Sunday, January 30, 2011



The new Republican Regime is going to repeal all things put to into law by Barack Obama, so they can cut down the deficit are they! Many of the states are heading into that direction.
I understand that takes going to court, which takes lawyers and since I know about them, they don’t take ‘thanks’ they only take cash or a big cushy job in Washington or with some big bank, insurance company, drug company or some big war machine manufacturing plant. If you guys plan on paying with taxpayer dollars, you better all get bodyguards as I note some of them are planning on doing. It won’t be someone with a mental problem after you, it will be a bunch of madder than hell citizens. Of course all of you are such a bunch of crafty dudes, you’ll probably add the cost onto some of that pork barrel financing to help your state for some big project, as I note many of the ones wanting to repeal do and the funds will be passed on to the law firms involved in the repealing process.

As I noted a congressman in New York saying he was getting a bodyguard. If all of you plan on getting bodyguards to protect you when you go into ‘harms way’ you sure better pay for it out of your own pocket. Now if you expect the taxpayers to pay, first we need to get body-guards for every soldier sent into ‘harms way’ fighting for all our freedom, as you all claim they do. Frankly they are more important than politicians. Protecting the soldiers I will agree on. Or better yet, let’s bring our servicemen home and they can apply for the jobs of being bodyguards for the politicians to protect them from mad American citizens!

That will bring the deficit down; quit paying for wars in foreign lands. We can quit building war machines, that make a few people rich and some people in jobs. Turn those plants in another kind of manufacturing plant, and our people can work in them. I remember when American Motors in Detroit, also made other things, they had the Kelvinator division which made refrigerators. We have wasted trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan, been cheated out of the same amount by American companies on contracted jobs to be done for OUR BENEFIT!! Killed many of our servicemen and many more of their civilian population. And have not accomplished a damn thing, other than those people hate our country more than ever.

Just pay the people for a fair price for their oil and what else you want from these countries. Try to be friends with these people, in lieu of bribing or trying to steal or beat the people out of their assets. But again that’s all politicians know is bribery, it is a common pastime. Sort of like sex before radio and television, it was a national pastime that’s why people had so many kids. For some people it is still a national pastime, some religions demand it, as they will get more parishioners in the future. The Bible said replenish thy self, which should mean two children, one of each of you.
Things are always about what will we or I get out of it, not what is good for human beings all over the world. Power hungry leaders and religions have caused all the wars and bloodshed since time began. Don’t we citizens of the world think it is time to stop? I do.



Wouldn’t it be nice to think and believe that everything we say and do is right and everyone else is wrong, like the Republican Party; I have news for them, I have watched them for over 50 years and they did nothing for the majority of the citizens, only for the wealthy and the large corporation’s. That is why the country is in the condition it is in now. Not just all republicans, some of the democrats went along with them in order to get their share of the goodies. I look at some of the republicans that were once democrats and switched parties to hang onto the coattails of the rich and famous and keep their jobs as professional politicians. What a terrible shame to our country.

As I said before, November 2, 2010, was an auction not an election, and now the fight will start. The republicans, on the state level and the federal level with all their intended lawsuits to repeal bills passed under the Obama Administration and intention to investigate the administration as being corrupt is an abusive use of the legal system for improper ends. Who is going to pay these legal fees, the politicians out of their pockets? I hope to hell they don’t expect the taxpayers to pay them!

The Obama Administration could have done the same thing about the Bush Administration as many of us wanted them to do, but he felt in lieu of wasting time and money doing that, he had better things to do to help the citizens of this country that had been damaged by the last administration. He did and could have done more, but the DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS, held up the majority of bills passed by the house, by putting holds on them!
All the politicians involved in the downfall of our country did not want the last administration investigated! Now we have a bunch of new smart alecks who think they know how to run things and take care of the debt and not spend any money. Big laugh! The old ones that had been griping about the debt, you notice how they started saving, by holding the congress hostage on passing the bills pending until they got the Bush tax cuts for the two percent of the nations wealthiest. That added billions to the debt, maybe they do not know what CONSERVATIVE means, but they keep saying they are. Citizens in 2012, we really need to clean house of all the professional politicians, both state and federal.



