Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Terrible Sin of Hate:

The Terrible Sin of Hate:

Today when I opened my computer I found another letter from someone I have known since he was a child and have always been very fond of him, his parents and brothers and sisters. But I am also disturbed by some of the content of mail from him. Many are enjoyable, interesting and I like to receive them. Many are reminders of the old days; many are along very religious lines and about being a Christian. And at other times they are terrible distorted articles that are very upsetting. The only place I have to go and try to repute some of the things they say is The Holy Bible, as this is the book that most Christians believe in and try to live by.

This one today was a bunch of derogatory crap about President Barack Obama. With a picture of him visiting a Mosque and stating he never goes to church on Sunday and there are no news stories or photos of him and his family attending church services. Which is not true. I read, have you not, in the Good Book, St. Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 1 through 8 (the part printed in red--the words of Christ) and it states: “Take heed that ye do not do your alms before men, to be seen by them; otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Therefore, when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do, in the synagogues, and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you they have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father, which seeth in secret, himself, shall reward thee openly.
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward the openly. But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be ye not therefore like unto them; for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him.” (Read the rest of the chapter, but these first verses are very enlightening).

They seemed to be upset that President Obama, will go to a Muslim Mosque and pray, with Muslims! My, my and that’s supposed to be really bad? You can go any place you wish or invited to pray, I have. They seem to insinuate that this is an insult to our Founding Fathers! Big deal, many of them were hypocrites also. Even in the Qur’an it states; The, greatest of the Divine messages hitherto given to humanity, because it was a message for the whole of humanity, compared with the smaller messages to this or that nation. It was moreover, the most complete message. It gave the great news that the whole of humanity, not this or that nation, would receive life through it.

Now all of you good people; I believe in Jesus Christ and that is exactly what he told us. He died due to the hands of many who hated him and gave his life for our lousy souls, all of humanity.

Not just this nation that many claim was built on Christian principles, it had not even been discovered yet, but both he and his Father knew what was coming. I don’t think Jesus Christ would appreciate, using his name under such circumstances, nor would God really like the idea that this nation thinks that HE and his SON only belong to one set of people in one nation. We all belong God and to his Son for giving his life for, again I say our lousy souls.

I have always found it to be very strange, that people with some semblance of common sense or intelligence do not know that Muslims believe in God, the same God we believe in, they call him by a different name, they speak a different language. All nations of people believe in God, the Supreme Power, Deity, Jehovah or Allah. Each of them have, a different way of praying or practicing their religion. We in a nation of many Christians, with many different denominations of religions, practice and have different rules in each of their church. I have even heard many different groups say, they are the only church and that to get to heaven, you have to go through them. I had a great friend, a Priest of a Catholic church and we used to discuss religion a lot, he said, ‘Evelyn, any religion is better than none’. That is true, our God gave all of us the same privileges, rules and with no special privileges to any one human being, no matter your station in life, or the color of your skin, nor the church you attended or if any. I read a saying once and don’t know who wrote it, ‘God loves everyone, but probably prefers ‘fruits of the spirit’ over ‘religious nuts’!

In all my years of searching in the Good Book, that the majority of we Christians use, I have never found any mention of the color of God’s are Jesus Christ’s skin. I have made the statement to many people that have made derogatory remarks about black people in my presence, ‘what are you going to do when you get to heaven (all people seen to plan on going) and find out God might be black’? Many acted like I had committed heresy. Some minds are like concrete thoroughly, mixed up and permanently set, so they will probably expect ‘separate, but equal waiting rooms’.

I do not know what clothes Jesus wore, I do know he did not wear a suit and a tie, nor nicely polished shoes. All the pictures in our ‘Christian’ Good Book show him wearing a white sheet (sort of) just like the Muslim’s do, (some, not all). They do remove their shoes when they enter the Mosque to pray. Other various religions do also. Many people remove their shoes in their homes. A few years ago the hippy group wore ‘Jesus sandals’ or that’s what they called them and people of many nations do not have any shoes at all. Removing ones shoes is a sign of respect. When I was a child we always had to wear a bonnet or hat over our head when we entered church. You must always cover your shining glory, was the expression my Father used. I didn’t think my hair was a shinning glory. I had one sister with beautiful red hair, now she had the shinning glory. But to this day at 82, I’m usually the only little old lady with a hat on when I do go inside a church. Muslim women, all of them do, many outside of the church. That is their rules and most abide by it.

Either way, God made us all to live on this earth. We cannot even do that peacefully. I imagine God will talk to us about that one day. To bad we can’t take the gift of life and this wonderful planet he gave us and be grateful. All we do is destroy it and hate anyone different than we, why? It really isn’t good for your soul; dislike maybe, but not hate.

I don’t know if the ‘Devil’ did it or not, but we seem to blame him in lieu of ourselves for our attitudes. I’m best or better than you are, your wrong and I am right, I’m rich and you are poor, I want what you have, I’m bigger than you are I can whip you, and many do, your Mother wears combat boots, was a great ones with the kids years ago, then the yah, yah, yah. Nobody proves anything, nor gets to keep anything, as the one gift God did not give us was immortality, he knew better, so we better make good use of our allotted time on this earth. Our warranty really does expire at God’s given time.

To bad we cannot accept our world and the people he made to live in it and be grateful. No one is anymore special in his eyes than any other human being on this earth, we better get used to the fact. Just pray and ask God to help you not be against any of his people, even though all people of all nations to do bad things. Just try to keep yourself from being one of them.

All of us are forgiven our sins, except for the one biggie. Matthew: Chapter 12, verses 31 and 32,
Read it.

Now since I got really upset at the type of stupid propaganda that is sent around the world day after day by people about President Barack Obama. I know the reason, so do many people. When I ask people for their reason for not voting for Barack Obama, even though they have always been a democrat, or once were, the first thing they say is ‘its not because he black’ it happens ever time.

One doth protest too much. I really, really know about all of our old southern politicians that were born and bred with the hate in them I was born among them, and the young ones born after our civil rights were passed in 1965, honey, its in the blood, sort of an southern ancestral pride. If they still live in the south, its really strong stuff. If their ancestors had moved north after l863, as they could no longer have slaves and had their land taken, many that kept their land were to lazy to work all of it, without slaves, left the south but they took along the good old racial hatred. It never got out of their system. Many of our freed black people moved away. Our white trash in the south really had a problem, even they didn’t have as many people to look down on, but they still hang on to the hatred. It seems to be the only real strong emotion they have. And I know to be a fact, and a truer word I have never spoken. Many of these people are family and friends and I hurt for them.

Everyone, of the politicians that are against President Barack Obama, is strictly because his skin is black. He is a mix of white and black, as some of them are; many of us from the south have a tinge, and there was a time when many wouldn’t admit to having American Indian blood. We need to check everyone’s DNA we just might end part of our problem in America. To them he is black and they do not even consider that he is also white. To many of them it is as if his Mother never was. Rather like some of the Jewish haters, they do not like to admit that Jesus Christ and his parents were Jewish.

It is not that he is doing everything wrong, he might do something’s wrong, but everything he has tried to do has been for the good of this country and our people that are doing without. I think the rich and powerful in this country feel like, he is trying to take from the rich and give to the poor. He is not, but feels that they should on their own. I will quote once again from the Good Book. II Timothy: Chapter 6, Verses 17-19;
“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate, laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”

That is all you will receive from this earth is his promise, IF……..

I hope all people learn, but will they ever?

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