Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Un-elected Public Officials

Un-elected Public Officials

I read an article ‘Palin represents new type of un-elected public official’. Well not exactly, we have many of them; some were elected before then were not reelected. Dick Cheney still thinks he is VP, daughter Liz Cheney thinks (or does she) that she is the head spokes person and what she has to say counts, even though most of her blather is untrue, Dick Armey still thinks he is majority leader, Newt Gingrich still thinks he is ‘head honcho’, even Tom Delay keeps sticking his finger in politics. Gramm still thinks he is the world’s greatest mathematical whiz around, actually he just knows how the system works and can cook the books, I think they have become addicted to politics, power, money and the spotlight and cannot give it up.

In 2000 George W. Bush was not elected. He was assigned, the place of President of the United States by the Supreme Court. It has been the assumption of the citizens of this country that the Supreme Court should not be political nor should the military hierarchy. I heard someone in a discussion on C-Span, being asked what they thought of Sarah Palin as a politician. Their answer “George Bush in drag’ I thought it was a very apt description.

Remember the TV program ‘Dragnet’? I remember the part, “just the facts, just the facts”. As I watch, listen, read and investigate, I find that; nearly all of the people exaggerate and embellish what they are saying with outright untruths, actually they flat lie. It is a simple thing to tell the truth and the real ‘facts’ are on record. I sit in a different position than a lot of people, I listen to everything, read everything, pull up all the facts, the real facts. Some I actually remember, in fact as I get older I can remember way back when, better than last week. I now write it down as it happens, soon I will need more table space for tablets.

I watch politicians and people stand up and lie before God and everyone. They also write the same lies. Do they not understand that many of us know when they are lying and if we are not sure and are really interested, we will check and find the truth, for our self.

It is a terrible hurtful thing to have people whom are supposed to be helping and working for the citizens of this country, stand up distort the facts and flat out lie to us, hoping they are believed, and many are, as we have people that do not have the time or interest to find out the truth, and do not put forth the effort. They just believe some things that sound feasible or have become disenchanted with the whole political process.

As I talk to people about voting, I find many who have never voted, nor registered to vote. They do not know anything about the government, how it functions or why, they do not know what their civic duty is as a citizen. The young do not know because they have fouled up our schools, by not teaching history or civics in our schools. I know the history that has been taught in our schools was just a smidgen of the truth, written in order to make our country look good. If you do not know the real truth of our history, all of it, the good and the bad, you cannot make an informed decision.

Plus you need to know the history of the world, to know why we have evolved into the nation we have become. Since time began, we have had good, bad and indifferent citizens of this world. Some had different agenda’s. Those that wanted to live, do good things love one another and have a peaceful life. Others were born with a dark side in their souls, which were filled with avarice. Their ego and self-aggrandizement was their only interest. Their way was; the only way, believe as I believe. They had to rule the roost so to speak. All others were wrong.

Religions were the same way, believe as I believe or you’re a heretic and many were killed. This is from people who were supposed to be teaching the word of God. Which I find strange, as one of the Ten Commandments, stated; “thou shalt not kill”. This is still the law in the Good Book and taught today, but not obeyed. We go to war and kill many innocent people, why? Fanatical Religions and fanatical political leaders; Avarice of the leaders of all nations; frankly the worst have been, Spain, England, France, Russia, Germany and the United States. They have done this by wars and the insidious manipulations of pretending to be a friend and putting military bases in other countries to help protect them from someone else. Our country have been really great at sending military men from the G-2 section, whom all speak the language of a particular country, in civilian clothes, start a coup, and then send our military over to squelch the uprising, viola’, we are then hero’s. We have done this in Central America. This came from a friend whom was involved. He became very disenchanted with the military. Many did, it was no longer an honor to serve under those circumstances. But many gung ho military people loved it and the intrigue.

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