Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Senator Jeff Sessions:

Eighty-three years ago I was born in the third-world state of Alabama. I am white and have followed your lousy radical politics all my life. I am a white woman and my relatives settled in Tuscaloosa and Pickens County, Alabama in the late 17 and 1800. Many were as bigoted and racially prejudice as you are. My husband was an attorney and a good honest one. I know the law and the constitution. In the beginning it was wrong, there have been changes, but it is still not right.

Where do people get off that the Founding Father’s and Constitution was so great? Yes parts of it was good, but others parts were as dumb as many of the changes that have been made. I listen to the religious nuts saying this country was built on Christian principles. It wasn’t; it left out a part of the people in this country. The American Indians that were here first the African people that were brought to do everyone’s work and sold like cattle at an auction. They were not considered citizens. Then there was the better half of this nation, the women that had no rights. Without women this old world would have ended long ago. It took a long time for women to realize that they had rights and were stronger that men emotionally and mentally. Why should those men be considered so great? They all agreed and signed the constitution and I do not consider any of them Christians. So rule out the country built on Christian principles.

As time went on the people in power started changing and adding to the constitution and not all of that has been good. I look in awe at some of the things added by legislators in Congress and state governments: At one time it wasn’t allowed for African’s to marry and it wasn’t allowed for a white person to marry an African person. In the original constitution it did not mention; a woman’s right to have a child or not have a child. A person’s right to marry whomever they wish, no matter the gender. The people in power started bringing their religion into politics, where it had no place. And to this day many do not realize that their religion is between them and God, he is their Judge when it comes to their faith and how they live their lives. No one else; God has the rule of law on this matter.

I heard the remarks you made while Elena Kagan was being grilled by you bunch of unethical radical republicans. The only word in your vocabulary is NO, and you will not agree with anyone that thinks differently than you do. To bad because you are never right, when it comes to dealing with the majority of people. Your only interest is the money and power group.

One thing I will tell you: You will never see the day that you will measure up to Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. The judicial and legal system should not under any circumstances be political. It has become political and I know longer have any respect for a portion of the justices now serving. Having been a judge in this day and age is nothing more than a political hack like the majority of you in congress. All of you take bribes from lobbyist. In fact you took $568,823.00 ($85,500.00 to vote for and $475,323.00 to vote against) on the health care bill, and you voted NO of course. Now tell me how ethical you are! Republican senators, took $94,338,189.00, Democrats took $24,277,439.00. There are a lot of unethical Democrats also.

None of you are fit to legislate and make rules and regulations for the citizens of this country and should not be allowed to walk in the halls of congress, and I hope someday they push your worthless rear ends out the door. Maybe people will wise up one of these days. I love the fact that you all claim to be Christians. All republicans hate the fact that our President is part African and American, that’s why you fight so hard to not pass anything, while he is President. What are you guys going to do when you meet your Maker for his judgment of your deeds on this earth, and find out he is a different color than you?


I see where Brother Jeb is standing up for Brother George,
(The Village Idiot, some of us old people call him) and do not want anyone blaming him for the downfall of our government during his 2000 to 2008 reign. Whom should they blame the people he let more or less run the government, Cheney and his crew of warmongers? Iraq, wasn’t about WMD’s, it was about oil. Don’t tell me that the President didn’t know. Cheney got together with all the oil executives and divided up the oil fields in 2001, before 9/11. I hate the part of government that tries to keep everything secret from we the people that elected them. Many of us are dumb, many do not pay attention, many of us do not care, many of us are paying more attention to sports and many do not remember the things from the past. A lot of us old people have a problem as we get older, we lose our short term memory, but retain our, long- term memory; I have.

I remember the hell, raised about Whitewater-gate matter with Bill Clinton, $50 million or so. But the alleged banking misdeeds by the Bush family—Brother Neil (Silverado Savings), $1 billion; Brother Jeb (Broward Savings), $221.8 million; and Father George (BNL-Iraqgate), $5 billion. While everyone focused on Clinton’s misdeeds, they apparently had forgiven and forgotten the Bushes banking practices. There was, a lot of unethical practices going on. No jail time! Family and friends paid fines and legal fees. The other little side note! The public closure of Silverado was delayed until after the 1988 election. Regulators wanted to close the doors; a call from Washington delayed the closing for 45 days which, meant the public would not learn about its newly acquired $1.3 billion debt until after George H.W. Bush won.