As I read the Bible and our history I wonder why things couldn’t
have been different, for our good instead of our downfall.
Why are we as a people so lacking in the finer instincts of a human being, kindness, consideration, love of one another? Who taught people to hate? Was it the Pharisees – a different Jewish sect, I understand they were sanctimonious, self-righteous and hypo-critical? Why did God create them or did he? If it was the Pharisees, then we still have to many of them left in our world and I think they are all politicians, of course they had lots of them back in the biblical days, something we could have done without.

There are so many things that I have read from the beginning in the Bible that I find hard to understand why they happened. I have had my elders say, ‘you aren’t supposed to understand all things.’ I don’t think that is true, I think God meant for us to understand what he said. But what about all the other things in there, that I feel he didn’t inspire to be written and to be done, who did that?

Did God make a mistake in creating the human being, which I feel he would have wanted them to be perfect or near perfect and none of us are? Even from the beginning – Adam and Eve and their children – that was fouled up. The first time out doing something; that happens to all of us, but not to God! We are taught that all he does and creates is perfect. As things went wrong down through history with all his infinite powers, why did he not stop the annihilation of all he had created and start over?

This takes me to further down the road to when various different religions came into being. Instead of really following God’s rules, they made up their own. Religion: A system of faith and worship involving belief in a supreme being and containing a moral or ethical code;
such a system practiced by a particular church, sect or
denomination. But that is not exactly what happened. Frankly
they didn’t really have a moral or ethical code. They were
terrible groups. One that we have a lot of history on was the
Catholic Church. I cannot believe they were ever able to
flourish after their treatment of people in the beginning. Often
wondered how and have never been able to understand why
people would live their lives under the rules they set forth, it is as though they have to abide by the rules set down by the church and the Pope that is in charge, not God.

In studying and searching many different religions to find answers to things I did not understand, I ran onto a 700 year old doctrine, called Mental Reservation. It is a doctrine where clerics can avoid telling the truth, to protect the Catholic Church. Not sanctioned under canon law, experts say, and infrequently invoked, sort of misused to justify lying. Evidently it is now sanctioned under canon law, as it is in the law dictionary as, ‘Mental Reservation; One party’s silent understanding or exception to the meaning of a contractual provision.’ Sounds to me like even our law is set up for the same type of action the church has. ‘Silent understanding’ seems like one party knows the contract is not exactly on the up and up, but keep your mouth shut and lie about it.

Didn’t realize the church used it so much until the last few years
when all the bad priests were finally caught or maybe not. The
church knew but used the good old mental reservation. Sort of
like churches are not supposed to be involved in government,
so that they want have to pay income tax. But they all have lobbyist in Washington, but are still not paying income tax


We have become a land of destroyers and thieves. People came
to this country from other countries. They tried to destroy the
inhabitants that were already here, but didn’t quite make it. They took over the land by force when necessary, killed whom ever got in their way, with the help of government and any military that existed at that time. But then couldn’t maintain the land without help. Human slave traders came in handy, brought people from Africa and sold them to the big property owners to do their work, while most sat on their rear ends and reaped the rewards from the work of the slaves. They in turn also sold and traded any slaves that they had bought and any children born to them. The slaves kept the economy of the south going but had their own lives and identities stolen. I have heard stupid people saying, ‘we did them a favor’. I have never in all my years on this earth figured out what that favor was!

Our bunch of hypocrites in this country; talk about how other nations treat their citizens and we do the same thing. Does anyone remember the world history, the ruling class in Europe with everything and all the citizens with nothing? Check out the United States – history has repeated itself, a small amount of the very rich – the rest with nothing. Revolution and wars came to Europe; it is time for a revolution in the United States. I am tired of the lousy politicians and the wealthy running our country like the monarchs did in Europe, and still do too some extent. Their ancestors, like many of ours were a sorry bunch of human beings. Do people really not know the world history?

Now is the time for the citizens of this country to really understand the quote by Jefferson Davis: “Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and this it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.”
As each day goes by it gets worse. All they have ever done is take advantage and abuse their power over the majority of we the people until we have become a threatened-species of human beings with no place to turn except revolution. The majority of the politicians are not worth the powder it takes to blow the to HELL!



The greatest enemy that a country and its people have is its
Government and its leaders. It is a sad, sad affair, when one outlives the truth in his lifetime. Both of these statements were made by my husband Don Connaway on March 20, 1994, he died July 8, 1997. Many discussions we had about the affairs of the world were interesting. Being an attorney he knew about the truth, and made the statement that he had outlived the truth. Frankly we all have.

A quote by Jefferson Davis: Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them at will whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.

