Sunday, January 30, 2011


We have become a land of destroyers and thieves. People came
to this country from other countries. They tried to destroy the
inhabitants that were already here, but didn’t quite make it. They took over the land by force when necessary, killed whom ever got in their way, with the help of government and any military that existed at that time. But then couldn’t maintain the land without help. Human slave traders came in handy, brought people from Africa and sold them to the big property owners to do their work, while most sat on their rear ends and reaped the rewards from the work of the slaves. They in turn also sold and traded any slaves that they had bought and any children born to them. The slaves kept the economy of the south going but had their own lives and identities stolen. I have heard stupid people saying, ‘we did them a favor’. I have never in all my years on this earth figured out what that favor was!

Our bunch of hypocrites in this country; talk about how other nations treat their citizens and we do the same thing. Does anyone remember the world history, the ruling class in Europe with everything and all the citizens with nothing? Check out the United States – history has repeated itself, a small amount of the very rich – the rest with nothing. Revolution and wars came to Europe; it is time for a revolution in the United States. I am tired of the lousy politicians and the wealthy running our country like the monarchs did in Europe, and still do too some extent. Their ancestors, like many of ours were a sorry bunch of human beings. Do people really not know the world history?

Now is the time for the citizens of this country to really understand the quote by Jefferson Davis: “Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and this it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.”
As each day goes by it gets worse. All they have ever done is take advantage and abuse their power over the majority of we the people until we have become a threatened-species of human beings with no place to turn except revolution. The majority of the politicians are not worth the powder it takes to blow the to HELL!

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