This is one reason the Republicans and the Bush gang, have always wanted to get rid of regulations on Corporations of all kinds. This is only a smidgen of the unethical workings of the Bush family. If you want to read all the smarmy detail, pull up ‘Once upon a Time in The Bush Family—A Series, by Evelyn J Pringle, and the next goody, ‘Why Are We In Iraq? Bush Family $$$ Signs, by Evelyn J. Pringle, ; I love the little article of ‘War Is Family Business’, and I quote ‘Here’s where the web of deceit really get complicated. There are so many ties between the Bush Family, the defense industry and the global arms trade, that it’s almost impossible to keep track of them all. But yet the widespread ties are hardly ever mentioned in the mainstream media. Or a revelation might show up for a day or two and then its like oh well, what’s new’.

Another little tidbit in her article which is not surprising, if you have been around a long time, ‘shortly after the 9/11 attacks, it became known that Bush Sr. was financially linked to the bin Laden family. The Sept. 28, 2001 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that, ‘George H.W. Bush, the father of President Bush, works for the bin Laden business in Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group, an international consulting firm.’ We don’t hear too much about the apolitical Brother Marvin, but he and Sister Dorothy do capitalize on family ties.

Yep! We all hear how great they are, the Bushes, but they aren’t. They are a bunch of avarice-ridden crooks and they have helped ruin this country while filling their pockets at the expense of the citizens of this country. That is the only legacy they have.


The ruination of our world: In the beginning all things were supposed to be good. God had no religion. The world was of his making for the good of all his creation. Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountains and the sea, then the fish, fowls, animals, then God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created he them.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Well, all that have read the first and second chapter of Genesis knows what happened thereafter.

I haven’t been able to figure out why God created that Serpent and gave him such power to convince Eve to eat that apple, how sad, because since that time everything bad that has happened on this earth seems to be blamed on the women. I learned long ago that women really aren’t the weaker, sex. It was just an excuse to put the blame on someone else. It is always someone else’s fault, whatever goes wrong. Trying to figure out where all our problems in our world started is sort of like trying to figure out which came first the egg or the chicken. Instead of man having the soul that God intended, it seems a little of whatever he put into the serpent, also went into man.

In the beginning all man had was the Word of God. Religion is a man made thing, so it didn’t come until later. Politics has always been with us all through the Bible you, will note one group of people against another jockeying for more power over another, for more land for various agriculture, and to raise their animals, for food of course, but to have more and be richer than the other group of people. Avarice the old soul destroying part of man became the worst part of many men and persists to this day. The mixture of politics and avarice has been our downfall, in all nations throughout the earth that God created. It seems to be easier to follow all the bad traits than it is to follow the good things. Maybe it is the adage ‘the Devil made me do it’. Most all human beings do things that they know are not right. But when it comes to the place where when you do, you hurt and do harm to so many people, it’s time to stop and take a look at yourself and decide what you want the end game to be, life or death. That’s when man brought his brand of religion into the game, as sort of a way to try and whitewash his soul, so he mixed it with the politics and avarice. Man plays one against the other. It has caused wars from the beginning of time and continued on until this day, and will never end until our earth is soaked with human blood, and God figures its time to close up shop as there isn’t anything left worth saving of all he created for us and many did not appreciate.

Man figures the more he can manipulate politics and religion with his power, money and greed through any corrupt venue he can, he can control the majority of the people. That is the sad situation of our world. The life of a human being is of no importance to this type of people. You will note down through history any ruler who came to prominence, who seemed to have a good heart and wanted to work for the people was not able to do so. The group with the dark souls banded together and abolished all he stood for, by ridicule, slander, propaganda, and out right falsehoods.

When man uses power and money as a weapon to destroy, rather than a tool for the good of mankind, he is an evil being of the worst sort and will find no redemption in God’s eyes. Men in this category cause death and destruction wherever they go, and they do not care whom; they destroy, not people or our earth, their only God is AVARICE. Their Religion that they try to spread has nothing to do with God or Jesus Christ. It is a pretense not Christianity. One thing I can tell them about all the asset’s they accumulate while they are here with the living, they can’t take it with them and it will bring no favor in God’s eyes unless they have done good with it for their fellow man.

