men and have them believe that you are a fine upstanding, Church going person, and have them believe that you love others, and are saved and going to heaven. But what man believes about you does not matter at all, it is what God KNOWS about you, for God knows your heart and your thoughts. You cannot deceive God. He KNOWS if you LOVE others in your heart, or not. All the majority of citizens see is prejudice against anyone who is a different race, religion or political belief. And in regard to the poor and disenfranchised that they constantly rage against – all of them need to read: Deuteronomy, Chapter 15. Verse 11 tells us that the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying, thou shalt open thine hand wide unto they brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. Being an Evangelist and just following the Four Gospels does not take away rules from the Old Testament, as Jesus Christ was poor and homeless and believed in helping the poor.

God is not mocked – what you sow, you shall also reap. If you have deceived men and appeared loving to the world, yet inside full of anger and hate, God knows it. We are commanded to LOVE even those who harm us, hate us and persecute us we are commanded to forgive them- pray for them - do good too them - and bless them. Something I have found missing in this political campaign.

People who are truly Christian’s know what the GOOD BOOK tells us about SATAN and how he lost his exalted position due to his challenge to God and wound up with a whole slew of names – “the devil” meaning “slander or false accuser”, “the tempter”, “Beelzebub”, “the wicked one”, “the god of this age”, “Belial”, “the prince of the power of the air”, “THE

RULER OF THIS WORLD” and “the accuser of our brethren”, he is the great opposer or adversary of God and man.

His influence in worldly affairs is clearly evident under the sway of politics, religion, avariciousness (corrupt, greedy for power using any means possible to attain) and money and power has become the God of most politicians. Many do nothing and the ones that try to do good for the human race get no help from the rest, as they have a different goal in mind, to rule the world!

Money is a tool and the world seems to have plenty of it, for the wrong reasons, to buy politicians with no moral ethics to be used as tools for power. I thought the days of buying human beings were against the law, but I guess not, since the Supreme Justice department has also been bought.

This is my country and I am still free to vote for a person who cares about all of the citizens, not just a few.

Religion and Politics

Both are like a cancer to the human race, and continue to spread like a

virus by fear. All are manmade rules and lies to keep control of their follower’s by religious leader’s telling them they have to follow and abide by the laws made by the various church that they belong to or they will burn in hell and not make it to heaven without their strong hand to lead them. For this leadership they must tithe to pay them for their services, build churches and pay for the upkeep. It is a racket that has gone on for centuries and in case no has noticed – churches, at least most of them are very rich – how you wonder? They are bloodsuckers!

Lies are easier to believe than truth - because they are designed - to be believed. In case some of you have forgotten there is some truth in the Bible and it does tell people how to live and what rules to follow and you don’t have to have a religious organization to tell you. But we must remember this started centuries ago when the majority of people were illiterate and couldn’t read the written word and the ones that could took advantage of the fact and told them what to believe and many still do.

A government controls the majority of citizens along the same lines by convincing them that they need someone to take care of them, make laws for them to live by and they will protect us – from the terrorist and anything else they can think of. For this we citizens must work and support ourselves and pay taxes to the government for the privilege of being able to have leaders that helps us do this. Of course we have to pay them and for their upkeep and wellbeing while they are taking care of us! What a joke – it’s a racket just like religion. Most of the politicians were very rich (and wanted more power) before they got in the racket of politics. And in case no one noticed they have become richer – how you wonder? They are power hungry bloodsuckers! Politicians lie because they believe that the truth will set them free – as in unemployed! We need to pass a law that no politician is allowed to speak without being hooked up to a lie detector.

Politicians use religion as a tool to con believers, religion uses our government tax rules for the tax exempt status, just like the rich and corporations do – by the way they are people now – first thing we know the churches will be “people” also. The root of ALL EVIL in this world is religion and politics. We will never get rid of it as long as the government and churches protect their organizations from the evil they do to people for the sake of power and money.


A federal attack on religious conscience, so says Bishop Kevin Vann and Bishop Kevin Farrell! From the Inquisition on down to the present I have not seen very many of the officials of the Catholic Church to have a conscience, I personally have known one. They still use “Mental Reservation”, a 700 year- old doctrine, where clerics can avoid telling the truth, to protect the Catholic Church. Not sanctioned under canon law, experts say and infrequently invoked. It has been misused to justify lying.

