Sunday, January 30, 2011



The greatest enemy that a country and its people have is its
Government and its leaders. It is a sad, sad affair, when one outlives the truth in his lifetime. Both of these statements were made by my husband Don Connaway on March 20, 1994, he died July 8, 1997. Many discussions we had about the affairs of the world were interesting. Being an attorney he knew about the truth, and made the statement that he had outlived the truth. Frankly we all have.

A quote by Jefferson Davis: Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.

I believe now is the time. With all the leaks coming out about things being done and said behind the backs of we the people, that we knew nothing about, let them all come out. If they were supposed to be working on behalf of we the people, nothing should have been said except the absolute truth that could have been seen and heard in the light of day. Nothing should be hid or classified. Everything done on behalf of the American people should be done in total honesty. If Wikileaks has been able to tape information that applies to the citizens of the United States and other countries, we need to hear and see all of it, then put a stop to this kind of behavior and actions once and for all.

I don’t know why the officials and politicians are raising such hell, as we have been doing this forever. J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI taped and spied on everyone and used all information he gathered in the most disgusting manner, and the FBI still does. The CIA is another sorry group that does the same thing all over the world. George W. Bush and AT&T had a great taping sessions
going of telephone calls. All of government officials and politicians
are a bunch of conniving lying individuals trying to out do each
other anyway they can to gain power, not only of the United States,
but all around the world and have forever, but it is still not right.
It is like common gossip, it eventually leaks out. It finally shows the
deception in all governments.
The young soldier Manning that did some taping and boy right in the brig he went! Why? We have been doing the same thing forever. In fact if I had of d the tools, I have seen lots of stuff, I would have liked to tape. Once as I listened to the Insurance Commissioner of Texas mouth off after he had a load of booze over dinner. Now they are after Julian Assange, to try to stop him from showing everyone faults, along with the banks and some corporations that have been doing the wrong things. Rape in Sweden! Which has already been proved untrue. Shows you what governments will do, when they have been in the wrong. Arrest them and put them in jail. Bush put a lot of people in jail with no proof. If they aren’t going to be honest and ethical in dealing with the world, don’t be doing it in the name of the American people.

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