There is nothing they can hide from God with their double bookkeeping system or delete from their computer that he doesn’t know about. You can fool some of us mortals here on earth, but that is all you can fool.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Seeing Evil

I saved an article written by a Mr. Frederick N. Norton of Fort Worth back in the late 1990’s. Called Seeing Evil, I am going to quote as follows:

I am a lifelong fiscal conservative. I have voted for many Republicans in my 45 years of voting. I will not vote for another Republican as long as the religious right controls that part. Thirty years ago, Middle America looked left and saw evil. Now we look right and see only evil. I did not serve in two wars against the commies only to see my country turned over to the forces of evil. In Northern Ireland, the Middle East and here today’s Evil Empire the religious right.

The right hates and fears Middle America because we are the majority. All we have to do is vote, and they are out of power. Bu not voting, we are permitting 30 percent of our people to run our country. All we need to do is vote. We can send them back to their power base in hate radio and newspaper columns. We reject their ‘family values’ of greed, hate and bigotry. We wonder why our hometown newspaper provides a platform for the hate mongers. But when they are out of power, they will be mostly out of sight.

Middle Americans, vote a straight Democratic ticket this year and again in 2000. Let’s put the Evil Empire out of business.

I agreed with him then and we did not do what he asked us to do. I agree with him now, and wonder if he still feels as he did those many years ago. Things have only gotten worse. Avarice, greed and politics have taken over. Our religion, which is a personal private matter between each human being and God, has become a talking point in all, political discussions. Our, Justice system, military, schools and religious organizations have all become political footballs, with lobbying groups in our federal government. Can we do better in November 2010 or are we going to follow the same path? It looks like we should have learned. It seems like many have just given up, but people should learn, you never give up on the truth and what is right, and your right is to vote for what is right for the majority of the people, not a favored few.


As I listened Rep. Ike Skelton about his stance on ‘DON’T ASK DON’T TELL’ in regard to moving this stupid asinine law from our men and women in the military. I could not believe that he has lived to be 78 years old and had not learned anymore about the character of a human being than he has. That one’s sexual orientation makes them any different than any other person, other than that one thing. It isn’t anyone business, just as his sex life is no one’s business. Maybe he has never, know any on a personal basis. I have and they have been better at their jobs, as doctors, lawyers, musicians, teachers, mothers and fathers of choice. They have been better Christians than most people. I note from his bio that his religious affiliation is the Disciples of Christ. I also see what he learned from it. I quote from Jonathan Swift, “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”
I quote from a medical doctor, “If we believe, as Christians, that all are created uniquely equal to one another in the image of God, as we say we do, how can we be so self-absorbed to think that God makes straight people more perfect than gay people? If God gave us science and science is a means to learn God’s creation and through science we learn that our sexual orientation is congenital – not a choice but a gift – how can we continue to begrudge committed same-sex relationships? Pablo Casals said, “Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving what the world need most.” My final is, “Men never do evils so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction.” God did not make him a Judge in his place and an act of Congress damn sure doesn’t.


SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT: PURE AND SIMPLE. He is such an egotistical buffoon. Wants the Federal Government to leave Texas alone. I think that would be a good idea, dump all Republicans politicians, corporations and everyone that their income is over $150,000.00 a year, that think he is so great and does the best for the citizens of the State of Texas. Our Federal Government of the United States is still responsible for the hard working poor and middle class of this state, because Perry does not give a damn about them.

He has never been responsible for all the mishandled Institutions for the Developmentally Disabled children and adults or the Nursing Homes for the Medically Disabled senior citizens of Texas or the young people incarcerated that have been abused, molested and ill treated by various agencies under his control that he doesn’t keep up with. Even when these things have been reported, no one is really being held accountable. The Governor of this state should be held accountable.

He is out campaigning 12 months of the year, instead of seeing that the citizens of this state that needs help are taken care of. Plus he is taking tours of other countries like Iraq, etc. I thought his job was the State of Texas.
Did he pay for it out of his pocket of funds, did the State of Texas or the federal government pay for it???