I believe now is the time. With all the leaks coming out about things being done and said behind the backs of we the people, that we knew nothing about, let them all come out. If they were supposed to be working on behalf of we the people, nothing should have been said except the absolute truth that could have been seen and heard in the light of day. Nothing should be hid or classified. Everything done on behalf of the American people should be done in total honesty. If Wikileaks has been able to tape information that applies to the citizens of the United States and other countries, we need to hear and see all of it, then put a stop to this kind of behavior and actions once and for all.

I don’t know why the officials and politicians are raising such hell, as we have been doing this forever. J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI taped and spied on everyone and used all information he gathered in the most disgusting manner, and the FBI still does. The CIA is another sorry group that does the same thing all over the world. George W. Bush and AT&T had a great taping sessions
going of telephone calls. All of government officials and politicians
are a bunch of conniving lying individuals trying to out do each
other anyway they can to gain power, not only of the United States,
but all around the world and have forever, but it is still not right.
It is like common gossip, it eventually leaks out. It finally shows the
deception in all governments.
The young soldier Manning that did some taping and boy right in the brig he went! Why? We have been doing the same thing forever. In fact if I had of d the tools, I have seen lots of stuff, I would have liked to tape. Once as I listened to the Insurance Commissioner of Texas mouth off after he had a load of booze over dinner. Now they are after Julian Assange, to try to stop him from showing everyone faults, along with the banks and some corporations that have been doing the wrong things. Rape in Sweden! Which has already been proved untrue. Shows you what governments will do, when they have been in the wrong. Arrest them and put them in jail. Bush put a lot of people in jail with no proof. If they aren’t going to be honest and ethical in dealing with the world, don’t be doing it in the name of the American people.



In my winter of discontent I nearly lose my eternal optimism, that
things will get better for all the people that need help in our world for various reasons. Maybe it’s just me, but when I see so much attention given to sports in our newspaper and television with all the money involved with less and less attention given to academics with less and less money involved I get upset.
Adult sized men playing a child’s game, with owners of the teams becoming immensely wealthy and various cities allowing them to do whatever they want in these cities. The government and politicians paying; homage to the teams and the owners; as if they had done something really great and worthwhile. It is wonderful for children to be involved in sports, but not to the extent that it has become.
Sports does not make a school great, academics does. People, parents, friends and neighbors pay more attention to your children and their schoolwork than you do to which school has the best team. All children like to play sports, some are better at it than others, but it has gotten to the point that if you aren’t the best player, so that your team will win, no matter how you play the game you do not get to play, but they expect them to go watch and support the other players, even though they tell you, you aren’t good enough to play. Support the team above all else! How about we just support the English Club, the French Club, the Science Club, the History Club, the Math Club, the Music Club, the Biology Club, anything to do with learning in lieu of playing a game where many get broken bones, teeth knocked out, skulls fractured, some injured for life. There are sports that are less dangerous than team sports chasing a ball and knocking each other around. Tennis, a one on one or a doubles team, a swim team, they are less likely to get hurt and they are sports one can play even into their old age, but academics should be at the top of all children’s
criteria, and that of their parents not sports.

I didn’t forget golf, which I have found to be a useless sport.
Exercise, maybe but there are other ways than out knocking a ball
around with a stick, pardon me, a club, but many found a way to
make a moneymaking thing out of that. Again, it is a game of luck
you don’t always stay on top, next go around someone else wins.

Don’t waste your time and money on professional sports, none of the money they pay those players will rub off on you, nor will any the owners make off you, your tickets and junk you buy from advertising, plus the food they sell at an awful price. Unless you are a gambler and bet on the games, at times they also lose.
Something I learned over the years. Sports is a game of LUCK, when both teams are good, the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the players and the coach are paid, it will not change the outcome of the game. No matter how much your, team is touted as being the best in newspapers or television, does not make it so, that’s why one team doesn’t remain on top year after year. You win some you lose some, that’s how it should be. Everything about sports has become a moneymaking entity with a lot of bad sportsmanship involved, from grade school through college to professional sports.

An Auction, Not An Election

An Auction, Not An Election:

It is not like a game of sports, where both teams are good, but the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the players are paid it will not change the outcome of the game. As I have watched daily the game of our political campaigns. It is a matter of whom the most convincing liars with the most money and an insatiable hunger and greed for power that might win this auction of our government.

