Friday, April 09, 2010


I wonder about people’s understanding or mental capacity. Socialism is an economic system that is the opposite of capitalism; Communism is the opposite of democracy. We have been living with various forms of socialism for more than 200 years. Socialism is a system in which the Government collects taxes and fees then distributes them back to the people in services, deeds and goods, such as military protection, police and fire protection, public schools. All of these are paid by your; Socialist Government. All people working for government agencies, be they federal, state, county or city, are paid by your Socialist Government with taxes and fees collected by them. Most all of these pay your medical expenses, along with your contribution.

Many are now drawing Social Security and Medicare, much more than we contributed. And believe me many of you whom are hollering SOCIALIST, are enjoying the hell out of it. If you didn’t have it, many would be living in the poorhouse (if they still had them) or under a bridge or in a shelter someplace, unless you figured out someway to live beyond the curve or raised some great children to help you, as I do. On the other hand we have those born with the silver spoon in their mouth and never had to worry about anything. Then we have the group that figured out early, get in politics. That pays really well.

We have Congressman; they figured out a long time ago how to legislate. Figured out what they wanted out of the Socialist Government, put the bill through for full medical benefits, pension retirement, salary with automatic raises, travel expenses, believe you me they all voted yes, not a one of the suckers voted no. Work, maybe: Fifty-two, five day work weeks, with time off for holidays and other time off for any reason they deem necessary to visit their district, show up for some lip flapping about all the great things the are doing for their constituents (that’s the ones that voted for them, or some of them) mostly for their large contributors, or visiting other states to help out their friends and campaign all year long, by money donated from corporations, to vote the way they want them to on bills in Congress. They might actually work a total of one hundred days of an eight-hour a day. Yet this is the bunch that really hollers socialism, but boy do they love it.

Of course, they got paid, the same by, our Socialist Government, when the Radical Republican fascism type was in the White House with its aggressive nationalism, militarism and racist, fundamental religious extreme right-wing views. They want the Socialist type government for themselves, but not for the rest of the citizens of this country. Many of them pretended to be upset when Wall Street and the big banks put the screws to our country, but they do not want it to be fixed. They do not want a watchdog group keeping an eye on them, if they have someone watching over them, they want get a slice of the pie, or as big a slice. Remember, November 2012, if it happens like many people want and we the citizens allow it to happen then we deserve to have our ass kicked clear into the following November.

Hey I am a Democrat, always have been, I was born before the great depression, when people had nothing. When the ‘Great Socialist’ got Social Security going for many of our old people, they could buy sugar and shoes and a few other things. Did any of you ever have to keep one pair of shoes for ten years and when the soles wore out year after year, you patch them with pieces of leather and small tacks, but you better be careful about placement of the tacks. A good Doctor didn’t take your last dime, he would take food instead, as he didn’t have time to grow and raise his own.
You people hollering Socialist make me sick you do not even know what it means. You just listen to a bunch of stupid people that do not need help, nor probably ever did hollering and griping, that they might have to pay more taxes, but it is alright with you for churches not have to pay taxes and many of them are very rich or the wealthiest ten percent not have to pay but a penance, because they had friends in high places. I never minded taxes, as I knew the only pension I would have would be Social Security and Medicare from my Socialist Government. Thank God for it and Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his foresight for many of us. He didn’t need it due to his station in life, but he knew many of the poor people in this country would.

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