Sunday, January 30, 2011



Wouldn’t it be nice to think and believe that everything we say and do is right and everyone else is wrong, like the Republican Party; I have news for them, I have watched them for over 50 years and they did nothing for the majority of the citizens, only for the wealthy and the large corporation’s. That is why the country is in the condition it is in now. Not just all republicans, some of the democrats went along with them in order to get their share of the goodies. I look at some of the republicans that were once democrats and switched parties to hang onto the coattails of the rich and famous and keep their jobs as professional politicians. What a terrible shame to our country.

As I said before, November 2, 2010, was an auction not an election, and now the fight will start. The republicans, on the state level and the federal level with all their intended lawsuits to repeal bills passed under the Obama Administration and intention to investigate the administration as being corrupt is an abusive use of the legal system for improper ends. Who is going to pay these legal fees, the politicians out of their pockets? I hope to hell they don’t expect the taxpayers to pay them!

The Obama Administration could have done the same thing about the Bush Administration as many of us wanted them to do, but he felt in lieu of wasting time and money doing that, he had better things to do to help the citizens of this country that had been damaged by the last administration. He did and could have done more, but the DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS, held up the majority of bills passed by the house, by putting holds on them!
All the politicians involved in the downfall of our country did not want the last administration investigated! Now we have a bunch of new smart alecks who think they know how to run things and take care of the debt and not spend any money. Big laugh! The old ones that had been griping about the debt, you notice how they started saving, by holding the congress hostage on passing the bills pending until they got the Bush tax cuts for the two percent of the nations wealthiest. That added billions to the debt, maybe they do not know what CONSERVATIVE means, but they keep saying they are. Citizens in 2012, we really need to clean house of all the professional politicians, both state and federal.

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