Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Hey hoss – hold it! My President Obama didn’t screw up. It was already screwed up when he got there. All the laws, rules and regulations were removed, so the oil and energy corporations could do as they wished, plus given a big tax break to help them. I believe the ENERGY CZAR in charge was named CHENEY.

Obama didn’t cause the oil fiasco, but he said the buck stops with him. He can and will hold the culprits accountable. With the help of the good people in this country he can correct the laws, rules and regulations that were broken, strictly for avarice, on the part of all involved, including the executive branch of our government. It is time for every state to become responsible for the citizens of their state in lieu of taking bribes from the big oil and energy corporations and doing their bidding.

The President we have now is a man of quiet determination and dignity. He is not a spoiled angry tantrum throwing person, as he knows that it will not accomplish anything.

There will be many people whom have been taking bribes all the years that will fight him on correcting all the things that need to be done to put our country back on a solid footing. It will not be easy, but it will be the right thing to do.

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