Saturday, March 06, 2010



Any person with an ounce of decency and half a brain that heard the President’s speech on healthcare reform and did not understand the truth and reasoning for the importance of this bill will never be able to understand anything of true value to the disenfranchised citizens of this country.

As I watched all the republicans saying the American people didn’t want this bill amazed me. These old guys don’t know all the people in their own state much less all the American people. Why do they keep saying that? Do they really expect people to believe their lies? I am older than dirt and sit in a position to watch everything they say and do, plus I read and check out all this crap that they keep spouting (both sides) and I have lived long enough to tell when they are not telling the truth. I never voted for Lyndon Johnson, as he was a fence straddler, playing both sides against the middle. The only things he ever did good was Medicare and the Civil
Rights after he became President. Back through the years these politicians say one thing and then next time it comes up they change and say just the opposite, why simply politics, they are not interested in the people, just their own greed and who gives them the most money and power under the table.

When they go home and talk to their “constituents” which are just the people that voted for them, and not all of them, just the ones running their party and wealthy friends and corporations that want them to vote on bills that they want passed, which is actually about 25% of the citizens of that state, the ones who have money and power. The other 75% are the disenfranchised that have no voice in politics they just have to take what they get, which isn’t very damn much. We have states, such as
Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Texas, that I know about personally that are full of poor disenfranchised people and these states are ruled by a bunch of power hungry politicians, some of which had some money when they started, but many have become wealthy on the backs of the poor working people of those states, as that is who helps pay their salaries, benefits, pensions and traveling expenses. They really get the big bucks from the large
Corporations. They are all a bunch of avarice-ridden crooks. I think the poor people think that if I vote for them and follow, some of the good things they are getting might rub off on me. Sorry folks, it doesn’t work that way. In case you didn’t hear the remark by the Senator Jim Bunning R-KY say about not voting on passing the extension for unemployment it was “tough-shit”. He finally agreed to, voting yes after much hassle, plus he want be, there next go around. Other politicians in his state talked him out of running.

Many poor people in those states, plus many others do not have any medical coverage, unless they are 65 and draw Social Security and Medicare, which many keep calling an entitlement, it is not an entitlement; it is the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), an insurance program paid out of wages. Benefits are distributed according to the amount paid and years worked. Sort, of a poor man’s pension plan. Medicare is also is taken from wages. The deduction is about 1.5 percent, plus a matching amount from the employer. So actually it is not really an entitlement. We just have only paid into since 1965 and healthcare for our oldest, sickest, neediest citizens cost 3 percent in the public sector. This great cost in our Medicare program is caused by greed and fraud. If we could get a price control on all things in this country and eliminate the fraud, 50 percent of the cost of Medicare could be eliminated. The politicians, that do not want healthcare reform, keep saying our President is going to cut Medicare 50 percent, which is another of the fabulous lies they keep spreading. They try to scare the crap out of people. (I love to quote from the Good Book; Isaiah, Chapter 35, verse 4, “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not; behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God, with recompense; he will come and save you.”) They are worse than any terrorist from another country and it is against all the citizens of this country that they are supposed to represent. Sorry folks these guys are not for you they are against you. Wake up; they are more of us than there is of them. There are only 535 of them in congress and not all of them are against us, just a lot of them. Stand up and fight for what you believe is right.

We have a plotting of the wicked going on in this world and always have had; rulers of countries and many denominations of religions that are supposed to be spreading the word of God have used the people who follow them to become rich and powerful. They tell you that your salvation depends on them. It doesn’t that is up to God. Most of them are false prophets and use you for their power. Governments and leaders of countries do the same thing. Many claim to believe in God, but evidently they do not or they wouldn’t do the dastardly things they do to the people in their country. All through the bible it tells you how to treat people. Especially the poor and the needy and that your thirst for riches and power will not get you though the pearly gates.

I remember the many things from my early life and noticed the difference in people’s treatment of other people different than they were and wondered why. I hated the wars and things countries did to their people and each other. I was always interested in politics and watching the pro and con of all parties in this big fiasco. When I really noticed the big change (probably because of more coverage by television and newspapers) was after the assassination of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King by our homegrown terrorist. That’s when I realized to what extent political parties and their radical propaganda would possess people to do such terrible things. But when I really noticed the absolute evil in politics was in 1981 when
Reagan the Radical Republican became President, with Bush the chronic political hack as his Vice-President. The things they did with help of advisors and over blown military to the Middle East, made the hate of the western world worse. Eight years of that nearly sunk us financially. Money and power put Bush in as President and he continued on down the same road and into the Gulf war, protecting his oil interests in the Middle East and we went more into the hole financially. Twelve years of Republican rule was all we the people could stand. Clinton was elected President, with republicans in control of congress. He did some good, then hit a big snagged in regard to his personal life, but he fought on and brought us partially out of the hole financially, even with the Bosnia fiasco and no help from republicans. Bush the village idiot with lots of money backing and all the big mouth hacks with power got him assigned President by the republican backed Supreme Court. He wasn’t really elected by we the people, his presidency was bought and at what a price. Into the hole we went again. We were just starting to come alive again in a small way as a country, but when we got another republican named Bush for president, the Middle East had had enough. They knew what he was after, the oil rich Middle East. It was already on the drawing board and 9-11 happened, just what he needed for a good excuse to go after Iraq and Saddam Hussein (I remember him saying, he tried to kill my Daddy) but he went after Afghanistan first, stayed for a little while then headed for Iraq with no legitimate reason. That jerk really put us in the hole and made us hated all around the world. All his talk about making the Iraq people free by getting rid of Saddam and all his cohorts saying the war wouldn’t cost us anything. It did it cost us many of our soldiers and lots of Iraq’s people and money we will never be able to repay (as it as all borrowed) and a country all shot to hell that we have been paying to rebuild (Cheney’s Halliburton and it’s many affiliates got rich off of rebuilding it). I listened to a reporter who has been over in Iraq getting all the details since the war started and was discussing the new election coming up. He stated that approximately 75 percent of the Iraqi people he interviewed said if Saddam Hussein was on the ballot they would vote for him. So I guess the Iraqi people weren’t so delighted about Bush getting rid of Saddam Hussein. I don’t know about the rich of this world, but I bet you a dime that the majority of the poor and middle class hope never to see a republican in power again. It seems money of this earth can by anything, but one thing it can’t by you is a peaceful afterlife. Maybe they think they are immortal.

Again I am going to quote from the Good Book; Isaiah,
Chapter 32, beginning with verse 5 though 8. “The vile person shall no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry; and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right. But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand”. So this old liberal person will stop venting my spleen for now.

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