Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obama and The Lion’s Den

Obama and The Lion’s Den

As I look at the turmoil in Washington and all the false accusations against President Obama and what many politicians and their friends with power are trying to do. I am reminded of Daniel and the politicians of his day, as they accused him falsely. They threw Daniel in the lion’s den. But with his belief in God, he was safe.
Daniel: Chapter 6, read it.

Obama is a believer. He will win his battle, maybe not the war. It will take longer than an allotted eight years to clean up the mess he inherited. Various groups like to deny he inherited it. The people that made the mess have turned their backs and eyes and pretend they did nothing wrong. It’s always someone else’s fault. But many of them know exactly who caused our downfall and many of them are still at it. They can wreck the lives of many people with their power, but in the long run they will not win. Remember the song with the line we learned as children, ‘this I know because the Bible tells me so’, it really tells you that people with power used against God’s children will not win.

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