Sunday, January 30, 2011

The same old truth – Not a tired old argument

Mr. Orvis Smith’s letter of September 10 stating ‘Democrats
don’t really represent the working class anymore’. Yes, we still
do, we are the poor and middle class of this country. I like many others have grown old and are no longer working, but many of us who have grown up with the working class of this country have not changed. I was raised during ‘the first depression’ on a farm and I know what the working class of people did to survive. I have worked in the aircraft industry, the medical and the insurance field, enjoyed the work and earned every dime. All my life, I have watched and followed our politics as they changed from good to bad. Believe you me, I know why. Many people are never satisfied with making a good living for them and their family, they want more and will do anything to get it. Even change political parties to try to get to the top. We have politicians from both sides who become the biggest and most convincing liars to win a seat in congress. They did not want the job to work for ‘we the people’, they wanted it to feather their nest, and help the people that took them to ‘the dance’. Avarice will be the downfall of our country. I have never been able to figure out, why doing the best job for the right reason wasn’t sufficient, but for some it wasn’t enough. I have always said, ‘I would rather be me than anyone else, as I know how I feel deep down inside’. Self-satisfaction is a good feeling.

No, this old Granny does not wish to change parties. ‘Wealth is a relative thing, since he who has little and wants less is richer than he who has much and wants more. (C.C. Colton). You can’t take it with you. You never see an armored car following a hearse.

And I am not wrong about the reason for companies being outsourced nor I have not been wrong about whom the big spenders are, and it was not democrats. You need to check your facts, not listen to what you are told by politicians. This is not a trickle down economy and it want rub off on you if you go with the big money guys. Yes, Bush saved the big guys only, after he got us in the trillion dollar debt bracket, but saving the big guys, didn’t help the other 75% of the people. Obama is trying to save them by spending more to help and it was the right thing to do. It is not an overnight job, when the other side of the corrupt house of greed pretends that the poor and middle class do not exist and will not lend a hand unless it is done their way.
I remember Obama say in a very humble way, when he was elected President, ‘I can’t do it alone I will need everyone’s help’. He didn’t get it, but he is still trying. He might not be able to fix the mess we were left with, but at least he is still trying. People can listen and believe all the lies they want about whose fault it was. But I know, as many other people do whose fault our downfall was.

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