His time is spent with people that buy his attention. His moral compass has been skewed by money. Money is a tool to be used for good, not for just a favored few, but for all the citizens of this state. The federal government furnishes part of the money for this state to help take care of people who cannot take care of their selves. It is designated for that purpose. He thinks it is for him to use as he sees fit. Any that is used for those that are unable to take care of their selves he does in his own good time. While people many are doing with out food and decent humanitarian care.

I note that he is out trying to get all the Hispanic votes as it gets close to election time, when before he didn’t give a tinker’s damn about them. Yes this was once the land of the Hispanic people, but the only time he cares is to garner votes to stay in office. Where are all the many intelligent people with common sense, surely they can see through this glorious charade he and the republican politicians are putting on. Do our people not think for their selves anymore, or do they listen to politicians with a pocket full of money, furnished by many wealthy power brokers and large corporations, who are working this jerk to get everything their way?

People don’t you realize he is using all his campaign funds from this group to sway you to vote him back into office, so he can continue doing the same damn thing? After he gets back in office, he will drop you like a hot rock. You will be able to give him your vote if you fall for his scam but you will get nothing in return, just like before. The only ones he pays attention to and caters too are, THE MONEY CROWD, the big heavies. Haven’t any of you noticed this?

All you people that have been unemployed and had to draw unemployment checks, didn’t you notice that he as the GOVERNOR, didn’t want to give it to you? Didn’t want the federal government to send money. If he had any forethought that at sometime in his radical regime, many of the citizens of this state might become unemployed due to the previous republican group running our federal government, that definitely didn’t care about the little people of this country and broke it.

If he was so damn smart and great as a Governor he would have known what was going on. Remember he and Bush were friends, in fact bosom buddies. All the years he was in office before the bottom fell out, he could have raised the unemployment tax, which hadn’t been raised in 20 years and was one of the lowest in the country. But he couldn’t upset his power base of large corporations by telling them it needed to be raised; they wouldn’t like it!

But he still had the ball assed audacity to take and use the UNEMPLOYMENT FUND to bankroll his Texas Enterprise Fund, which grants taxpayer money to big businesses to induce job creation. I remember one he did; good old Countrywide Mortgage; sort of a rotten bunch –remember the sub-prime interest rates? They were really good at that. Critics have called it Perry’s
‘slush fund/corporate welfare’. All the $460 million into the fund since 2005, when Perry snuck a little noticed bill through the Legislature authorizing the transfers, the he did a $50 million through the Texas Enterprise Fund to build a biotech center at his Alma Mater A&M. I thought the unemployment tax that went into the unemployment fund, was designated for that purpose, not tax money that he could use for his own PIGGY BANK. Surely to goodness, people who care and people who have been and might be unemployed down the road wouldn’t vote for a lowdown man who would fraud the people of Texas for his on gain and glory. And he claims to be a good Christian! All I have to say to that is BULL-MANURE.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving what the world needs most. Pablo Casals

A quote by Haile Selassie, “Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

America a part of the world, that God made. Some of my ancestors lived here, when the illegal immigrants came from Europe, looking for a place to live in peace. They brought all their bad habits with them. They decided that the Indians shouldn’t be here! They started taking all their land and rights away from them. They started setting up laws of the land. Indians weren’t considered citizens according to their rules. So it wasn’t really peace they were after, it was power to rule. It has been nothing but a constant fight for more land and more power since that time.

The Spanish came with Priests to set up missions to make Catholics out of the Indians and Mexicans in the southeast, southwest and California. In 1722 they took control over Texas, but again it was decided they didn’t belong here either and the power brokers needed more land and proceeded to run them out across the river into Mexico. Now we have illegal immigrants coming back across the river. Everyone all over the country is raising hell. Why? Their ancestors were here before we came. We took what was their territory. Maybe they want it back. It would serve us right if they decided they wanted to reassert their control over Texas again.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction. Frankly I think we are a lousy bunch of human beings who claim to be Christians. All we have ever done is consider ourselves better than the Indians, Mexicans and the African people that we brought here as slaves. We used and abused all of these people that God gave the same rights as he did all people. To live and prosper in the world that he gave to all.
In our schools they have never taught the real history of the world and definitely never taught the true history of America. Not the good and the bad. People have been taught to hate all things that they do not know the truth about. When will we ever learn that we do not own this earth, it has been loaned to us for our use in our life- time. We as caretakers have allowed people in power to ruin every thing that is good. Avarice is a sin.


