Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I see where Brother Jeb is standing up for Brother George,
(The Village Idiot, some of us old people call him) and do not want anyone blaming him for the downfall of our government during his 2000 to 2008 reign. Whom should they blame the people he let more or less run the government, Cheney and his crew of warmongers? Iraq, wasn’t about WMD’s, it was about oil. Don’t tell me that the President didn’t know. Cheney got together with all the oil executives and divided up the oil fields in 2001, before 9/11. I hate the part of government that tries to keep everything secret from we the people that elected them. Many of us are dumb, many do not pay attention, many of us do not care, many of us are paying more attention to sports and many do not remember the things from the past. A lot of us old people have a problem as we get older, we lose our short term memory, but retain our, long- term memory; I have.

I remember the hell, raised about Whitewater-gate matter with Bill Clinton, $50 million or so. But the alleged banking misdeeds by the Bush family—Brother Neil (Silverado Savings), $1 billion; Brother Jeb (Broward Savings), $221.8 million; and Father George (BNL-Iraqgate), $5 billion. While everyone focused on Clinton’s misdeeds, they apparently had forgiven and forgotten the Bushes banking practices. There was, a lot of unethical practices going on. No jail time! Family and friends paid fines and legal fees. The other little side note! The public closure of Silverado was delayed until after the 1988 election. Regulators wanted to close the doors; a call from Washington delayed the closing for 45 days which, meant the public would not learn about its newly acquired $1.3 billion debt until after George H.W. Bush won.

This is one reason the Republicans and the Bush gang, have always wanted to get rid of regulations on Corporations of all kinds. This is only a smidgen of the unethical workings of the Bush family. If you want to read all the smarmy detail, pull up ‘Once upon a Time in The Bush Family—A Series, by Evelyn J Pringle, and the next goody, ‘Why Are We In Iraq? Bush Family $$$ Signs, by Evelyn J. Pringle, ; I love the little article of ‘War Is Family Business’, and I quote ‘Here’s where the web of deceit really get complicated. There are so many ties between the Bush Family, the defense industry and the global arms trade, that it’s almost impossible to keep track of them all. But yet the widespread ties are hardly ever mentioned in the mainstream media. Or a revelation might show up for a day or two and then its like oh well, what’s new’.

Another little tidbit in her article which is not surprising, if you have been around a long time, ‘shortly after the 9/11 attacks, it became known that Bush Sr. was financially linked to the bin Laden family. The Sept. 28, 2001 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that, ‘George H.W. Bush, the father of President Bush, works for the bin Laden business in Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group, an international consulting firm.’ We don’t hear too much about the apolitical Brother Marvin, but he and Sister Dorothy do capitalize on family ties.

Yep! We all hear how great they are, the Bushes, but they aren’t. They are a bunch of avarice-ridden crooks and they have helped ruin this country while filling their pockets at the expense of the citizens of this country. That is the only legacy they have.

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