Sunday, January 30, 2011

2010 Revolution

We the poor and middle class had a revolution in 2008. Now is
the time for the revolution of 2010. We have two more years to finish what we voted for. We have achieved some of the things we wanted but not all, but more than we did under any republican regime and we know what else needs to be done. Many are frustrated by the pace of our progress we have accomplished some of our goals, with no help from the republicans and some of the democrats. We knew that it would not be easy. We citizens have become so accustomed to everything being done by a push of a button and getting everything done in a hurry. We didn’t walk into a nice office with everything in place and just start to work. It was a hellhole of corruption and unimaginable problems. Frankly the Republican Party and big corporations liked it that way and did not want a change. They do not want 75% of the citizens of this country involved in our government. Very special interests have stood in the way of change at every turn and want their conservative allies in control of Congress. And they are doing it with the help of billionaires and corporate special interests underwriting shadowy advertising campaign ads. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money or in this case VOTES from it.
Of all organizations to become involved in politics, the Chamber of Commerce, ‘An association of merchants and other business leaders who organize to promote the commercial interests in a given area and whose group is generally affiliated with the national organization.’ Yes we have let our voting privileges become a commercial interest. We have money coming from foreign countries that we have outsourced businesses to, by way of the Chamber of Commerce. What do businesses get out of belonging to this organization other than a plaque on their walls, prestige? They pay dues, so that makes them another moneymaking entity. One vote per person is now obsolete! Money can buy anything, except my one vote, what about you? Let’s all stand up and finish what we started with our one vote for each of us. Our country has become overrun with greed, corruption and power. Don’t let this rule us out. One vote from a poor person is supposed to count the same as from a rich person, and there are more of us than there is of them.

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