Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The ruination of our world: In the beginning all things were supposed to be good. God had no religion. The world was of his making for the good of all his creation. Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and the sea, then the fish, fowls, animals, then God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Well, all that have read the first and second chapter of Genesis knows what happened thereafter.

I haven’t been able to figure out why God created that Serpent and gave him such power to convince Eve to eat that apple, how sad, because since that time everything bad that has happened on this earth seems to be blamed on the women. I learned long ago that women really aren’t the weaker, sex. It was just an excuse to put the blame on someone else. It is always someone else’s fault, whatever goes wrong. Trying to figure out where all our problems in our world started is sort of like trying to figure out which came first the egg or the chicken. Instead of man having the soul that God intended, it seems a little of whatever he put into the serpent, also went into man.

In the beginning all man had was the Word of God. Religion is a man made thing, so it didn’t come until later. Politics has always been with us all through the Bible you, will note one group of people against another jockeying for more power over another, for more land for various agriculture, and to raise their animals, for food of course, but to have more and be richer than the other group of people. Avarice the old soul destroying part of man became the worst part of many men and persists to this day. The mixture of politics and avarice has been our downfall, in all nations throughout the earth that God created. It seems to be easier to follow all the bad traits than it is to follow the good things. Maybe it is the adage ‘the Devil made me do it’. Most all human beings do things that they know are not right. But when it comes to the place where when you do, you hurt and do harm to so many people, it’s time to stop and take a look at yourself and decide what you want the end game to be, life or death. That’s when man brought his brand of religion into the game, as sort of a way to try and whitewash his soul, so he mixed it with the politics and avarice. Man plays one against the other. It has caused wars from the beginning of time and continued on until this day, and will never end until our earth is soaked with human blood, and God figures its time to close up shop as there isn’t anything left worth saving of all he created for us and many did not appreciate.

Man figures the more he can manipulate politics and religion with his power, money and greed through any corrupt venue he can, he can control the majority of the people. That is the sad situation of our world. The life of a human being is of no importance to this type of people. You will note down through history any ruler who came to prominence, who seemed to have a good heart and wanted to work for the people was not able to do so. The group with the dark souls banded together and abolished all he stood for, by ridicule, slander, propaganda, and out right falsehoods.

When man uses power and money as a weapon to destroy, rather than a tool for the good of mankind, he is an evil being of the worst sort and will find no redemption in God’s eyes. Men in this category cause death and destruction wherever they go, and they do not care whom; they destroy, not people or our earth, their only God is AVARICE. Their Religion that they try to spread has nothing to do with God or Jesus Christ. It is a pretense not Christianity. One thing I can tell them about all the asset’s they accumulate while they are here with the living, they can’t take it with them and it will bring no favor in God’s eyes unless they have done good with it for their fellow man.

There is nothing they can hide from God with their double bookkeeping system or delete from their computer that he doesn’t know about. You can fool some of us mortals here on earth, but that is all you can fool.

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