Hey hoss – hold it! My President Obama didn’t screw up. It was already screwed up when he got there. All the laws, rules and regulations were removed, so the oil and energy corporations could do as they wished, plus given a big tax break to help them. I believe the ENERGY CZAR in charge was named CHENEY.

Obama didn’t cause the oil fiasco, but he said the buck stops with him. He can and will hold the culprits accountable. With the help of the good people in this country he can correct the laws, rules and regulations that were broken, strictly for avarice, on the part of all involved, including the executive branch of our government. It is time for every state to become responsible for the citizens of their state in lieu of taking bribes from the big oil and energy corporations and doing their bidding.

The President we have now is a man of quiet determination and dignity. He is not a spoiled angry tantrum throwing person, as he knows that it will not accomplish anything.

There will be many people whom have been taking bribes all the years that will fight him on correcting all the things that need to be done to put our country back on a solid footing. It will not be easy, but it will be the right thing to do.

My Dream of Health Care for All

April 6, 2010

My Dream of Health Care for All:

The reason my 83rd Birthday was so great. The Health Care Reform was signed into being, on March 25, 2010. Something I have wished for so many times as various President’s tried to get it into the works, but so many would not allow the bill to go forth. My reason is as follows:

We saw practically all my Mother’s family decimated by tuberculosis in the 1930’s. We had a great Doctor and friend and he came whenever he was sent for, but there was no medicine to help. Eating all the right foods was no problem; they had a nice farm, garden, fruit trees of all kinds, berries by the gallons, grapes, pecans, chestnuts, sugar cane for syrup. They had cows, hogs, chickens and goats. There was always milk, butter, eggs and good food to eat, but about the only suggestion was go west to a higher dryer climate you might be able to find a Sanitarium. We found one in Bisbee, Arizona and Aunt Louise died there. One in San Angelo, Texas, the others we found in Alabama didn’t help either. Health Care came many moons to late to help all the people I loved so dear. Social Security and Medicare came to late for all except my Mother, as none of the others reached that golden age of 65.

Let’s hope this will never happen to another family in our day and age. But even now in the age of many medical miracles, and money for everything, even wars to kill more people, there are people who do not want other people to have Healthcare, if it might cost them. There is nothing more valuable on this earth than good health otherwise there is no joy in living if you are constantly suffering and know that death is just around the next curve.

When I was 7, a man working for my Grandfather became ill, he lived on the farm and helped my Grandmother do the garden, milk, fed the stock, helped her in the kitchen. My family, helped take care of him, he died in 1935. Dr. Hall said it was tuberculosis. In 1935 Uncle Deal died age 27, from pneumonia. Aunt Flora Mae died in 1936 age 23, from tuberculosis. Aunt Nellie died in 1938 age 16, she had tuberculosis, but a ruptured appendix caused her death. Aunt Lee died in 1938 age 26, from tuberculosis. My 6 foot 4 tall wonderful Grandfather, who protected me when I got in trouble with my Father died in 1939 age 57, from tuberculosis. Uncle Lawrence who was a handsome young man died in 1939 age 18. Aunt Louise died in 1939 age 25 from tuberculosis and left 2 small sons (who were raised by her in-laws to be grown and raised families of their own). Uncle Joe Fred died in 1940 age 29, from tuberculosis and left 2 young sons (my Grandmother raised them until they were grown and they raised families of their own). My Aunt Bernice died 1940 from tuberculosis at age 16 years and 16 days.

This left my little 5 foot 3 Grandmother at age 53, with my uncles 33 year old, Uncle Elton and 14 year old James Hall (who always insisted I call him Uncle, even though he was only a little over 6 months older than I, and her two small grandsons age 9 and 6.

