Saturday, March 06, 2010



I heard old Jon Kyl R-AZ, say in regard to extending unemployment benefits, “let them get off their fat ass and go to work”. Now here is a brilliant republican!!! That is a marvelous idea. Stop all salaries, benefits, pensions and traveling expenses for all members of congress that are not working for we the citizens of the United States. That is what we have been paying for as taxpayers. We can put all their pensions back into our treasury. Our ordinary working people that got laid off got all these things taken away from them.
It has always been the rule that if you do not work, you do not get paid. Saying NO and flapping your mouth and gripping about everything, is not working. They have a job and they are not working at it. They have one of those iron-clad contracts that our stupid government gave them after they put forth the legislation and then passed it. So we can’t fire them and the people in their states keep electing them for their promises and pork that they bring home to the wealthy and corporations. It would take forever to impeach them for being a bunch of power hungry avarice ridden old fools that have no interest in the people of their state, just themselves, so; if we cut all of their goodies, they will not work for nothing (but with all they have stolen, they can survive for quite a while) and maybe they will quit. They will not be able to draw unemployment if they quit. I think it would be a good start to finally have a price control on everything in the United States.

What do you think?

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