Sunday, January 30, 2011



In my winter of discontent I nearly lose my eternal optimism, that
things will get better for all the people that need help in our world for various reasons. Maybe it’s just me, but when I see so much attention given to sports in our newspaper and television with all the money involved with less and less attention given to academics with less and less money involved I get upset.
Adult sized men playing a child’s game, with owners of the teams becoming immensely wealthy and various cities allowing them to do whatever they want in these cities. The government and politicians paying; homage to the teams and the owners; as if they had done something really great and worthwhile. It is wonderful for children to be involved in sports, but not to the extent that it has become.
Sports does not make a school great, academics does. People, parents, friends and neighbors pay more attention to your children and their schoolwork than you do to which school has the best team. All children like to play sports, some are better at it than others, but it has gotten to the point that if you aren’t the best player, so that your team will win, no matter how you play the game you do not get to play, but they expect them to go watch and support the other players, even though they tell you, you aren’t good enough to play. Support the team above all else! How about we just support the English Club, the French Club, the Science Club, the History Club, the Math Club, the Music Club, the Biology Club, anything to do with learning in lieu of playing a game where many get broken bones, teeth knocked out, skulls fractured, some injured for life. There are sports that are less dangerous than team sports chasing a ball and knocking each other around. Tennis, a one on one or a doubles team, a swim team, they are less likely to get hurt and they are sports one can play even into their old age, but academics should be at the top of all children’s
criteria, and that of their parents not sports.

I didn’t forget golf, which I have found to be a useless sport.
Exercise, maybe but there are other ways than out knocking a ball
around with a stick, pardon me, a club, but many found a way to
make a moneymaking thing out of that. Again, it is a game of luck
you don’t always stay on top, next go around someone else wins.

Don’t waste your time and money on professional sports, none of the money they pay those players will rub off on you, nor will any the owners make off you, your tickets and junk you buy from advertising, plus the food they sell at an awful price. Unless you are a gambler and bet on the games, at times they also lose.
Something I learned over the years. Sports is a game of LUCK, when both teams are good, the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the players and the coach are paid, it will not change the outcome of the game. No matter how much your, team is touted as being the best in newspapers or television, does not make it so, that’s why one team doesn’t remain on top year after year. You win some you lose some, that’s how it should be. Everything about sports has become a moneymaking entity with a lot of bad sportsmanship involved, from grade school through college to professional sports.

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