This left my Grandmother with 4 living children, my Mother Era, age 32 with 6 children of her own, I was 13. My Aunt Lois, age 23 with 1 child. My little Grandmother had lost her own Mother when she was 7 years old. So a hard life was nothing new to her. Most all who had died had started being sick in 1934. But she actually lost 6 of her own children, her husband and 1 son-in-law and 1 daughter in-law in a 5, year period. Can anyone imagine having to feed, take care of so many sick people at one time? Laundry, to be done the old-fashioned way, washtub and rub-board, then hung on the line to dry. See that cows are milked and fed, milk churned for butter, other animals taken care of, gardens to be tended and other crops to be taken care of. Of course all family members that weren’t sick helped. A few old and dear friends helped also.

In those days people were so afraid of tuberculosis, as they knew there was no cure. So many people who always came for great food and friendship stayed away and you couldn’t blame them. The other man, Vanderbilt Brown who worked for my Grandfather and had a barbershop, on the farm, stayed and helped my Grandmother and the family through all of this tragedy and would not leave until my Grandmother insisted.

A friend of my Grandfather owned a Barber Shop in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and he gave him a job. I saw him in 1953 when I was 26 years old. I took my Mother to Alabama and we stopped at the Barber Shop to see him. This was in the days when white women did not go into an establishment to see a black man, must less go up and hug him. But I did. It was so good to see this wonderful man, whose first duty was to see that I didn’t get hurt running around the farm when I was little. I was the first grandchild. He doctored my many cuts with alcohol and peroxide. When he shaved my Grandfather, I loved the smell of what he put on his face afterward. Always had to have some put on me. He was a beautiful soul. I will always remember all the love, help and care he gave my family when things were, so dark and sad. He, gave me, my first haircut, a boyish bob with bangs, I was 4.

I often wonder how on God’s green earth my little Grandmother lived through so much heartache. But she stood as tall as the mighty pine trees in Alabama and as hard to kill as a kudzu vine. She saw her youngest son go into the Navy in 1944 and he stayed there and retired after 28 years and raised his family. Her oldest grandson, at age 17 went into the Navy before she died. After 7 years of taking care of her family with tuberculosis all those years, she never contacted the dreadful disease. She died 8 years later in 1948 with a heart attack at age 60, 3 months, 6 days, when her youngest grandson was 14.
My Mother put him in a private school in Alabama. My Uncle Elton died from tuberculosis in 1949 at age 42, which was inevitable, as he would not leave the old home. My Mother and Father had moved to Texas with all of us, and Aunt Lois and Uncle James moved to Texas also. When he got sick they came back and put him in a hospital in Birmingham, but he did not want to stay, so he came back home, but would not go to bed. He walked a lot and should not be walking, but I think he was looking to find the end of his road, and he did one June day.

On the day of his funeral, when everyone was at the cemetery, some nice ‘Christian’ person set fire to the old home and when they returned, it had burned to the ground. All papers, pictures, the old organ that I loved to make noise on, the old trunks that quilts and other things were stored in. The big framed, pictures of both my Great-Grandfathers with their beards. Even the luggage they had brought with them to the funeral. Nothing was saved.

I found out who did it, but he had already died, when I did. This man used to hunt and fish with my Grandfather and my Father, he an all his family were guests in our homes, they always came to the big holiday cookouts that my Grandfather had and enjoyed the wonderful homebrew he made and bottled for these special occasions. We had gone to school with his children and my Grandfather had sold him his store and service station across from the post office and our school when he got sick. I would have liked to have, whipped his sorry hide with a buggy whip. No one, had to go into the house, nor live in it, no one lived near by. No one else died of tuberculosis that lived in that house until 9 years later when Elton died in 1949. None of the friends that came to visit or any other family members contacted tuberculosis.

It was a tragedy that I will never forget. I am the only one left that was old enough to remember. I remember my elderly relatives talking about the influenza epidemic in the early 1900’s, with whole families dying. I remember in our cemeteries, the markers for small children, all brothers and sisters, 3 and 4 in a row all having died within a few days of each other. No real medical help available. We now have help for people that are sick, but I still remember the days when we didn’t. None of the wonderful, medicines that we have now, were available. But over time greed made many of these unavailable to many of our citizens of this country. What happened to our love of humanity?
The jingle of Midas! This is an illness that can’t be cured.

I thank our beautiful Black President Barack Obama for wanting the same thing that I have wanted for so many years and helped get it through and he signed it, even through it wasn’t all that he wanted, but it is a start. Thank God for such a man to come in my lifetime.