Friday, April 09, 2010

There is a higher law than the Constitution

There is a higher law than the Constitution

Today as I watched My President Barack Obama sign into law our long awaited Healthcare for all of the United States of America. I think back over history from 1600 to 1865.
It was a terrible time in our history. From 1865 to 2010 has not been the best of times either. All through these many years I have read and listen to all the phrases: The Land of the Free, Liberty for All, yet during this time we have had all manner of slavery and unjust laws, laws made by human beings and believe you me they made a lot of mistakes. Even when many of our forefathers realized that many of our laws were unjust, not many were changed, without bloodshed.

After the Civil war where Americans fought Americans for what reason I have yet to fathom. I have heard many different things. The main reason to, free the slaves in the south, which really didn’t work for the whole country. The north also had slaves. They all wanted to keep their slaves, so they could sit on their butt, while the slaves did the work and they could prosper without having to pay for their labors.
What is inside the soul of a human being that makes them want to own another human being?

The Constitution didn’t fare to well with Freedom and Liberty for all. All, the old south wanted to secede from the Union. States Rights!!!! They wanted to continue on with their way of life and have slaves and not be under the thumb of the Government. The various Governors of these states didn’t really want to be a part of the United States if they had to follow the law of the land. They still don’t.

To bad we aren’t able to pick people that we put in a power position that has a moral compass; that knows about God’s Law of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Even before President Obama signed this bill into law, different politicians were out trying to break it. Why do they not believe in the Constitution, that all men/women are created equal, that all the citizens of the states they represent have a right to have the same healthcare coverage that we the citizens of the United States furnish them? No they do not, they still want to be a notch higher than the people they are supposed to represent, the very people that pay them to represent them in the best possible manner. They keep promising the people year after year, so they will be reelected, but they never come through with those promises.

But one damn thing for sure those Senators and many of the Representatives do not do without anything. They keep wheedling every dollar out of their constituents and all their wealthy friends and the corporations pay them really well to vote the way they want them to. Got a list today on HR 3590 contributions to both parties. They take from the groups that supported the bill and they take from the groups that oppose the bill. The groups that oppose pay the most. And do they pay well. Seven republican senators were paid over 1M each for a total of $10,718,336. to oppose and they voted NO of course. They also were paid to support the bill. I didn’t put that amount down. I didn’t put down contributions less than 1M. Many of them did not take contributions, so all of them weren’t bought and paid for. My list also tells you how they all voted. Don’t you admire their honesty?
As I watched the voting on the bill and the abominable behavior of the Republican Party, I was ashamed that they were American citizens and had the audacity to call them-selves Christians. The bill needs work and it is not all that the President and many others wanted, but it is a start, we always have to start somewhere. I think the reason the Republicans were fighting so hard, some of their contributors are going to be mad as hell and they might have to give back some of the money. What do they do with money and who keeps up with all this bribery?

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