Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Senator Jeff Sessions:

Eighty-three years ago I was born in the third-world state of Alabama. I am white and have followed your lousy radical politics all my life. I am a white woman and my relatives settled in Tuscaloosa and Pickens County, Alabama in the late 17 and 1800. Many were as bigoted and racially prejudice as you are. My husband was an attorney and a good honest one. I know the law and the constitution. In the beginning it was wrong, there have been changes, but it is still not right.

Where do people get off that the Founding Father’s and Constitution was so great? Yes parts of it was good, but others parts were as dumb as many of the changes that have been made. I listen to the religious nuts saying this country was built on Christian principles. It wasn’t; it left out a part of the people in this country. The American Indians that were here first the African people that were brought to do everyone’s work and sold like cattle at an auction. They were not considered citizens. Then there was the better half of this nation, the women that had no rights. Without women this old world would have ended long ago. It took a long time for women to realize that they had rights and were stronger that men emotionally and mentally. Why should those men be considered so great? They all agreed and signed the constitution and I do not consider any of them Christians. So rule out the country built on Christian principles.

As time went on the people in power started changing and adding to the constitution and not all of that has been good. I look in awe at some of the things added by legislators in Congress and state governments: At one time it wasn’t allowed for African’s to marry and it wasn’t allowed for a white person to marry an African person. In the original constitution it did not mention; a woman’s right to have a child or not have a child. A person’s right to marry whomever they wish, no matter the gender. The people in power started bringing their religion into politics, where it had no place. And to this day many do not realize that their religion is between them and God, he is their Judge when it comes to their faith and how they live their lives. No one else; God has the rule of law on this matter.

I heard the remarks you made while Elena Kagan was being grilled by you bunch of unethical radical republicans. The only word in your vocabulary is NO, and you will not agree with anyone that thinks differently than you do. To bad because you are never right, when it comes to dealing with the majority of people. Your only interest is the money and power group.

One thing I will tell you: You will never see the day that you will measure up to Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. The judicial and legal system should not under any circumstances be political. It has become political and I know longer have any respect for a portion of the justices now serving. Having been a judge in this day and age is nothing more than a political hack like the majority of you in congress. All of you take bribes from lobbyist. In fact you took $568,823.00 ($85,500.00 to vote for and $475,323.00 to vote against) on the health care bill, and you voted NO of course. Now tell me how ethical you are! Republican senators, took $94,338,189.00, Democrats took $24,277,439.00. There are a lot of unethical Democrats also.

None of you are fit to legislate and make rules and regulations for the citizens of this country and should not be allowed to walk in the halls of congress, and I hope someday they push your worthless rear ends out the door. Maybe people will wise up one of these days. I love the fact that you all claim to be Christians. All republicans hate the fact that our President is part African and American, that’s why you fight so hard to not pass anything, while he is President. What are you guys going to do when you meet your Maker for his judgment of your deeds on this earth, and find out he is a different color than you?

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