The amount of money and time spent in this campaign is enough to make a decent person sick to their stomach. This campaign started when Barack Obama was elected President. Instead of working for the citizens of this country, the Republicans and some Democrats sat on their hands and their royal rear ends and did nothing but fight against everything he has tried to do. They weren’t interested in our country and the damnable mess it was in, they were interested only in satisfying the whims of their wealthy friends and the large corporations and holding onto their status quo in the congress.

They enlisted all the old rabble-rousers, the people that stirs up the passions and prejudices of the public for his or her own interests, a demagogue (person or political leader, who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices). Many of these were old men that were not reelected in the past years, but had become so addicted to the power of politics that they couldn’t give it up and go home and just really do some good for their communities, no such luck, they had to have that spotlight back on them again. Most of the one’s I watched didn’t do anything worth a damn all the years they were in congress. We had a bunch and still do in congress that, aren’t worth the powder it would take to blow
them to hell. Want their names?

A bunch of lily-livered pasty faced old men, (except one who plays
golf a lot or uses the tanning bed) that have done nothing but get
into politics and live off the land, not farming or anything worthwhile,
but live off the taxpayer’s, sort of federal welfare, but they sure hate
it when people who have been disenfranchised really need welfare. We also have a new breed of women that have become a disgusting sight to behold. They just like the limelight, also, not to help our country, just to do a bunch of mouthing and half the time don’t know what they are talking about, maybe to hear the sound of their voice or their heads roar or see themselves on television and in papers or just to hear their names mentioned. To many people they were convincing liars and were paid well too.

Well the Auction is over and the GOP won part of the House, but not all the Senate, as they wanted. Got some new GOP Governors too.Nothing will get done for the next two years, as they will start now, today November 3rd, campaigning for the 2012 election, to try and make sure President Obama is a, one-term president. The only time they will spend working is trying to undo everything that has been done this last, nearly two years. The GOP Governors will be spending taxpayer money trying to repeal healthcare and the finance reform bills. So we will see how they fare in 2012, as again they will be the party of NO for the majority of the citizens of this country, the ones with no money to give them.

Our War Machine Builders:

Hey, some of you smart people, tell me how our big war
machine builders make their money? Who pays them to make
all of the war machines for the United States? Who gives them the big contracts to build them for us? Our government with our money! At who’s request? Our big warmongers in our government that want to help their wealthy corporate friends! Then what do we do with them? We send all this equipment overseas to be used to fight a war against people that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan. It is blown up along with our soldier’s and the citizen’s of those countries. They aren’t protecting us; they are filling the pockets of all the big conglomerates all over this country and overseas in every imaginable way. We have drained our Treasury and broke this country on the whims of a bunch of corrupt, greedy and power hungry American men. There was not an Iraqi or an Afghanistan in the bunch that ‘supposedly’ came here on 9/11. Every country has a militaristic criminal element.

They were all from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia. In fact all of his family is still there doing business with the United States through the Carlyle Group with Bushes and friends. He might have gotten on the wrong side of some one in Saudi Arabia and had to leave town for a while, but he still gets his money from there. Isn’t it strange that the countries that want do business with the US, like Saddam in Iraq and Afghanistan (some factions), get blown to smithereens, plus what we tried to do to Iran (Iran-contra) and the Kurds at one time. Go back and note the other little countries that didn’t want to be ruled by the US that got the shaft over these many years. Strange isn’t it that our big capitalist get along so well with the Saudi Arabia and their leaders are some of the sorriest people in the world. But we go right over and brown nose whenever they holler.

Now our big war machine builders are going to sell them $60 billion of war machines. We of course will send someone right over to teach them how to use all these goodies, or have them send their soldiers over here to be trained. We have done this with all other nations. Not only will the other nations in that part of the country not be safe as they do not like the Saudi’s nor do the Saudi’s like them. It was especially true of Saddam Hussein. None of the different nations like each other, about the only thing any of them have in common is their religion and many of them have a lot of different rules. Reminds me of our country and our politicians. Between our religions, politics and avarice we have ruined our once great country.

When Saudi starts to take over in that part of the world, we will be up a creek without a paddle. We will have been used up already by, the capitalist all over the world.

Let The World Stand Still

On this eventful day, let’s hope that the world will stand still for a time and hope that all the people in the world will reflect on our past and think about the future. What we want for our individual, selves that, is best for us, and our families, each and every one of us throughout the world. Hope for peace and prosperity, without the avarice that so many people are consumed with.

