Sunday, January 30, 2011



The new Republican Regime is going to repeal all things put to into law by Barack Obama, so they can cut down the deficit are they! Many of the states are heading into that direction.
I understand that takes going to court, which takes lawyers and since I know about them, they don’t take ‘thanks’ they only take cash or a big cushy job in Washington or with some big bank, insurance company, drug company or some big war machine manufacturing plant. If you guys plan on paying with taxpayer dollars, you better all get bodyguards as I note some of them are planning on doing. It won’t be someone with a mental problem after you, it will be a bunch of madder than hell citizens. Of course all of you are such a bunch of crafty dudes, you’ll probably add the cost onto some of that pork barrel financing to help your state for some big project, as I note many of the ones wanting to repeal do and the funds will be passed on to the law firms involved in the repealing process.

As I noted a congressman in New York saying he was getting a bodyguard. If all of you plan on getting bodyguards to protect you when you go into ‘harms way’ you sure better pay for it out of your own pocket. Now if you expect the taxpayers to pay, first we need to get body-guards for every soldier sent into ‘harms way’ fighting for all our freedom, as you all claim they do. Frankly they are more important than politicians. Protecting the soldiers I will agree on. Or better yet, let’s bring our servicemen home and they can apply for the jobs of being bodyguards for the politicians to protect them from mad American citizens!

That will bring the deficit down; quit paying for wars in foreign lands. We can quit building war machines, that make a few people rich and some people in jobs. Turn those plants in another kind of manufacturing plant, and our people can work in them. I remember when American Motors in Detroit, also made other things, they had the Kelvinator division which made refrigerators. We have wasted trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan, been cheated out of the same amount by American companies on contracted jobs to be done for OUR BENEFIT!! Killed many of our servicemen and many more of their civilian population. And have not accomplished a damn thing, other than those people hate our country more than ever.

Just pay the people for a fair price for their oil and what else you want from these countries. Try to be friends with these people, in lieu of bribing or trying to steal or beat the people out of their assets. But again that’s all politicians know is bribery, it is a common pastime. Sort of like sex before radio and television, it was a national pastime that’s why people had so many kids. For some people it is still a national pastime, some religions demand it, as they will get more parishioners in the future. The Bible said replenish thy self, which should mean two children, one of each of you.
Things are always about what will we or I get out of it, not what is good for human beings all over the world. Power hungry leaders and religions have caused all the wars and bloodshed since time began. Don’t we citizens of the world think it is time to stop? I do.

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