Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who’s Country?

Who’s Country? I Have Mine.

As I sit and watch and read everything about the Tea Party movement flowing through our country, I can’t believe the absolute ignorance of these people. They want their country back? Where are they from? They are not peace loving Americans. They keep mouthing, about freedom, I have my freedom. What happened to theirs? Why did they lose theirs? Was it under the 8 years of the republican regime? We now have a President that cherishes his freedom more than any of them do, and he has that right, as he have lived under the hate they are spewing all over this country all his life. Do they not understand that?

The problems in our world; are caused by fanatical religious groups and fanatical politics. Always has been. In other nations before people immigrated to this country and it has continued on, unabated by people to blind to care what they were doing, only what they wanted at the expense of many. And they haven’t changed. That is why we have the haves and have not.

The Tea Party nuts and radical republicans and other illiterate people want to be the haves. Many do not really comprehend what is going on. They are not fit to have control of this country. Not my country. The country that I lost ancestors in all the wars fought in and for my country. They can’t have it back! Their goal is to make sure President Obama is a one, term president. Don’t they realize that as a beautiful mix of both races, he sees everyone, not just a favored, few. I will tell them one thing, through him is the best chance of freedom anyone will ever have. If they had any common sense they would help him do the job he came to do. He didn’t make our debt in this country. He didn’t start the damn wars many of them and the last president with his warmongering friends, controlled by avarice did. If our country goes under, it will not be President Barack Obama’s fault it will be all the people fighting against him. As humble as any human being could possibly be, he stated “I cannot do it alone, I need all your help”. How many have stepped up to the plate? Only a few, when we had to bail out the people, that Bush wasn’t interested in when he bailed out all the big financial firms, that caused part of our downfall. They all jumped in with a big YEA to that. For anything else it has been like pulling teeth.

When I got my list of all contributions by legislator, and wasn’t to surprised to see the names of the Senators who took money. They actually took money from the groups that wanted the bill supported and from the groups that wanted the bill opposed. The opposing side paid the most money. All the republicans voted no, as you know. The party of NO actually took in $94, 388, 189. Let’s start in Alphabetically order, with the senators who took over a million dollars. Richard Burr, NC $1,226.535 – Saxby Chambliss, GA $1,673,844 – Bob Corker, TN $1,602,249
John Cornyn, TX $1,536,456 – Jim DeMint SC $1,415,360
Jon Kyl, AZ $1,577,121 – Mitch McConnell, KY $1,962,683 – John Thune, SD $1,565,665 !!!!

Democrats took money also, from both sides, not all of them, but they didn’t get in on the big stuff. Some of those contributors are going to be mad as hell, or will they count it off as a charitable contribution? Because; the ones that contribute, and the ones that take, are both guilty of bribery. To do this to the American people makes them the lowest forms of human life. I’m sure the people of each state sent them to work for them, not against them. Every state has poor people that needed healthcare badly. Why do they not want the people of their state to have healthcare like they do?

I haven’t got the list on Representatives yet; it will probably be interesting too. None of them are there to work for the good of our country and we the people, only for themselves and the ones that bought and paid for them. I call them congressional prostitutes.

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