Stop the hate and wars. The same Creator made this world for us to live in peace and love one another. Remember your religion and your love of your God is between you and him, no one else. There is no go between when its time for you to meet your maker. It is a walk you have to do alone. Don’t let wrong minded people ruin your life. Live your life, as you know your God would want you too. Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you, is a good way to pass through our time in this world. Each one of us who do not follow this rule, are the ones who lose in the end.

So many people have allowed hate, bigotry, prejudice and greed to corrupt themselves and everyone and everything that they touch. Surely they can dig deep down inside and find some truth, kindness and integrity in their soul. Let us hope so.

Donating To Charities

Keep these facts in mind when donating.

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross…salary ending June 30, 2003, $651,000, $957,000 plus expenses. Probably a lot more now. I quit giving to them during world war 11, when an enlisted man was shipped overseas and his wife with one small child and pregnant with another, needed to go back to their hometown and asked for money for a bus ticket and they refused her. (My husband and I didn’t)

Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (I quit giving to them in 1968, which is a long story also)

UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (And, they use little children to collect for them on Halloween)

The Salvation Army’s Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. That is the one to give to. Over the years I have given directly to people that I know are in need or organizations that are small and I know individuals involved and are for needy and handicapped children.
Like some Religions it seems Charities are a great business to be in!!!!!

2010 Revolution

We the poor and middle class had a revolution in 2008. Now is
the time for the revolution of 2010. We have two more years to finish what we voted for. We have achieved some of the things we wanted but not all, but more than we did under any republican regime and we know what else needs to be done. Many are frustrated by the pace of our progress we have accomplished some of our goals, with no help from the republicans and some of the democrats. We knew that it would not be easy. We citizens have become so accustomed to everything being done by a push of a button and getting everything done in a hurry. We didn’t walk into a nice office with everything in place and just start to work. It was a hellhole of corruption and unimaginable problems. Frankly the Republican Party and big corporations liked it that way and did not want a change. They do not want 75% of the citizens of this country involved in our government. Very special interests have stood in the way of change at every turn and want their conservative allies in control of Congress. And they are doing it with the help of billionaires and corporate special interests underwriting shadowy advertising campaign ads. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money or in this case VOTES from it.
Of all organizations to become involved in politics, the Chamber of Commerce, ‘An association of merchants and other business leaders who organize to promote the commercial interests in a given area and whose group is generally affiliated with the national organization.’ Yes we have let our voting privileges become a commercial interest. We have money coming from foreign countries that we have outsourced businesses to, by way of the Chamber of Commerce. What do businesses get out of belonging to this organization other than a plaque on their walls, prestige? They pay dues, so that makes them another moneymaking entity. One vote per person is now obsolete! Money can buy anything, except my one vote, what about you? Let’s all stand up and finish what we started with our one vote for each of us. Our country has become overrun with greed, corruption and power. Don’t let this rule us out. One vote from a poor person is supposed to count the same as from a rich person, and there are more of us than there is of them.

The Chiefs VS The Peons

When Ed Wallace writes articles, I Like to quote some of the things he writes, as they are all so true. He had mentioned the view of many of the industrialists worldwide toward their workers. This one in particular, Fiat’s Sergio Marchionne, stated while they were working to try to save Chrysler, to UAW President Ron Gettlefinger, ‘that the workers needed to accept a culture of poverty.’ Finally, someone has captured a statement demonstrating how some executives feel about the peon’s who actually build their products for them: They aren’t entitled to anything better that a serf-like existence in life; and in retirement they are titled to even less.

It was President Bush who made the decision to save the U.S. auto industry, and while that decision seems to be very unpopular with many Americans, and they want to blame Obama. Our same individuals are OK with our spending almost 150 times more than that, to save Iraq and Afghanistan. The major part of the final push to save Detroit started right here in North Texas, simply because President Bush was then and is now friends with so many of our best new car dealers, also in other parts of the country. He sent one as our Ambassador to England from 2005 to 2009. Politics and relationships form part of our government, everyone in bed with someone. Some of the best known and respected dealers, all extremely loyal to the Republican Party and had given generously to the national republican cause without asking anything in return. Until the day they needed to cash in one big chip, only to find out the game had moved.

