Monday, June 14, 2010

Seeing Evil

I saved an article written by a Mr. Frederick N. Norton of Fort Worth back in the late 1990’s. Called Seeing Evil, I am going to quote as follows:

I am a lifelong fiscal conservative. I have voted for many Republicans in my 45 years of voting. I will not vote for another Republican as long as the religious right controls that part. Thirty years ago, Middle America looked left and saw evil. Now we look right and see only evil. I did not serve in two wars against the commies only to see my country turned over to the forces of evil. In Northern Ireland, the Middle East and here today’s Evil Empire the religious right.

The right hates and fears Middle America because we are the majority. All we have to do is vote, and they are out of power. Bu not voting, we are permitting 30 percent of our people to run our country. All we need to do is vote. We can send them back to their power base in hate radio and newspaper columns. We reject their ‘family values’ of greed, hate and bigotry. We wonder why our hometown newspaper provides a platform for the hate mongers. But when they are out of power, they will be mostly out of sight.

Middle Americans, vote a straight Democratic ticket this year and again in 2000. Let’s put the Evil Empire out of business.

I agreed with him then and we did not do what he asked us to do. I agree with him now, and wonder if he still feels as he did those many years ago. Things have only gotten worse. Avarice, greed and politics have taken over. Our religion, which is a personal private matter between each human being and God, has become a talking point in all, political discussions. Our, Justice system, military, schools and religious organizations have all become political footballs, with lobbying groups in our federal government. Can we do better in November 2010 or are we going to follow the same path? It looks like we should have learned. It seems like many have just given up, but people should learn, you never give up on the truth and what is right, and your right is to vote for what is right for the majority of the people, not a favored few.

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