Thursday, March 18, 2010

Congress Is Polarized

Congress Is Polarized:

Congress is polarized alright, but it really isn’t about the money involved in the bills in congress before them, so much as the power struggle in the minority party, a group that didn’t like to lose the last election.

The GOP try’s to pretend it is about the money, but they didn’t have a big problem with the money being spent when they were in power. Reagan was a big spender, GHW Bush was a big spender and Clinton spent some, but helped build some back. Yet their constant rhetoric is, ‘democrats are big spenders’, yet our records prove that to be untrue.

Then GW Bush spent like a drunken sailor or airman, even though he had sworn off the ‘sauce and other stuff’, except ‘power’. The records prove they are not conservative with ‘our’ money. I’m sure they are with their own personal fortunes, as they do not have to spend any of their own to accomplish all their goal of putting everyone else under their heels, they use the help from the lobbyists and corporate friends and just recently ‘the radical republican supreme court’ really swung things their way. And we the people pay all of that sorry bunch’s salaries, benefits, pensions, why? They really do not work for we the people, just a few of them.

They are really having a ball trying to make sure our ‘young black upstart’ (their words, overheard) does not succeed as President. One oldie was heard to say, it’s not ‘seemingly’. Don’t you love their Christian compassion? Actually they are a bunch of hypocrites and we have had a bunch of democrats that have joined them. What a shame for the poor and middle class people that helped elect them, that have the old racial prejudice inbred in them. I wonder how our Maker will judge them?

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