Monday, June 14, 2010


SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT: PURE AND SIMPLE. He is such an egotistical buffoon. Wants the Federal Government to leave Texas alone. I think that would be a good idea, dump all Republicans politicians, corporations and everyone that their income is over $150,000.00 a year, that think he is so great and does the best for the citizens of the State of Texas. Our Federal Government of the United States is still responsible for the hard working poor and middle class of this state, because Perry does not give a damn about them.

He has never been responsible for all the mishandled Institutions for the Developmentally Disabled children and adults or the Nursing Homes for the Medically Disabled senior citizens of Texas or the young people incarcerated that have been abused, molested and ill treated by various agencies under his control that he doesn’t keep up with. Even when these things have been reported, no one is really being held accountable. The Governor of this state should be held accountable.

He is out campaigning 12 months of the year, instead of seeing that the citizens of this state that needs help are taken care of. Plus he is taking tours of other countries like Iraq, etc. I thought his job was the State of Texas.
Did he pay for it out of his pocket of funds, did the State of Texas or the federal government pay for it???

His time is spent with people that buy his attention. His moral compass has been skewed by money. Money is a tool to be used for good, not for just a favored few, but for all the citizens of this state. The federal government furnishes part of the money for this state to help take care of people who cannot take care of their selves. It is designated for that purpose. He thinks it is for him to use as he sees fit. Any that is used for those that are unable to take care of their selves he does in his own good time. While people many are doing with out food and decent humanitarian care.

I note that he is out trying to get all the Hispanic votes as it gets close to election time, when before he didn’t give a tinker’s damn about them. Yes this was once the land of the Hispanic people, but the only time he cares is to garner votes to stay in office. Where are all the many intelligent people with common sense, surely they can see through this glorious charade he and the republican politicians are putting on. Do our people not think for their selves anymore, or do they listen to politicians with a pocket full of money, furnished by many wealthy power brokers and large corporations, who are working this jerk to get everything their way?

People don’t you realize he is using all his campaign funds from this group to sway you to vote him back into office, so he can continue doing the same damn thing? After he gets back in office, he will drop you like a hot rock. You will be able to give him your vote if you fall for his scam but you will get nothing in return, just like before. The only ones he pays attention to and caters too are, THE MONEY CROWD, the big heavies. Haven’t any of you noticed this?

All you people that have been unemployed and had to draw unemployment checks, didn’t you notice that he as the GOVERNOR, didn’t want to give it to you? Didn’t want the federal government to send money. If he had any forethought that at sometime in his radical regime, many of the citizens of this state might become unemployed due to the previous republican group running our federal government, that definitely didn’t care about the little people of this country and broke it.

If he was so damn smart and great as a Governor he would have known what was going on. Remember he and Bush were friends, in fact bosom buddies. All the years he was in office before the bottom fell out, he could have raised the unemployment tax, which hadn’t been raised in 20 years and was one of the lowest in the country. But he couldn’t upset his power base of large corporations by telling them it needed to be raised; they wouldn’t like it!

But he still had the ball assed audacity to take and use the UNEMPLOYMENT FUND to bankroll his Texas Enterprise Fund, which grants taxpayer money to big businesses to induce job creation. I remember one he did; good old Countrywide Mortgage; sort of a rotten bunch –remember the sub-prime interest rates? They were really good at that. Critics have called it Perry’s
‘slush fund/corporate welfare’. All the $460 million into the fund since 2005, when Perry snuck a little noticed bill through the Legislature authorizing the transfers, the he did a $50 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to build a biotech center at his Alma Mater A&M. I thought the unemployment tax that went into the unemployment fund, was designated for that purpose, not tax money that he could use for his own PIGGY BANK. Surely to goodness, people who care and people who have been and might be unemployed down the road wouldn’t vote for a lowdown man who would fraud the people of Texas for his on gain and glory. And he claims to be a good Christian! All I have to say to that is BULL-MANURE.

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