Friday, April 09, 2010

The Republican Political Circus

I have seen a lot of political crap in my lifetime. They say, anything to excite the crowd. Folks, this is serious business. As children we all liked to go to the circus, but even eight hours was enough. This circus started when old John McCain needed something to pickup his downhill run for president and chose Sarah Palin to bounce up onto the stage like the new gal in the local strip joint. She started out as the Soccer Mom from Alaska, plus she was the Governor. She went from one extreme to the other. Loved the spotlight and old John stood behind and let her go wild. I think he thought her smart mouth and everyone cheering would win him the presidency. It reminded me of the wrestling matches, when they first started showing them on television years ago, everybody screaming and yelling ‘kill him’ for one or the other guys, but even that got old and many people out grew it.

Now he is trying to keep his seat in the senate and she jumped up on the stage again. I hope it works as well as it did last time. She and the tea party crowd are a sad sight to look at. I wonder what she is getting paid this time???

Anything to be president, is this what anyone would want, a bunch of loud foul-mouthed guttersnipes following him around the country doing all the talking and he still doesn’t have anything to say, except downgrade someone else. No dignity or decency involved. McCain hasn’t really done an awful lot of anything since he has been in Washington. He makes a lot of statements, them turns around and contradicts himself in a few weeks or months. You can’t live on a career of having been in the navy and in a prison camp all the rest of your life. This country is full of men who went though the same thing and many of our men who didn’t make it.

He might have learned what it took to survive but if his actions of the last, two years is all he learned about the decency of being a human being, he wound up on the lower part of the totem pole. This country has people from every walk of life that think this type of political behavior is downgrading our government. In fact the whole bunch of republicans have become lower than a snakes belly. I note
In Texas 12th Congressional District, the senate and the house can’t even get together. Of course they all voted no on Health
Care and Education Act and I, am sure many poor republicans really appreciated that. We really do have some poor republicans. Senator’s voted yes on FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, but Rep. Granger voted no. In fact they usually vote no on everything that would be good for 75% of the people.

I really hope that come November many of them get dumped on their ass, as they are not worth much. And I know they hope the same thing for the democrats, in fact there are many of them that need to be dumped also. The one’s that play both ends against the middle. Even though we had to fight both tooth and nail to get the Healthcare bill passed, even though it was not everything we would have wished for, it is a start with something to work on. We should not have compromised with anyone. A little is better than nothing. We have time to proceed ahead on other things.

Should the republicans be able to buy the presidency in 2012 with the help of the supreme court justices (I will no longer capitalize them, other than some individually), The people who are helping really deserve what they will get. They got the debt with Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush II, the small government advocates. Obama got the leftover trash and the blame. But he is a bigger and better man than the one who left it. They will get their just dues. They made a mint, but when they get to the end of their road, they will leave as naked as the day they came.
It is really great to have a president who wants to do good for all people of this country. It was a slow start, with no help from some of the democrats and no help from any republicans, damn their sorry souls. But he will keep trying and many will help him. I ask God to help him, help his people.

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