Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Woman’s Choice

I was born a female into this world. My parents had control of me until the age of reasoning. They taught and told me what I could do and not do. From that time on I have always had complete control of my body. It was mine. I have been a wife and a Mother, but on my own terms, no one else’s. My children were God’s gift to me.

As I watch the stupidity going on in regard control of women’s rights about what they can or cannot do with their own body is unbelievable. No Church has the right to make laws about a woman’s body. They should not be lobbying in congress to make these laws and if they do interfere with the making of laws they should lose their tax-exempt status. Any politician and any member of the judicial branches of the government; be they man or woman that make these laws should be impeached.

A man has no right at all to make laws for a woman in regard to what she can and cannot do with her body. I cannot understand why any woman would put up with it. If she chooses to marry and have children, it should be her choice. If she chooses not to have children it should be her choice. The only thing involving the man is a few moments of pleasure and the rest is up to the woman. Most of the time it is not the intention of the man to get his partner pregnant. When they do get pregnant, he usually grips and says it is the woman’s fault that she got pregnant.

Since the beginning of time women have been told that they have no rights. But ladies, you do. You do not have to be subservient to a man. You can be his partner and meet him half way. If you are not willing, say no. If you do not want to, you do not have to. If he does want to, he can’t. You are not there to service him. If it is not a mutual thing it is of no value. If you do not want to have children it is your choice.

Let no man have control over your body other than on your terms.

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