Steve Rattner came to his position on the president’s auto task force out of Wall Street. Therefore he knew better than anyone what can happen once a financial company fails, as virtually every last bank and investment bank on Wall Street had. That is this: Not only can the government seize the bonuses of the executives and any other officer of the failed bank corporation, but they can also seize those individuals other personal assets – and those of the bank’s board of directors. We now know that no one on Wall Street in a failed firm that we bailed out, to the tune of trillions of dollars, had to surrender any of their assets or bonuses. Not to mention the fact that they turned around and paid themselves nearly record bonuses in 2009, when the economy was still in the dirt. Some actually paid out bonuses to their workers quickly, before their company was force to merge with another.
I have asked why they didn’t or haven’t yet? I have my own opinion, but I hope Ed Wallace can give me the straight answer, as he really keeps up with all the criminal activity in our government. Thanks for all the information Ed, but it really makes me want to dip snuff or have a big drink of scotch.

The same old truth – Not a tired old argument

Mr. Orvis Smith’s letter of September 10 stating ‘Democrats
don’t really represent the working class anymore’. Yes, we still
do, we are the poor and middle class of this country. I like many others have grown old and are no longer working, but many of us who have grown up with the working class of this country have not changed. I was raised during ‘the first depression’ on a farm and I know what the working class of people did to survive. I have worked in the aircraft industry, the medical and the insurance field, enjoyed the work and earned every dime. All my life, I have watched and followed our politics as they changed from good to bad. Believe you me, I know why. Many people are never satisfied with making a good living for them and their family, they want more and will do anything to get it. Even change political parties to try to get to the top. We have politicians from both sides who become the biggest and most convincing liars to win a seat in congress. They did not want the job to work for ‘we the people’, they wanted it to feather their nest, and help the people that took them to ‘the dance’. Avarice will be the downfall of our country. I have never been able to figure out, why doing the best job for the right reason wasn’t sufficient, but for some it wasn’t enough. I have always said, ‘I would rather be me than anyone else, as I know how I feel deep down inside’. Self-satisfaction is a good feeling.

No, this old Granny does not wish to change parties. ‘Wealth is a relative thing, since he who has little and wants less is richer than he who has much and wants more. (C.C. Colton). You can’t take it with you. You never see an armored car following a hearse.

And I am not wrong about the reason for companies being outsourced nor I have not been wrong about whom the big spenders are, and it was not democrats. You need to check your facts, not listen to what you are told by politicians. This is not a trickle down economy and it want rub off on you if you go with the big money guys. Yes, Bush saved the big guys only, after he got us in the trillion dollar debt bracket, but saving the big guys, didn’t help the other 75% of the people. Obama is trying to save them by spending more to help and it was the right thing to do. It is not an overnight job, when the other side of the corrupt house of greed pretends that the poor and middle class do not exist and will not lend a hand unless it is done their way.
I remember Obama say in a very humble way, when he was elected President, ‘I can’t do it alone I will need everyone’s help’. He didn’t get it, but he is still trying. He might not be able to fix the mess we were left with, but at least he is still trying. People can listen and believe all the lies they want about whose fault it was. But I know, as many other people do whose fault our downfall was.

An Illegal immigrant:

One cold, dark January night in 1958, as a frightened 19 year,
He climbed a chain link fence along the border between Mexico
and the United States. The first time he clambered over the fence he was caught and sent back across the border. Just hours later, he was back. This time he made it over and escaped into the night.

An undocumented immigrant, he spoke no English and had no job skills. He labored as a farm worker in California. One day a friend said to him, ‘you will always be a migrant worker,’ something inside of him snapped. He couldn’t accept that. He lived inside a dumped dilapidated trailer, the type that is put on the back of a pickup truck. He took English lessons and enrolled at a community college, while juggling jobs as a painter and a welder.

He won a scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley. From there he went to medical school at Harvard University. He became a citizen! Now, his office walls at John Hopkins are covered in awards. This is a man who wouldn’t take no for an answer. This 42 year-old, one time farm worker, from Mexico, now heads the Brain Tumor Center at the John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore. His name is: Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, M.D. He is a researcher with a difference. He puts in punishing 16-hour shifts, not just in the operating room but in a brain cancer research lab as well! A real human being with a goal in life to help the suffering of mankind! I, wonder how many boys, men, girls and women have tried to make it across the river, but were turned back time and time again, many incarcerated, and killed, that could have accomplished some great things like this man did. Of course we have had many make it and did lots of good things.