Now before Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, Cardinal Roger Mahoney, Bishops Vann and Farrell take on telling the United States Government how, they and the Church wants them to run various parts of our government and bringing up The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, first thing we know they will decide the Church is a person. Before they go any farther they need to clean up their own house and church laws. By the number of them that have broken all the laws that they swore to defend in the name of God and Jesus Christ, then tried to hide from all the world, how dare you condemn President Obama and Secretary Sebelius for the new ruling, something they seem to forget – not all people are Catholic and have a need for the new law. Besides it is a private personal thing and no business of the church, their laws are for their members, not the rest of the world.

As shepherds for their parishioners, they have one job, teach them to follow their rules of the Church. I know and so do they that each person will follow the rule that is best for them. Both men and women no matter what religion they follow use birth control of some kind if it is for their best interest and I guarantee you it isn’t the old church rule of abstinence. It is no one’s business how I found out, but many catholic men when they talk to their priest about the problem of not wanting more children, he tells them to abstain and they whine, “but Father I can’t”. Another thing about the honor of men, when a wife does get pregnant and he or she didn’t want more children, it’s her fault!

As for shepherds of their flock of sheep, they have no wool, but the Church takes their bounty. Bishop Kevin Vann knows about that. The old Country Club property at Weatherford had 70 acres for sale. It was offered to the Catholic Church and they didn’t buy it. The Baptist Church bought it and decided they didn’t need the whole 70 acres and put up 24.9 acres for sale.

For $1,635,464.00, the same price I understand the Baptist Church paid for 70 acres. The Catholic Church bought it. The Diocese financed it at 7% interest.

The interest on this note is more than the Church collects each month. Then in the middle of all this The Bishop sends a crew over asking the flock to shell out an additional $700,000.00 for his expenses! I understand they were paid well to suck every nickel they could get from the flock. (He probably needed it to pay for his share of lawsuits against the Church for the misdeeds of the priests, in fact one parishioner stood up and said so) They were all asked to sign pledges to help pay this amount, and if they didn’t they would send someone to their homes to talk about it! I don’t know who worked that deal but it is a worthless piece of property, just backs up to the church property, it works out to about $65,000 an acre. There is not an acre in Weatherford worth that much. I own 12 acres myself.

We need to keep religion where it belongs in the Church and between each person and God and out of government. Keep politics out of churches, the military and our justice system. Maybe I’m strange but I don’t forget our history, any of it, but it seems so easy for some to ignore and act like their past was as pure as the driven snow.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Thank God President Obama appointed a director, even though he had to do by recess appointment. I note he is starting out in Birmingham, Alabama “our third world state” on payday lending, where we really have a lot of poor ignorant people and once, they get hooked by these companies they never get away. Being poor and needing help is like any other addiction, alcohol or drugs, one can never get away and our country has never been able to find a cure or a way to help. Maybe now we can start an even playing field for all consumers. The poor needy and uneducated have always been ‘CAPTIVE CONSUMER’S’ by the greed of money grabbing people. It is not just the moneylender’s, it is also firms that do service for all manner of repairs, they overcharge clients for work and many do not complete the jobs or give poor service.

