Sunday, January 30, 2011



As I read the Bible and our history I wonder why things couldn’t
have been different, for our good instead of our downfall.
Why are we as a people so lacking in the finer instincts of a human being, kindness, consideration, love of one another? Who taught people to hate? Was it the Pharisees – a different Jewish sect, I understand they were sanctimonious, self-righteous and hypo-critical? Why did God create them or did he? If it was the Pharisees, then we still have to many of them left in our world and I think they are all politicians, of course they had lots of them back in the biblical days, something we could have done without.

There are so many things that I have read from the beginning in the Bible that I find hard to understand why they happened. I have had my elders say, ‘you aren’t supposed to understand all things.’ I don’t think that is true, I think God meant for us to understand what he said. But what about all the other things in there, that I feel he didn’t inspire to be written and to be done, who did that?

Did God make a mistake in creating the human being, which I feel he would have wanted them to be perfect or near perfect and none of us are? Even from the beginning – Adam and Eve and their children – that was fouled up. The first time out doing something; that happens to all of us, but not to God! We are taught that all he does and creates is perfect. As things went wrong down through history with all his infinite powers, why did he not stop the annihilation of all he had created and start over?

This takes me to further down the road to when various different religions came into being. Instead of really following God’s rules, they made up their own. Religion: A system of faith and worship involving belief in a supreme being and containing a moral or ethical code;
such a system practiced by a particular church, sect or
denomination. But that is not exactly what happened. Frankly
they didn’t really have a moral or ethical code. They were
terrible groups. One that we have a lot of history on was the
Catholic Church. I cannot believe they were ever able to
flourish after their treatment of people in the beginning. Often
wondered how and have never been able to understand why
people would live their lives under the rules they set forth, it is as though they have to abide by the rules set down by the church and the Pope that is in charge, not God.

In studying and searching many different religions to find answers to things I did not understand, I ran onto a 700 year old doctrine, called Mental Reservation. It is a doctrine where clerics can avoid telling the truth, to protect the Catholic Church. Not sanctioned under canon law, experts say, and infrequently invoked, sort of misused to justify lying. Evidently it is now sanctioned under canon law, as it is in the law dictionary as, ‘Mental Reservation; One party’s silent understanding or exception to the meaning of a contractual provision.’ Sounds to me like even our law is set up for the same type of action the church has. ‘Silent understanding’ seems like one party knows the contract is not exactly on the up and up, but keep your mouth shut and lie about it.

Didn’t realize the church used it so much until the last few years
when all the bad priests were finally caught or maybe not. The
church knew but used the good old mental reservation. Sort of
like churches are not supposed to be involved in government,
so that they want have to pay income tax. But they all have lobbyist in Washington, but are still not paying income tax

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