None were probably asked what they wanted to do with their lives, just, ‘you can’t come here cause you ain’t got no papers’! This is our country! No it isn’t it is God’s country, as is the rest of the world. We are all citizens of this world that God gave us. Why are governments and leaders so stupid that they cannot understand that we should all work together for the betterment of humanity instead of trying to rule and separate nations from each other? To bad we can’t rewrite our history from day one. When we let our imagination run away with us and think about how we would have done things differently, we have a lot of interesting thoughts. Which makes me think about the quote from Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. In my imagination, I would not have any politicians that were lawyers or ex-military, only teachers.

Being Wrong Sometimes:

Did any of you ever have to change your mind about things you
previously thought was the right thing to do? I have. The other
night I was re-reading the biography on our dear old Founding Fathers, to refresh myself on some things (it had been a long time) since I had looked them over. They had a lot of different beliefs, religious, political ideas about how this country should be run. It took them a long time to make some decisions, change them and change them again, lots of arguments and duels to the death for a couple of them, one disappeared with out a trace and another poisoned, they think. Old Benjamin Franklin evidently didn’t believe in marriage, just fooling around. Several were single maybe they were, Gay. I don’t think all of them got together in a big room and sat down to talk about this big undertaking at one time. Frankly, they gave a finished product, but did not all agree. But it was the best they could do. Of course many of we the people weren’t important and were left out. It is still the same in our Government, only we the people are left out all together and the politicians think we work for them!

As I noted the different political affiliations, I started checking them out, but the one that held my interest, Nationalism: Devotion and loyalty to one’s own nation, patriotism. Excessive patriotism, chauvinism. The desire for national advancement or independence. The doctrine or policy of asserting the interests of a particular nation over the interests of other nations. (All was okay up to the last sentence, which has gotten us into a lot of trouble over the years).

But didn’t understand the chauvinism part. I couldn’t figure what it had to do with politics, as years ago when we women started asserting ourselves, and men objected to a lot of things we wanted too do, we called them all ‘CHAUVINISTIC PIGS’. It really sounded nasty as we spat it out, we didn’t say it to their face. I had never had the occasion nor inclination to look the word up (I do remember being told don’t say it unless you know what it means when I was young) I had not looked it up, and was just repeating what I had heard others say and it really seemed to suffice for the time. So I thought to myself, why was this word in the definition of Nationalism? So I figured at 83 I would just go to Webster’s and see what they had to say about the definition of this big word. (I do remember looking up some of those four letter words that I heard, but they weren’t in there, but are now—Webster’s needs to have it’s mouth washed out with soap).


Well in a way it did refer to men, certain men, the gung ho military type. Now I know where the beginning of the Radical Republican party began. (Napoleon had an officer in his army by the name of Chauvin that was really aggressive and patriotic). That one stupid word got me to thinking about being wrong about what you thought something meant, but actually we weren’t really wrong. Those chauvinistic pig guys did have a biased devotion to a group (all men) with an attitude toward women. We had no rights, we couldn’t do things as well as they did, we couldn’t be paid as much for the same job, we were the weaker sex (or so they thought), our thoughts about the work place weren’t important.

Mine did turn out to be, as I was the first woman elected to the Executive Committee with the fellows at my place of employment, I nearly resigned, as they were like boys on the school ground, arguing in lieu of discussing. When they find out you will assume responsibility for the functioning of the office, it really made it nice for them; if they all four wanted to leave town for some big function-‘hey Ev, it’s all yours’. Or when we had to put in a security system! Deciding whom would be on the to call list in case the alarm went off. They were out a lot at night, but me, I was always home at night. Guess who was on the list, me? I, was called, I strapped on my 38 took my dog and headed downtown Dallas in the middle of the night, got there before the police, checked out the three stories and was ready to reset the alarm when the police did arrive).

One thing for sure they never treated me as the weaker sex when I got to put my two-cents worth in and my salary went up, but they sure took advantage of the fact. You are never treated equal in many respects. At lunch once four of us were discussing equality. One said, ‘women will never be equal to men’, I told the little group I had always been equal to a man. They laughed. I told them I do everything in our office that they do and lots of things that they don’t, I put my pants on one leg at a time like they do. The only thing I don’t do is go to the men’s john and stand up when I tinkle, but I can remedy that, by inserting a catheter. All four looked and said, ‘you wouldn’t do that would you’? I told them not to dare me.

There are a lot of men in this world that the expression ‘Chauvinistic Pig’ still fits.