One group I have not noticed being mentioned. Used car dealers in poor parts of cities. They will sell a car to anyone for a down payment and set up a weekly or monthly payment, keep the title of the vehicle, which is in their name until the vehicle is paid for, which is legal. I have known them to sell vehicles to people who do not have a driver’s license nor have ever had one due to the fact that they are mentally impaired. They are able to learn to drive, many work and do menial labor such as mowing lawns, save enough money and want a car. These dealers just want the money. They will let these people have the car and leave the lot without insurance of any kind and no driver’s license. A dealer in Oak Cliff area in Dallas made a mistake by doing this. One of my housekeepers had a brother that was mentally impaired to this extent. HE wanted a car, he was 30 years old the dealer took his money and let him have the car, he drove off the lot and paid weekly for about six months, plus a high interest rate. The poor guy would probably have paid this weekly payment for five years, but he had an accident, hit another car then damaged some city property. Police, tickets for no driver’s license, no insurance, then to jail. His family paid his tickets and got him out of jail, but they wouldn’t let him have the car, as he had no title, plus the city demanded payment for the city property, which was extensive. My housekeeper told me what had happened and asked what he could do? As I was in the insurance business I asked about the insurance, he didn’t have any, I asked about the title, he didn’t have a title to the car! She told me the circumstances about the dealer and the payments, with them keeping the title until it was paid for. I got the dealer’s name and called. Asked about the title. He told me they keep the title in their name until it is paid for. I asked if they had insurance on their cars that they sell under those circumstances? They did! I then told him that since he was the owner of this vehicle and not the person driving it who had been involved in an accident, I would have the City of Highland Park and the owner of the other vehicle contact him in regard to the damage done to the city property and the other person’s vehicle, and once this was paid he could pick up his vehicle at the city pound and it might be a good idea to change his sales tactics and stop preying on poor uneducated African American’s and Mexican people.

Since that time I have found that dealer’s like this all along the Mexican-American border, really prey on the Latin American’s coming into the United States. They do the same thing, take the down payment, set up payments, keep the title in their name, let them take the car, no driver’s license, insurance or even a copy of the title. They leave the license plates and inspection sticker on the car. When they expire, not knowing the rules and regulations, they drive around with expired license plates, inspection stickers and no driver’s license – everything is fine until they get stopped by police or have an accident, then they lose their vehicle and their money and the pound winds up with a lot of vehicles, lot of money to the city paid for fines to get out jail. They usually can’t afford to get the car out of the pound, as they can’t get a driver’s license afford to buy insurance or pay the pound fee. If the dealers get their vehicles out of the pound, more money for the city and they take the vehicle back to the lot and sell it to another unsuspecting poor person. If they don’t pick it up the city sells these vehicles and make more money for the city. The loser’s are the poor fools who buy them in the beginning from a bunch of greedy bastard that take advantage and do not follow the laws. Our whole country has been consumed with this type of business practices. The old saying, “Buyer’s Beware” still applies!

An Auction, Not An Election:

It is not like a game of sports, where both teams are good, but the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the player’s are paid it will not change the outcome of the game. As I have watched daily the game of our political campaigns. It is a matter of whom the most convincing liars with the most money and an insatiable hunger and greed for power that might win this auction of our government.

The amount of money and time spent in this campaign is enough to make a decent person sick to their stomach. This campaign started when Barack Obama was elected President. Instead of working for the citizens of this country, the Republicans and some Democrats sat on their hands and their royal rear ends and did nothing but fight against everything he has tried to do. They weren’t interested in our country and the damnable mess it was in, they were interested only in satisfying the whims of their wealthy friends and the large corporations and holding onto their status quo in the congress.

They enlisted all the old rabble-rousers, the people that stir up the passions and prejudices of the public for his or her own interests, a demagogue (person or political leader, who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices). Many of these were old men that were not reelected in the past years, but had become so addicted to the power of politics that they couldn’t give it up and go home and just really do some good for their communities, no such luck, they had to have that spotlight back on them again. Most of the one’s I watched didn’t do anything worth a damn all the years they were in congress. We had a bunch and still do in congress that, aren’t worth the powder it would take to blow them to hell. Want their names?

A bunch of lily-livered pasty faced old men, (except one who plays golf a lot or uses the tanning bed) that have done nothing but get into politics and live off the land, not farming or anything worthwhile, but live off the taxpayer’s, sort of federal welfare, but they sure hate it when people who have been disenfranchised really need welfare. We also have a new breed of women that have become a disgusting sight to behold. They just like the limelight, also, not to help our country, just to do a bunch of mouthing and half the time don’t know what they are talking about, maybe to hear the sound of their voice or their heads roar or see themselves on television and in papers or just to hear their names mentioned. They along with all the men have decided that it is their place and the governments, if they are elected to tell we women how to live our private sexual and religious lives! How many of you need help with this part of your life? God gave me my rights in this field of endeavor when he gave me my FREEWILL. As a woman I have never been subservient to any man.

