Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving what the world needs most. Pablo Casals

A quote by Haile Selassie, “Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

America a part of the world, that God made. Some of my ancestors lived here, when the illegal immigrants came from Europe, looking for a place to live in peace. They brought all their bad habits with them. They decided that the Indians shouldn’t be here! They started taking all their land and rights away from them. They started setting up laws of the land. Indians weren’t considered citizens according to their rules. So it wasn’t really peace they were after, it was power to rule. It has been nothing but a constant fight for more land and more power since that time.

The Spanish came with Priests to set up missions to make Catholics out of the Indians and Mexicans in the southeast, southwest and California. In 1722 they took control over Texas, but again it was decided they didn’t belong here either and the power brokers needed more land and proceeded to run them out across the river into Mexico. Now we have illegal immigrants coming back across the river. Everyone all over the country is raising hell. Why? Their ancestors were here before we came. We took what was their territory. Maybe they want it back. It would serve us right if they decided they wanted to reassert their control over Texas again.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction. Frankly I think we are a lousy bunch of human beings who claim to be Christians. All we have ever done is consider ourselves better than the Indians, Mexicans and the African people that we brought here as slaves. We used and abused all of these people that God gave the same rights as he did all people. To live and prosper in the world that he gave to all.
In our schools they have never taught the real history of the world and definitely never taught the true history of America. Not the good and the bad. People have been taught to hate all things that they do not know the truth about. When will we ever learn that we do not own this earth, it has been loaned to us for our use in our life- time. We as caretakers have allowed people in power to ruin every thing that is good. Avarice is a sin.

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