Well the Auction for 2010 is over and the GOP won part of the House, but not all the Senate, as they wanted. Got some new GOP Governors. Nothing got done since then, as they started the day after the election with the promise, we will pass no bills by the Democratic Party (even if they are good for the citizens) so nothing got done, a stalemate by the Republican Party to make Obama a one-term President. Then they started campaigning for the 2012 election, the only time they will spend working is trying to undo everything that has been done since Obama was elected. The GOP Governors will be spending taxpayer money trying to repeal healthcare and the finance reform bills. So the AUCTION began again, money, from all over the world coming into the SUPER PAC’s, from corporations to help take over our COUNTRY, from the majority of us who do not have money and do not believe in buying politicians. Our right to vote is free we don’t have to pay for it. Remember the saying, “THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE”. I’M NOT FOR SALE, ARE YOU?


We have approximately 63 million registered Democrats, 47 million registered Republicans and 32 million registered Independents. But many citizens have never voted, what a shame! It really is the only true right and voice you have in this country – one-person one vote. Don’t let anyone take that right away from you, as most republican governors are trying to do. Ask for help and go register to vote. Don’t let politicians chose whom they want to vote for them, you choose whom you want to vote for, but be sure and check them out and don’t believe all their talk. As most really don’t have anything to run on, so most of their time is spent running the competitor down, instead of really trying to help our country and its citizens.

As I listened to Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann, make their little speech about leaving the campaign it was appalling to hear them continue on with their usual, blaming everything that is wrong with our country on Barack Obama. Surely even they couldn’t believe their own lies and I know that all the citizens of this country don’t. Many of us really do know what has been going on all these years and we aren’t dumb as most politicians think we are. Many of us do remember what has been going on in our country, but all the politicians that have been campaigning for the office of president the only thing they talk about is repealing all the good things that have been passed by part of congress and signed by the president without the help of the Republican Party and some of the Democrats. I remember when our problems started in the 80’s and kept growing until we wound up in the sewer in 2008 before Obama became President and he accepted the job, but said, “I can’t do this job alone and I need all your help”. Didn’t get it did he? The Republican Party put us in the hole and the Republican Party along with some democrats made damn sure we stayed in the hole. Their mantra from day one of his presidency was “MAKE OBAMA A ONE TERM PRESIDENT.” None of them worked one day for the good of this country and for the citizens that elected them, oops’ I take that back, they did work for the 1% but not the other 99%.

All we have heard the last few months is that they are going to repeal all the good things Obama has done for the majority of us. They have fought against every bill he wanted passed because it upsets there “under the table cash flow from the 1%”. How about all the SOCIALIST talk? Golly Gee! All politicians or people that works for a city, county, state, federal government, our justice system all parts including our Supreme Court and congress are socialist! They live off the taxpayer’s of this country. Most really work for their pay, but the ones that have been elected to various offices do not, they work the system to their advantage. They mismanage designated funds, especially Governors and their crew of perennial politicians/prostitutes. Most have never had a job in the private sector. They are all socialist government employees. Many gripe about the government constantly. Where in the hell would they be if we didn’t have this great government? They keep their jobs but they cheat their employers as they do not work for us, only themselves! I couldn’t afford to buy enough paper to print the list of fraudulent things that Rick Perry has done to the State of Texas and its citizens. The lobbyist keep all the politicians well funded with extra cash and favors for the work they do for them. When will we wake up and get rid of them and change our Constitution? Do your civil duty and vote it might be the best thing you do in 2012!

What a sad state of affairs:

On any given night in America anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million people are homeless, according to estimates of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. Actually there are probably more than that. Not only homeless but hungry, sick and mentally ill. Our big state of Texas has more than most other states. Yet we have a Governor running around all over the country bragging about what a great job he does for Texas. We tax payers are paying his security detail approximately $400,000 a month plus! That amount of money would help pay for a lot of homeless people and I had rather the money go to help them, than to pay for a lousy, corrupt, racist, homophobic egomaniac that tries to tell people how to live their lives and claims to be a Christian. He has screwed up our Health and Human Services Department so bad that poor people don’t know which way to turn. Texas is in such bad shape we will never get it straightened out and he is trying to be the President of the United States. God help us.

Yes we have lots of companies moving to Texas, you want to know why? He gives them all big tax abatements, which doesn’t help Texas tax system - it helps the companies and helps fill his pockets. Wonder how many he has stock in?

I read an article where he claims God told him to run for President, his wife claims she talks to God too. Well, the last time I talked to the Big Guy I asked him about that. He told me he hadn’t talked to any of that worthless bunch of men and one silly woman running for president and he wasn’t the least bit interested in their political aspirations as he thought the man in that position was doing a good job with what he had to work with since he had not had any help from the republicans, and that frankly the republicans had never been good for our country, they have the bad disease –avarice – and just about ruined the nation. I thanked him and told him I agreed with him wholeheartedly. I always ask for just one thing when I talk to him so this time I asked what I should do – he told me to keep on doing what I always did.

Well I don’t know if he meant just take care of Ricky or vent my spleen and raise hell as usual. There is one thing I know if we don’t start thinking for ourselves and for the good of our fellow man instead of listening to a bunch of good for nothing politicians who really have no interest in the majority of the citizens. Their only interest is stealing every dime they can get their greedy hands on. They haven’t learned you can’t take it with you. The only real use for money is the good that you can do with it. That’s what God and the Good Book tells you – evidently they haven’t learned that yet.

Impartial Justice?

Impartial Justice?

Challengers to the Healthcare Law have wined and dined our Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas after a meeting to decide if they would hear the case and when they said they would hear the case before the Supreme Court. They were feted to a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the court.

Paul Clement of the Bancroft PLLC firm – a former US Solicitor General during the Bush Administration will likely argue the case. His firm with almost two-dozen other firms sponsored the dinner – along with Associations - The National Federation of Independent Business and Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc. Mitch McConnell the great Obama hater and others were in attendance. The court justices might be exempt from the Code of Conduct that governs the action of lower federal judges.

Impartial? Like hell! Those two will do anything for money and the limelight and Thomas’s wife pulls him around by his maleness he is so proud of – he does whatever she wants him to do. He had no damn business being on the Supreme Court anyway – George HW Bush and the republicans in office needed to put in their token black to show they weren’t racist even though Anita Hill was right about him. I watched men like Orrin Hatch, Charles Grassley and Arlen Specter and others literally crucify her but we the people knew the truth. What a despicable bunch of men and some of them are still in the congress and still supposed to represent we the citizens. Anita Hill left with her dignity intact and the belief of the American people and turned out with more respect than any that tried to bring her down. But they put him on the law of the land because they knew he would vote however his handler’s wanted him to and be thankful to them for the honor. I no longer consider any republican on the Supreme Court honorable. In fact our whole justice system has been shot to hell. I have a bumper sticker “WE NEED MORE JUDGES IN HIGH HEELS” and that is a fact we do!

Now we have a great black/white president, but he is a democrat and he has tried to work with both parties – but no way will they accept him even though he has tried to do what is good for the majority of the working citizens of this country – no matter their race, religion or political affiliations. Now the thing that both parties have tried to pass over these many years – Healthcare Coverage – Barack Obama our great

Democratic President got it passed. It wasn’t everything we wanted and he stated it needed work – but it passed even though many corporations paid “campaign funds” actually bribes in the millions for the Senators and Representatives to vote against the bill – all the republicans took the money to vote for and against, but they all voted against. Some of them in the senate were greedy bastards. I have a list of how much they took – makes you want to puke at their hypocrisy.

So now they want to take it to the Supreme Court where they feel sure their friends whom they have also bribed will vote to say it is unconstitutional. If Scalia and Thomas do not have the integrity – what am I thinking - decency – no not that either – guts works – to recuse themselves as a judge in this matter because of prejudice and conflict of interest. I certainly expect Kagan too remain as a judge. To bad Thurgood Marshall couldn’t have lived another 75 years. I remember saying to him once, “someday our country will have a black president” his answer, “that day will never come.” But it did and I wonder what he would have thought about the treatment given to him by our wonderful nation – built on Christian principles – but he already knew that statement was untrue.

What will the outcome be? According to how much money they are paid!